
kě xìn dù
  • reliability;confidence level
  1. 借鉴MODIS云检测算法的地表生态分型和可信度思想,结合可见光和红外两方面的检测项目,介绍了为云相态分析提供输入的晴空像元检测方法。

    Using the idea of confidence level and different geography ecotypes classification in the MODIS cloud mask algorithm , two groups of test ( visible and infrared ) were combined , the method of clear sky detection was introduced to afford the input for the cloud phase analysis .

  2. 通过对比数值模拟结果和PIV实验结果可知,Airpak软件在预测此类条件下的自然通风流场方面有一定的可信度,但在一些细节方面的预测上还存在差异。

    Through comparing the Numerical simulation results and experimental results , we know that it has certain confidence level in predicting the airflow of natural ventilation , can predict the approximate airflow outline , but still there are some differences in details .

  3. 婚姻不忠会提升领导人可信度的暗示荒谬之极。

    The implication that marital infidelity enhances a leader 's credibility is preposterous .

  4. 她采用的证据通常都具有很高的可信度。

    The evidence she uses is usually highly authoritative .

  5. 他们在这一领域的失败使他们的自信心和可信度受损。

    Their failures in this area have damaged their self-confidence and creditability .

  6. LOL理论指的是,在随便一个句子的任何地方加上一个LOL,便会让这个句子的可信度和严肃性瞬间消失。比如下面这个例子:

    LOL theory is the theory that the internet phrase1 lol can be placed at any part of a sentence and make the sentence lose all credibilty and seriousness all at once .

  7. 英国广播公司对这一计划的支持将提高其可信度。

    BBC backing for the scheme will enhance its credibility .

  8. 关于Fuzzy推理式的可信度估计土地整理模糊数学评价模型及其应用

    THE TRUTH VALUE ESTIMATION IN FUZZY REASONING Fuzzy estimation model for land consolidation and its application

  9. GPS定位解的可信度研究

    Study of reliability degree of GPS positioning solution

  10. P2P环境下局部可信度的神经网络识别方法

    Identifying Local Trust Value with Neural Network in P2P Environment

  11. 本研究以临汾市E校为个案,确定了研究的可信度和必要性。

    This study takes E school in Linfen as the case , determining the reliability and necessity .

  12. 一种基于AHP的仿真可信度评估方法研究

    A Methodology of Simulation Credibility Evaluation Based on AHP

  13. 一种基于反馈可信度的分布式P2P信任模型

    Robust Feedback Credibility-Based Distributed P2P Trust Model

  14. 关于中国GDP数据可信度的争论由来已久。

    The dispute of the confidence degree of the Chinese GDP data is long - standing .

  15. 根据可信度值PE的大小,服务器响应客户端。

    According to the size of PE in credibility , and the server responds to the customer .

  16. 结果成功构建标准质粒。确定最适实时定量PCR反应条件后,在实时定量PCR中建立可信度高的标准曲线。

    Results The standard plasmid was correctly constructed , and the standard curve with high reliability was obtained .

  17. 飞机构型Euler绕流结构网格方法计算的可信度

    On credibility of Euler flow calculations around aircraft configurations by structured grid methods

  18. 岩石参数Bayes估计中验前样本可信度的研究

    Credibility of sample 's prior information in estimation of rock mechanics parameters by Bayes method

  19. 但是要安全地进入这样的网络,需要了解对方的可信度,衡量对方可信度的声誉系统就成为P2P网络中的一个重要组成部分。

    But to join such networks securely , the reputation system becomes a critical part to evaluate the trust of participants .

  20. 在实际操作中使用AHP方法常常不能得到一致性结果,从而造成结果可信度降低。

    Using AHP method , operations often can not get the result consistency . Consequently result reliability is not high .

  21. CFD验证和确认是气动计算可信度分析的基本活动。

    CFD verification and validation ( V & V ) are fundamental activities of credibility analysis for aerodynamic simulations .

  22. 并利用ROC方法对可信度估计进行了评价。

    And then the ROC method is used to evaluate the CE results .

  23. 结果表明,在交通状态识别方面,论文研究的算法识别率高于传统FCM算法,可信度较高。

    The results show that the thesis is accurate and the credibility is higher than traditional algorithms .

  24. 一种考虑用户可信度的动态RBAC模型

    A Dynamic RBAC Model Considering User Reliability

  25. 为了解决P2P文件共享系统中的访问控制和资源可信度保证的问题,论文提出一个分布式信任模型。

    A distributed trust model has been proposed to solve the problems of access control and resources reliability in the P2P file sharing system .

  26. 灰数白化变换的可信度及GWT模型

    Transformation of grey number and GWT model

  27. 模式72h的预报仍然有较高的可信度。

    72 hours prediction of the model is still with quite high credibility .

  28. 给出了利用D-S证据理论进行决策融合的可信度分配方法。

    The belief assignment method of D-S evidence theory was also given to realize the decision level fusion .

  29. 结果表明,这些标准曲线的可信度R在0.928~0.980。通过对已知含量样品的测量,分析结果与实际值一致,说明建立的标准曲线完全可用于高精度物相定量分析。

    The results are in good agreement with due values with reliability of 0.928 ~ 0.980 , which indicates that the database is suitable for the high-precision XRD quantitative phase analysis .

  30. 分析结果表明,地震CT有较高的精度和可信度,在工程地质勘察中能做到对地下介质的精细成像,远远优越于常规勘察方法。

    As the analysis shows , the seismic CT technology have the advantages of higher precision and credibility , which can make preciser imaging of subsurface medium in engineering geophysics than usual explorative methods .