
  • 网络Cocker spaniel;Cocker
  1. 可卡犬的主人最可能形容自己马大哈(15%)。

    Cocker Spaniel owners most likely to describe themselves as scatterbrains ( 15 per cent ) .

  2. 可卡犬最初是被培育成猎犬,这种品种的犬从不会把吞食一只小鸟当做美餐当一回事。

    Cocker spaniel were originally bred as hunting dogs who would think nothing of gobbling up a tiny bird as a tasty snack .

  3. 在那里,一只5岁的可卡犬马克斯(Max)需要一个新家,我的关注让它喜出望外,但它似乎被自己修剪过的尾巴吓到了,一跃就扑在我身上。

    There , a 5-year-old cocker named Max who needed a new home , overjoyed by my attention but seemingly terrified of his own clipped tail , jumped all over me .

  4. 希望我们的可卡犬菲拉健康长寿。

    I hope our Cocker Spaniel Fila health and longevity .

  5. 英国可卡犬是能够在浓密的灌木丛中和丘陵地带狩猎的猎犬。

    The English Cocker is capable of hunting in dense cover and upland terrain .

  6. 我是从当地报纸上看到的关于这窝可卡犬的广告。

    In a local paper I had seen an ad for a litter of cocker spaniels ;

  7. 前年我们也曾有过一次这样的经历,发生在我们的另一只可卡犬上。

    We had gone through this once before last year with another one of our cockers .

  8. 广为人知的是,他竭力引起人们的怜悯,透露一名政治支持者送了他一件礼物:一只可卡犬幼崽。

    He famously poured on the pathos , revealing that a political supporter had sent him a gift : a cocker-spaniel puppy .

  9. 这样,我的手边就只剩下了一只棕褐色的小可卡犬,以及那只有唇腭裂的小狗。

    This left me with one brown and tan cocker , as well as the smaller puppy with the cleft lip and palate .

  10. 常见的患肛门囊腺癌的犬种有英国可卡犬,德国牧羊犬,阿拉斯加雪橇犬,腊肠犬和英国激飞猎犬。

    Breeds that may be more commonly affected include the English Cocker Spaniel , German Shepherd Dog , Alaskan Malamute , Dachshund , and Springer Spaniel .

  11. 孩子还没长大时,我们带回一只可爱的可卡犬。它可能是对儿童最友好最有耐心的狗。

    When our kids were growing up , we had an adorable little cocker spaniel , probably the most patient and kid-friendly dog one could want .

  12. 可卡是运动犬组中最小的。

    The cocker spaniel is the smallest member of the sporting group .