
  1. 系统的节能效果还受变频器效率、电机效率、水泵效率及负荷分布的影响;

    The energy-saving effects are influenced by the efficiency of transducer , motor , pump and distribution of load ;

  2. 这其中包括了对部分负荷下泵效率、电机效率和变频器效率变化的说明。

    This of those includes description to the variations of the pump efficiency , motor efficiency and variable frequency drive ( VFD ) efficiency at the reduced load conditions .

  3. 通用变频器中效率优化控制器的研究

    Study on efficiency optimal controller in general inverter

  4. 控制交流电机使用变频器对提高效率、节约能源效果显著,电流源型变频器其功率易大、可靠性高等优点,使其应用场合越来越广。

    It is obvious to AC drives using converters for efficiency and energy conservation . Due to the larger power and high reliability of current source converter ( CSC ), its applications become more and more .

  5. 文章提出了一种利用多串口通讯卡提高变频器网络通讯效率的方法,详细介绍了多串口通讯卡的软硬件设计和工作原理。

    This paper proposes a method to improve date transmission efficiency in inverter network , which adopts multi-port and time-sharing data transmission ; then it introduces the operational principles and the design of multi-port communication card in detail .

  6. 提出了一种基于负载电流极性检测的新型控制策略,在无需死区补偿的情况下实现零死区时间控制,并能够大大降低功率器件的开关损耗,进而提高变频器的转换效率。

    A neural strategy based on the current detection is proposed , which can realize zero dead time control without the compensation and reduce the switching loss of power devices . The converter 's efficiency can be im - proved as well .

  7. 变频调速输油系统变频器频率对其效率的影响

    Effect of Converter Frequency of Variable Frequency and Adjustable Speed Oil Transmission System on its Efficiency

  8. 实验结果表明,这种方法有效地提高了变频器网络通讯的效率,具有很好的实用性。

    The experiment results show that this method can improve the efficiency of communication effectively , so it has very good practicability .