
  • 网络Prehistoric Animal;prehistoric
  1. 文中提到大型史前动物的灭绝是为了说明。

    The extinction of large prehistoric animals is noted to suggest that .

  2. 为什么地球上再没有恐龙或者其它史前动物存活着?

    Why are there no longer any dinosaurs or other prehistoric animals ?

  3. 黄河流域史前动物雕塑研究

    The Research on Neolithic Animal Sculpture Along the Yellow River Valleys

  4. 和海底冒出的史前动物会合

    They have a rendezvous with prehistoric creatures emerging from the deep

  5. 这种史前动物长着一层厚厚的保护性外皮。

    This prehistoric animal grew a thick protective covering .

  6. 像史前动物一样,史前植物也经历了复杂而奇异的演化历史。

    Like the animals , plants also experienced complex and marvelous evolutionary history .

  7. 岛上栖息着许多史前动物。

    Many prehistoric animals are still living here .

  8. 关于那些十分引人注意的史前动物恐龙的情况,我们知道得不算少。

    We know a great deal about those fascinating prehistoric animals , the dinosaurs .

  9. 我们通过什么了解史前动物?

    How do we know about prehistoric animals ?

  10. 但是在这些恐龙骨骼和史前动物骨架之前是科学家们的辛苦工作。

    But behind the dinosaur bones and prehistoric animal skeletons are scientists hard at work .

  11. 在外观上象史前动物的印度犀牛确实是一个古老的种。木犀草素分子印迹聚合物的分子识别特性及固相萃取研究

    Prehistoric in appearance , the rhinoceros is indeed an ancient species . Molecular Recognition Characteristics and Solid-phase Extraction Ability of Luteolin Imprinted Polymer

  12. 当韦林发现这个庞大的野兽在海洋中“兴风作浪”时,他还想到了已经灭绝的史前动物蛇颈龙。

    Waring also thought of the extinct prehistoric animal Plesiosaur when he spotted the massive beast causing ' a massive disturbance in the ocean . "

  13. 这三只史前动物不但要充当小宝宝的保姆,还要历经冰河与冰山各种千惊万险护送他回家。

    This three prehistoric animals not only act as a baby sitter , even after the ice and icebergs all proof of life to escort him home .

  14. 黄河流域的史前动物雕塑,作为这一地区史前文化的有机组成部分,有其自身的功能和内涵。

    As part of the organic components of Neolithic culture in this region , the Neolithic animal sculpture along the Yellow River Valley had its functions and contexts .

  15. 史前动物雕塑的功能与内涵,与动物雕塑的形式、艺术风格以及动物雕塑表现的动物种类之间有着密切的关系。

    The functions and contexts of the Neolithic animal sculpture were closely related to the form , artistic style and choices of animal types adopted for the sculpture .

  16. 不同地区或同一地区不同发展阶段的史前动物雕塑,在形式和内容上的差异与变化,反映了动物雕塑在功能与内涵上的差异和演变。

    Different regions or various development phases within one particular region of the Neolithic sculpture had variations and changes in forms and contexts , which also reflected the variations and evolvements of functions and contexts of the Neolithic animal sculpture .

  17. 本文的内容,即是对黄河流域出土的史前动物雕塑进行整理和研究,对其发现情况、分期、雕塑技法、功能与内涵等问题进行初步探讨。

    The contents of this dissertation , which is the compilation and research on Neolithic animal sculptures unearthed along the Yellow River Valleys , shall make initial discussions on problems concerning the discovery status , at different phases , sculpture techniques , functions and contexts , etc.

  18. 史前时期动物的完整尸体,是由于北极严寒的保护不致腐烂。

    The intact carcass of the prehistoric animal was prevented from putrefying by the arctic cold .

  19. 不是像侏罗纪公园好莱坞式的恐龙,但几乎是历史上最臭名昭著的史前食肉动物之一的原始骨架出现在联邦的土地上。

    Not a Hollywood-style dinosaur like in " Jurassic Park , " but a nearly pristine skeleton of one of history 's most infamous prehistoric predators embedded in federal land .

  20. 古尔德先生研究生活在史前的古老的动物遗体化石。

    Mr. Gould studied fossils , the ancient remains of animals that lived during earlier periods in history .

  21. 据说这里有几千公里安全的沙滩供孩子们去:在漆黑的洞穴里史前的有袋动物;

    There are literally thousands of kilometres of safe , sandy beaches for children to explore ; deep dark caves where they 'll learn about huge , prehistoric marsupials ;