
gǔ huà
  • old saying
古话 [gǔ huà]
  • [old saying] 从古代流传下来的话

古话[gǔ huà]
  1. 古话说,有志者事竟成。

    As the old saying goes , where there 's a will , there 's a way .

  2. 中国有句古话“亲兄弟,明算帐。”

    Chinese old saying indicates ," Even brothers need to do accounts correctly . "

  3. 中国有句古话:“十年树木,百年树人。”

    An old Chinese saying goes , “ It takes ten years to grow trees but a hundred years to rear people ” .

  4. 中国有句古话说,取个好名儿好生养。

    Kids with pleasant names are easy to bring up , according to an ancient Chinese saying .

  5. 但是,根据我的经验,人们所谓的工作岗位造就人材这句古话并不正确。

    But the old adage that men grow into office has not proved true in my experience .

  6. 一位著名的有句古话是这样讲的:知识就是力量。

    A famous saying goes like this : knowledge is power .

  7. 中国有句古话:是金子总会发光。

    Chinese have a saying : It is always shining gold .

  8. 就跟一句中国古话说的那样:食物即一切。

    As the old Chinese saying goes : food is everything .

  9. 你知道那句古话不是你的错,是我的错吗?

    You know that old saying its not you , its me ?

  10. 京晶:这句古话是关于朋友双方的,不是吗?

    Mark : The saying is about both friends , isn 't it ?

  11. 古话说得好在理发店外徘徊时间长了

    There 's an old saying You hang around a barbershop long enough .

  12. 说古话今道欧元欧元的过去、现在和将来

    Talking about Past and Present Euro - Money

  13. 就像一句古话说的,换换工作犹如短暂的休息。

    As the saying goes , a change is as good as a rest .

  14. 中国有句古话:先成家后立业。

    There is an old saying in china : Family first , career second .

  15. 你们中国人有一句古话‘只知其一,不知其二’。

    You Chinese saying goes'only know one , I do not know the other ' .

  16. 最后,我想用一句古话来结束我的文章。

    Finally , I would like to quote an old saying to conclude my essay .

  17. 说古话今道欧元

    Talking about Past and Present Euro-Money

  18. 你知道那句古话“不是你的错,是我的错”吗?

    You know that old saying " it 's not you , it 's me " ?

  19. 亲爱的美国,有句古话叫“养蛇为患”。

    Dear America , There is a old saying - " Feeding and grooming the Snake " .

  20. 有人认为正如一句古话,自然界充斥着腥牙血爪。

    One thinks of nature as " red in tooth and claw ," as the old saying goes .

  21. 有句古话说:“如果你没有良善的话可说,就干脆什么都别说!”

    There 's an old saying that states : " If you don 't have something good to say ;"

  22. 古话讲在你脖子后面放一把钥匙起到支撑作用…这是无稽之谈,只是一个老妇人讲的故事而已!

    Or stick a key on the back of your neck ... that 's just an old wives ' tale !

  23. 中国有句古话,“家丑不可外扬”,这似乎成了中国夫妇们的座右铭。

    " Thou shalt not share family scandals ," according to some ancient wisdom , seems to be their motto .

  24. 乌龟;有句古话说:昨天已成历史,明天仍是个谜团,但是今天是一份礼物。

    There 's a saying : yesterday is history , tomorrow is a mystery , but today is a gift .

  25. 这个论点类似于一句古话,“我们忙着砍树,没时间磨斧子。”

    This argument is akin to the old saying ," We are too busy chopping trees to sharpen the ax . "

  26. 中国有句古话:欲征服人心,先征服人胃。

    There is a folk adage in China If I want to conquer your heart , I will conquer your stomach first .

  27. 吃、接着吃、再吃更多东西!就跟一句中国古话说的那样:食物即一切。(小编:这算是哪门子“中国古话”!?)

    Eat , eat again , and then eat some more ! As the old Chinese saying goes : food is everything .

  28. 有句古话说:“如果你没犯错误,就说明你没有尽力。”

    There is an old axiom that goes ," If you 're not making mistakes , you 're not trying hard enough . "

  29. 有朋自远方来不亦乐乎?这句古话可以表达我此刻的心情。

    My current feeling can be best expressed by an ancient chinese remark How delightful I am to have friends coming from afar !

  30. 正如安妮凯瑟琳波特有句古话:“奇迹是自发的,他们不能被传唤,但来到自己的”。

    As Katherine Anne Porter 's saying goes : " Miracles are spontaneous , they cannot be summoned , but come of themselves " .