
hé fǎ xìnɡ
  • legitimacy;legality;legal validity
合法性 [hé fǎ xìng]
  • [legality;legitimacy]∶合法的性质或状态:如通常因合法婚姻怀孕、生孩子与家长之间的家庭关系引起的法律地位,孩子有受抚养的权利,有使用合法父亲的姓氏的权利,有不可限制的继承权和受法律充分保护的权利

  1. 由当地名流选出、任职9年的参议员缺少国民议会议员的民主合法性。

    Elected by local notables for nine years Senators lack the democratic legitimacy of members of the National Assembly

  2. 报纸直接质疑政府的合法性。

    The newspaper was directly challenging the government 's legitimacy .

  3. 他们打算在法庭上对他的要求的合法性提出质疑。

    They intended to challenge the legality of his claim in the courts .

  4. 新政府当选的合法性受到了反对派的挑战。

    The election of the new government was met by a challenge from its opponents .

  5. 反规避条款有其存在的合法性和合理性

    The anti-circumvention clause has its " validity and rationality . "

  6. 法律传统具有群体性、势合法性、史延续性和可变性四个基本特性。

    It has four traits : collectiveness , legitimacy , continuity and changeability .

  7. 附注:1。刊户对所刊登广告内容的合法性、真实性负责。

    NOTES : 1 . The trust unit must be responsible for the adverting content of legalization and authenticity .

  8. 只有这样,WTO才能在构建自身争端解决合法性的基础之上,推动世界多边贸易体制健康地向前发展。

    Only like this , can WTO help the multilateral trade system develop forward healthily and consolidate its legitimacy foundation .

  9. 目前的VPN系统认证技术只是保证了用户身份的合法性,却无法保证用户计算环境的安全性。

    Although VPN system can ensure the credibility of user identity , it can not guarantee the integrity of the user computing environment .

  10. GATS的成立为国际服务贸易活动的规范提供了合法性基础与完整的互动的框架。

    The GATS provides strong foundation and legal framework to regulate and liberalize trade in trade in services .

  11. 口令是最广泛使用的一种验证用户身份合法性的方法.授权的用户都拥有一个区别于系统中其他用户的标识符ID和秘密口令PIN。

    Password is the most widely method to authenticate the legality of users . Authorized users have a identifier ID and password secret PIN different from other users in the system .

  12. 而利用Winsock替代能够较为合理有效的捕获到这些网络应用程序所发送和接收的数据,从而可以通过分析这些数据来达到保证网络上面所传递信息的合法性的目的。

    We can use Winsock-substitute to capture the data transferred by network application programs and then analyze these data to assure the validity of them .

  13. 随着SVG的广泛应用,确保SVG图像的不被非法篡改、安全性、版权合法性也成为日益突出的问题。

    With the widespread application of Scalable Vector Graphics ( SVG ), a pressing problem arises to ensure its safety and copyrights , and not to be modified illegally .

  14. 本系统采用密码和证书两种方式来对连接双方身份的合法性进行验证,采用SSL加密方法对双方信息传输进行加密,从而有效地提高了系统本身的安全性。

    This system adopts two ways of password and certificate to guarantee the identity legitimacy of both sides , adopts SSL encryption method to encrypt the information transmitted between two sides , thus improves the system security performance effectively .

  15. FSRA系统采用严格的访问控制和权限管理机制:充分保证了用户数据访问的合法性和有效性。

    FSRA picks the control of connection access and management of right : So FSRA system fully ensured the legality when users access data .

  16. 因为OCL是一种声明式语言不能被直接执行,所以依照OCL文法编写OCL的词法和语法分析分析程序,确保OCL表达式的合法性。

    Because OCL is a declarative language and cannot be directly executed , so OCL lexical analysis and syntactic analysis program written according to the OCL grammar can make sure the legitimacy of the OCL expression .

  17. 美国和其同盟伙伴&欧洲和该地区的国家,都认为在巴格达建立一个包容性的,能够胜任的政府,是保证稳定和合法性、并在伊拉克消灭ISIS的关键。

    The US and its coalition partners – Europeans and regional states alike – see the creation of an inclusive and competent government in Baghdad as the key to stability , legitimacy and the erasure of Isis in Iraq .

  18. 承认的尊严&价值观教育的合法性审视

    Dignity of Recognition : Examining the Legitimacy of Education of Value

  19. 论经济法法权之合法性

    On the Legitimacy of the Legal Right in the Economic Law

  20. 制度本身的合法性、合理性以及适当性也备受争议。

    System and its legitimacy , rationality and appropriateness of controversy .

  21. 海外冲突是国内合法性的来源。

    Confrontations abroad are a source of legitimacy at home .

  22. 判断刑事证据合法性的标准及非法证据的排除

    On Standards of Criminal Proofs ' Legitimacy and Exclusion of Illegal Proofs

  23. 公司章程反收购条款合法性研究

    Studies of Validity on Anti-takeover Article of the Charter of the Corporation

  24. 巩固党长期执政的合法性基础

    The Law Basis of Party 's Long-Term Execution of Power

  25. 文学史历史解释的合法性

    The Validity on the Historical Explanation of the Literary History

  26. 当代文学的构造及其合法性依据

    " Contemporary Literature ": Its Structure and Basis of Legality

  27. 斯大林时期苏共执政合法性研究

    Study of the Legitimacy of CPSU 's During Stalin 's Reining Period

  28. 平行截面上两个多边形之间三角剖分的合法性

    The Validity Of Triangulation Between Two Polygons On Parallel Slices

  29. 意识形态合法性是执政合法性的思想基础。

    Ideological legitimacy is the ideological basis of ruling legitimacy .

  30. 论政党执政合法性的根本依据及积蓄提升&关于执政能力建设的几点思考

    On the fundamentals and accumulative development of governing legality of the Party