
  • 网络Scalability;Scalable;flexibility
  1. 对小部件和Web应用程序用户来说,可伸缩性和上市时间有很高的优先级。

    Scalability and time to market are often at an even higher priority for widget and web application consumers .

  2. 在使用exchange容量规划方法时,应考虑此可伸缩性下降的因素。

    You should consider this scalability reduction factor when you are working on your exchange capacity planning methodology .

  3. 可伸缩性很强,可以扩展到每个DC数百个捕捉点

    Highly scalable to hundreds of capture points per DC

  4. 网络负载均衡技术能显著提高Web应用的性能,提供更高的可用性和可伸缩性。

    Network Load Balancing ( NLB ) technology improves the performance of Web based application , provides high availability and scalability .

  5. 这会改进响应时间,还会提高中间层服务器和LibraryServer的可伸缩性。

    This improves the response times , and also the scalability of both the middle-tier server and the Library Server .

  6. Web服务器可伸缩性和HTTP多路复用

    Web server scalability and HTTP multiplexing

  7. 基于受限泛播技术的可伸缩性QoS组播路由协议

    A QoS-Aware and Scalable Multicast Routing Protocol Based on Bounded Flooding Technique

  8. 此外,我们还通过利用IdentityManager的凭据映射功能缓解了帐户维护的可伸缩性问题。

    We also mitigate the account maintenance scalability issue by leveraging the Identity Manager credential mapping function .

  9. 我的数据库在操作存储在数据库中的XML数据时能否提供可以接受的性能和可伸缩性?

    Will my database deliver acceptable performance and scalability for operations on XML data stored in the database ?

  10. 我发现了一些当在XML环境下使用领域模型时会引起可伸缩性和性能问题的地方

    I see problem areas that cause scalability and performance problems when using the Domain Model in XML environments

  11. 可伸缩性是通过独立运行在通过Web服务连接的各种操作系统上的应用程序实例的负载平衡实现的。

    Scalability is accomplished through load balancing of application instances running separately on a variety of operating systems and connected through Web services .

  12. WebsphereApplicationServer在开放标准中的可靠性、可伸缩性、易管理性、互操作性和领导地位是众所周知的。

    WebSphere Application Server is well known for its robustness , scalability , manageability , interoperability , and leadership in open standards .

  13. RationalPerformanceTester是为那些关心基于Web的应用程序的可伸缩性的团队提供的负载和性能测试的解决方案。

    Rational Performance Tester is a load and performance testing solution for teams concerned about the scalability of their Web-based applications .

  14. DB2可以让一个数据库跨许多磁盘,从而改进可伸缩性和性能。

    DB2 can distribute a database across many disks to improve scalability and performance .

  15. 延续服务器提供了一个有状态的编程模型,同时又没有舍弃无状态所固有的可伸缩性,从而使Web应用程序开发更加容易。

    By offering a stateful programming model without giving up the scalability inherent in statelessness , continuation servers make Web application development much easier .

  16. IBM大型机具有高度的可伸缩性,可以每天执行数千万个事务。

    IBM mainframes are highly scalable , capable of executing tens of millions of transactions daily .

  17. 在现代J2EE体系结构中,关注点主要集中在可伸缩性和高可靠性上。

    In modern J2EE architectures , the main focus is on scalability and high availability .

  18. J2EE因其可伸缩性、灵活性、易维护性和安全性受到越来越多的关注。

    J2EE has attracted more and more attentions for its flexibility , maintenability and security .

  19. (?)根据Web应用系统的特点,给出Web应用系统可伸缩性的定义,用形式化的方法描述度量方法。

    According to the features of Web applications , it presents the definition of Web application scalability , describes the Measurement with the formal method . (?)

  20. 这种能力常常被称作使用DB2的无共享架构提供线性的可伸缩性。

    This capability is often referred to as providing linear scalability using DB2 's shared nothing architecture .

  21. 所以,随着Linux的不断进步,我们将会不断发现新的功能、改进的可伸缩性以及不断提高的安全性。

    So , as Linux moves forward , we find new functionality , improved scalability , and increasing security .

  22. 为了应对可伸缩性挑战,您可以利用一种称为HTTP多路复用的技术。

    To rise to the scalability challenge , you can employ a technique called HTTP multiplexing .

  23. 传统的WLAN一直存在的可伸缩性低和健壮性差等诸多问题由此迎刃而解。

    The scalability and robustness problems of the traditional WLAN have been resolved .

  24. 可伸缩性的传统制约因素是对CPU、内存和I/O的访问。

    The traditional limiting factors for scalability are access to CPU , memory , and I / O.

  25. poll()的哪些方面影响可伸缩性?

    What aspects of poll () affect the scalability ?

  26. portlet不再需要使用匿名Web站点来在服务器上创建会话,因此具有更好的可伸缩性。

    The portlet no longer requires anonymous Web sites to create sessions on the server and thus scales much better .

  27. 其中,负载平衡技术是用软件实现的,主要用于提高Web服务器、流式媒体服务器和终端服务的可用性和可伸缩性;

    NLB is realized using software , it mainly used to enhance both the availability and scalability of Web servers , streaming media servers , and Terminal Services .

  28. 具有更好的CPU可伸缩性,在RPS方面几乎是线性增长的

    Had better CPU scalability , with almost linear increases in RPS

  29. 很多有关JavaEE架构可伸缩性的明显和暗含的设想都反映在基准测试中

    Many implicit and explicit assumptions about scalability in the Java EE architecture are reflected in the benchmarks

  30. 在此体系结构中,我们通过在IdentifyManager信任服务中进行集中信任管理来解决令牌信任可伸缩性问题。

    In this architecture , we address the token trust scalability issue by concentrating the adminstration of trust in the Identify Manager trust service .