
  • 网络Narrative Art
  1. 他们自己的生活似乎已经拥有叙事艺术的对称性。

    Their own lives already seemed to possess the symmetries of narrative art .

  2. 粉丝们还要再等几年才能看到《星球大战》的创作者乔治·卢卡斯(GeorgeLucas)在芝加哥筹建的卢卡斯叙事艺术博物馆(LucasMuseumofNarrativeArt)。

    Fans will have to wait a few more years for the " Star Wars " creator George Lucas 's planned Lucas Museum of Narrative Art in Chicago .

  3. 综观他的短篇小说可以发现其叙事艺术,艺术特色鲜明。

    In his short stories , artistic characteristics can be found .

  4. 唐诗英译后叙事艺术的变迁

    Changes of Tang Poems ' Narrative skills after the English Translation

  5. 其叙事艺术中包孕着强大的文化反思与批判力量。

    It concluding powerful strength of culture criticism in his novels .

  6. 《尤利西斯》文体研究《尤利西斯》的叙事艺术

    Style in Ulysses Ulysses : A Study of Its Narrative Art

  7. 历史意识:中国古代叙事艺术的参照系

    Historical Sense : the Reference Framework of Classic Chinese Narrative Art

  8. 伊迪斯·华顿;纯真年代;叙事艺术;

    Edith Wharton ; The Age of Innocence ; narrative art ;

  9. 先锋作家的文化立场与叙事艺术

    On the Pioneer Writers ' Cultural Stand and Narration Art

  10. 形式的智慧言说:《海浪》的叙事艺术

    Intelligent Expression of Form : Narrative Techniques of The Waves

  11. 叙事艺术是人类精神的故事表达。

    The art of narration is the story telling of human sprit .

  12. 论《道连·格雷的画像》的叙事艺术

    An Analysis on the Narrative Art in the Picture of Dorian Gray

  13. 颠覆的游戏&论余华小说的叙事艺术

    The Game of Subversions & The Narrative Art on Hua Yu 's Novels

  14. 其次,中国传统的叙事艺术(全知视角以及说话艺术的标志性话语)为空间叙事提供了可能性。

    Secondly , Chinese traditional narrative arts offer the possibility of spatial narration .

  15. 论《古镜记》的叙事艺术

    The Narrating Technique In The Story Of Ancient Mirror

  16. 试探《史记》动词的叙事艺术

    A View on the Narrative Art of Verbs in Records of the Historian

  17. 论深度报道的叙事艺术

    Narrative Art of the Depth Reports in Contemporary News

  18. 从叙述学角度看《了不起的盖茨比》的叙事艺术

    The Narrative Technique in The Great Gatsby from the Point View of Narration

  19. 论唐五代小说的叙事艺术论唐五代小说的叙事艺术

    On the Narrative Art of the Novels in the Tang and Five Dynasties

  20. 浅析近代小说的叙事艺术

    Simply Analyzing the Narration Art of Modern Novel

  21. 美国电视情节系列剧的叙事艺术

    The Narration Arts of American TV Melodrama Series

  22. 论戏曲电视剧叙事艺术&兼与舞台戏曲之比较

    Discussion on the Art of Theatrical TV Play

  23. 伍尔夫小说的叙事艺术

    The Narrative Techniques in Virginia Woolf 's Fictions

  24. 第四部分分析变文的叙事艺术。

    The fourth part analysis of narrative art .

  25. 恢弘而绚丽的命运交响乐&论《无字》的叙事艺术

    Broad and Gorgeous Destiny Symphony & An Analysis on Narrative Art of No Words

  26. 《金瓶梅》与《红楼梦》预言叙事艺术比较

    Comparison of Jin Ping Mei with A Dream of Red Mansions on Prophetic Narrative

  27. 电视剧是一种叙事艺术,讲一个精彩的故事对一部电视剧来说至关重要。

    It is very important for a television drama to tell a wonderful story .

  28. 从叙述者看《当代英雄》的叙事艺术

    On the Narrative Technique of A Hero of Our Time from the Perspective of Narrators

  29. 论略萨小说的零件组合与立体叙事艺术

    On the " Parts Assembly " and " Cubic Narration " of Llosa 's novels

  30. 作为一名才华横溢的作家,莫里森是一位叙事艺术的大师。

    As a gifted writer , Morrison is a master with the art of narration .