
  1. 以期能为同类院校合署办公管理有所裨益。

    To similar institutions for co-located management benefits .

  2. 并在这个基础之上给出针对合署办公后的冲突管理的一些建议。

    And on this basis is given for the co-located on conflict management after some suggestions .

  3. 鞍山地震台与地震办公室合署办公的管理体制促进了地震工作的健康发展

    The management system of " combining seismic station and seismological office into one " promotes the seismological work of Anshan

  4. 四川省政府的合署办公制度研究(1935~1949)

    The Office Space , 1986 Research on the Merge Work System of Sichuan Province Government ( from 1935 to 1949 )

  5. 纪检监察机关合署办公后,如何有效发挥行政监察在反腐倡廉工作中的作用,是反腐倡廉工作面临的新课题。

    After the joint organs of discipline inspection and supervision , it is a new task how to give effective play to the administration supervision in the struggling against corruption and encouraging honesty .

  6. 党的纪律检查机关与行政监察机关的合署办公,是我国党政监察体制的一项重大改革,是党的纪律检查工作正确处理同行政监察工作之间关系的一个合理有效的形式。

    Co-operative work of Party 's departments of inspecting discipline and administrative supervise is a great reform in inspecting system of Party , and a reasonable , effective form for correctly solving the relation between administration and inspection .

  7. 着重分析双重领导体制和纪检监察合署办公体制下带来的一系列问题,如行政监察机关的经费问题,政府干预行政监察工作过度,上级监察机关的领导不足。

    Focuses on the analysis of dual leadership system and the discipline inspection and supervision office closing office system brings a series of problems , as the financial problem , excessive government intervention , the deficiency in superior supervisory organs leadership .

  8. 有的地方采取城市管理行政管理部门与行政执法部门合署办公的形式,将原来承担城市管理的执法队伍进行重新整编,分别设立城市管理局和城市管理行政执法局。

    In some places to urban management departments of administration and administrative law enforcement offices office , in the form of the original urban management law enforcement team to regroup , respectively , set up the city administration and administrative law enforcement of urban management bureau .

  9. 社会主义市场经济体制建立时期反腐倡廉的主要措施:治理乱收费、狠刹行业不正之风;党政纪检监察机关合署办公和国家反贪机构成立;开展三讲教育活动。

    Anti-corruption measures in the period of the socialist market economic system : management fees , restraint of unhealthy tendencies in some industries ; Party discipline inspection and supervision organs of the reconsideration office ; the establishment of national anti-corruption agency and carry out the " following " education activities .