
fǎn qián
  • antisubmarine
反潜 [fǎn qián]
  • [antisubmarine] 对敌潜艇进行搜索、封锁、消灭等活动

反潜[fǎn qián]
  1. 基于数值SEA算法的反潜C~3I系统效能分析

    Research on effectiveness analysis model of antisubmarine C ~ 3I system based on numeric SEA algorithm

  2. 基于HLA的水面舰艇反潜仿真系统研究

    Study on the Simulative Antisubmarine System of Surface Vessel Based on HLA

  3. 基于多AGENT联合意图的反潜编队仿真模型研究

    Study of Anti-submarine War Fleet Simulation Model Based on Multi-agent Joint Intention

  4. 基于Petri网的直升机反潜仿真

    Application of Petri Net for Helicopter Anti - Submarine Simulation

  5. 基于AHP的航空反潜概念模型专家确认方法研究

    Research on Aviation Anti-submarine Concept Model Expert Accreditation Method Based on AHP

  6. 一种基于DEA方法的反潜巡逻机综合效能评估研究

    Research of Comprehensive Effectiveness Assessment Based on DEA Method for AS / PAT Aircraft

  7. 然而,它仍然是PLA海军可用的唯一舷侧反潜鱼雷。

    However , it remains the only shipboard anti-submarine torpedo available for the PLA Navy .

  8. 反潜CGF系统中吊声传感器的建模方法

    Modeling Method of Dipping Sonar Sensor in Anti-submarine CGF System

  9. 舰艇CGF协同反潜技术研究

    Research on Cooperative Anti-Submarine Training Technology for Naval Ship CGF

  10. 依据航空反潜鱼雷的战术技术性能,采用Kalman滤波法对目标运动要素进行估计,并在计算机上模拟。

    Based on tactical and technical performance of aviation antisubmarine torpedo , the target moving elements with Kalman filtering was estimated and Simulated by the computer .

  11. 机载反潜雷达软件中的TWS工作方式

    TWS in Airborne Anti-submarine Radar Software

  12. 本文提出了一种基于马尔可夫链的分层框架来描述和建立舰艇CGF多阶段、多层次和多实体的反潜过程。

    In order to describe the multi stage , hierarchy and multi-player of NS CGF anti-submarine processes , a hierarchy framework is provided based on extended Markov Chain .

  13. 测试鱼雷聚能战斗部爆炸成型弹丸(EFP)对潜艇结构的毁伤效果,考核战斗部威力指标,有利于准确评估反潜鱼雷聚能战斗部毁伤威力。

    The test of damage effect of the explosively-formed projectile ( EFP ) on submarine structure is of benefit to evaluate the damage power of anti-submarine torpedo shaped charge warhead .

  14. 介绍了武器系统效能分析的相关方法和DEA方法的基本原理,将DEA方法引入固定翼反潜巡逻机效能评价中,针对四种型号的固定翼反潜巡逻机进行了分析评估。

    In this article , the basic methods of effective analysis of weapon systems are introduced as well as the basic concepts of DEA method . Then the method is used in the analysis of four types of fixed-wing anti-submarine patrol aircraft as a sample .

  15. 在分析了反潜C3I效能指标的基础上,采用数值SEA逼近算法求解反潜C3I使命轨迹和系统效能度量,建立了反潜C3I的SEA效能分析模型,并给出了系统效能指标灵敏度与关联度分析模型。

    Numeric SEA algorithm is used to find solution of mission trace and system effectiveness module of antisubmarine C ~ 3I system based on the analysis of effectiveness measures , effectiveness analysis model is built , sensitivity and relevance model of system effectiveness analysis are given .

  16. 这是P-8波塞冬海上反潜巡逻机,它是由海军制造,而海军已将它派出进行搜索。

    This is the P8 Poseidon , it 's made by the Navy , or the Navy has them out there .

  17. 直-9C(Z-9C)是哈尔滨飞机制造公司(HAMC)发展的海军型直升飞机,用于舰载反潜战(ASW)和搜寻与援救(SAR)任务。

    The Zhi-9C ( Z-9C ) is the naval helicopter developed by the Harbin Aircraft Manufacture Co. ( HAMC ) for shipborne anti-submarine warfare ( ASW ) and search and rescue ( SAR ) missions .

  18. 型则用于航母周围的短距反潜,主要依赖其AQS-13F悬吊声纳探测雷达。

    The F is used for short range anti-submarine purpose around the carrier and depends on its own AQS-13F suspensory sonar to detect the submarine .

  19. 在2002年的国际潜艇和反潜战会议上,雷声公司和美国海军水下战中心的专家介绍了MK54鱼雷的现状和今后的发展计划。

    During the Underwater Warfare : Subs & ASW conference in2002 , the experts from Raytheon Integrated De-fense Systems and NUWC introduced MK54 program status and future developing plan .

  20. 潜艇规避反潜潜艇平行航向法再搜索研究

    Research on Submarine Evading One Course Anew Searching by Anti-sub Submarine

  21. 反潜直升机应召搜索使用声纳浮标的作战运用

    Tactics Method Research of Anti-submarine Helicopter Answer Search Using Radio Sonobuoy

  22. 反潜巡逻线搜索中声纳浮标发现概率的定量评估

    Quantitative Assessment of Sonobuoy Detection Probability in Searching Submarine at Beat

  23. 双(多)基地声纳浮标系统在反潜中的应用研究

    Application of bistatic ( multistatic ) sonar buoys array on anti-submarine

  24. 一种特殊态势下的直升机反潜效能模型

    A Model of Helicopter Anti - submarine in a Special Situation

  25. 基于贝叶斯网的反潜直升机对潜艇的识别模型

    Anti-submarine Helicopter Identifying Submarine Target Model Based on Bayes ' Net

  26. 航空深弹在现代反潜战中的作用与发展

    Roes and Development of Aerial Depth Charges in Modern Anti-Submarine Warfares

  27. 主成分分析法在航空反潜机性能评估中的应用

    Application of Principal Components Analysis in Evaluating the Maneuverability of Typical Aircraft

  28. 航空反潜武器检测系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Automatic Test System of Aviation Antisubmarine Fire Control

  29. 欧洲的舰载防空与反潜武器系统空气压缩机的防爆

    European Shipboard Air Defense And Anti - Submarine Weapon Systems

  30. 航空反潜飞行投雷点实时引导

    Real time Guide of Flight Pickle Dot in Aviation Antisubmarine