
  • 网络Sustainable tourism
  1. 旅游环境承载力(TECC)研究是可持续旅游发展研究的一个重要内容。

    The research of the tourism environmental carrying capacity ( TECC ) is important in the field of sustainable tourism development .

  2. 可持续旅游发展的区域产业合理规模探讨

    The Discussion on Proper Regional Industry Scale of Sustainable Tourism Development

  3. 利用洞庭湖湿地生态资源开展可持续旅游,具有独特的意义和优势。

    It has unique value and advantages to develop sustainable eco-tourism .

  4. 可持续旅游开发与地域发展

    Study about Sustainable Tourism of Development and Region of Development

  5. 可持续旅游环境承载力理论研究

    Theory research about the sustainable tourism 's environment carrying capacity

  6. 旅游资源的保护与可持续旅游探讨

    A Discussion on Protection of Tourism Resources and Sustainable Tourism

  7. 生态旅游地可持续旅游发展规划初探

    Research on sustainable tourism development and planning in ecotourism destinations

  8. 贫困型旅游地可持续旅游发展战略研究

    Study on the strategy of sustainable tourism development in poor tourist destination

  9. 可持续旅游思想与贵州旅游业发展

    Thinking of sustainable tourism and the development of Guizhou Tourism

  10. 生态旅游地可持续旅游评价指标体系探讨&以自然保护区为例

    A Discussion on Evaluation Index System of Sustainable Tourism in Ecotourism Area

  11. 加勒比环境卫生和可持续旅游业发展倡议

    Environmental Health and Sustainable Tourism Development Initiative for the Caribbean

  12. 可持续旅游业开发中政府应发挥的主导作用

    On the Government 's Role in Sustainable Development of Tourism

  13. 第三部分主要是对泰国可持续旅游发展取得的成绩和不足的研究。

    The third part mainly researches on achievements and weaknesses .

  14. 可持续旅游及其区域实现途径探讨&以井冈山风景名胜区为例

    Study of regional sustainable tourism & taking Jinggangshan scenic resort as an example

  15. 教育旅游、旅游教育与可持续旅游发展

    The Sustainable Development of Education Tourism and Tourism Education

  16. 生态旅游区环境变化与可持续旅游发展&以张家界为例

    Environment change and sustainable development in ecotourism area : a case study of Zhangjiajie

  17. 可持续旅游消费理论创新研究

    The Theory Innovation of the Sustainable Tourism Consumption

  18. 可持续旅游发展与教育的关系&以云南的生态旅游为例

    Relations between Sustainable Tour Development and Education & Taking Yunnan Eco-tourism as an Example

  19. 中国生态旅游&可持续旅游的基石

    Chinese ecotourism & the foundation of sustainable tourism

  20. 可持续旅游、生态旅游及实施方案

    Sustainable tourism , eco tourism and implementation

  21. 其次针对可持续旅游发展的内涵、目标、评价标准等指出社区参与旅游发展与可持续旅游发展之间相辅相成的关系。

    Secondly , the relationship between community participation in tourism and sustainable tourism development is analyzed .

  22. 可持续旅游概念与理论研究

    Sustainable Tourism : Concept and Theory

  23. 生态旅游作为可持续旅游的最佳形式,是海洋特别保护区可持续发展的有效途径。

    As the best way of sustainable tourism , eco-tourism is an effective approach to sustainable development .

  24. 推动可持续旅游的意识,开发及推广区内的文化及自然遗产;

    To promote the ideas of sustainable tourism through exploring and promoting local cultural and natural heritage ;

  25. 明天将会是她第一次以官方的名义跟当地的官员见面,并就可持续旅游业提出问题。

    Tomorrow will be her first opportunity to meet local officials and ask questions about sustainable tourism .

  26. 北京故宫可持续旅游调查研究&一个现代服务管理的视角

    A Study on Sustainable Tourism in the Forbidden City of Beijing & A Perspective from Modern Service Management

  27. 实现可持续旅游一定要依据环境经济学中外部性内部化理论,克服传统旅游活动存在的不足,使旅游资源达到高效率配置。

    The implementation of Sustainable Tourism must base on the Environmental Economy theory of internalization of external factor .

  28. 本文着重讨论教育旅游、旅游教育与可持续旅游发展的内在逻辑。

    This paper mainly discusses the inherent logic between education tourism , tourism edu-cation and sustainable tourism development .

  29. 同时,泻湖上最大的岛——利多岛正在着手实施一项可持续旅游倡议。

    Meanwhile , the largest island in the lagoon , the Lido , is embarking on a sustainable tourism initiative .

  30. 再次,从可持续旅游消费的角度探讨了可持续旅游消费的实现途径。

    Thirdly , from the view of sustainable tourism consumption , we discussed the way of realizing sustainable tourism consumption .