
fǎn shǒu jī qiú
  • backhanded stroke;backhand stroke;backhand hit
  1. 反手击球、抽球、打球等。

    A backhand stroke , shot , drive , etc.

  2. 你的网球打得不错,但是我觉得你的反手击球还要提高一下。

    You play tennis very well , but I think you should work on your backhand stroke .

  3. 他的反手击球很棒。

    He has a good backhand .

  4. 她练习反手击球。

    She practised her backhand .

  5. 在各项技术中,其稳定性发球最高,在红土与硬地网球比赛中,各项技术的稳定性方面,接发球、反手击球成显著性差异(p0.05)。

    Clay and hard court tennis match , the stability of the techniques , the chopping reveal an obvious difference .

  6. 六岁的阿恣芭在教练的指导下练习反手击球。

    Six-year-old Gunda Arzhba myelinates her backhand with a Spartak coach .

  7. 我的意思是不只正手击球和反手击球。

    I mean it 's not only forehand , backhand .

  8. 他有力的反手击球使他比起对手具有明显的优势。

    His lethal backhand gave him a distinct advantage over his opponent .

  9. 你可以反手击球使球旋转更厉害。

    You can spin it more with a backhand .

  10. 以出色的反手击球而著名。

    Famous for a mean backhand .

  11. 浅谈网球反手击球

    Tennis attack in backhand drive

  12. 失分技术主要集中在接发球、正手击球、反手击球,这是共性特征。

    Losing technology focused on return of serve , forehand , backhand , which is common feature .

  13. 事实证明,熟练的反手击球会帮你燃烧掉大量的卡路里。

    Turns out , that 's thanks to the massive amount of calories you 'll burn perfecting that backhand .

  14. 阐述了网球单手和双手反手击球的技术要领以及各自的优缺点。

    Discussion is made on the techniques of tennis single-and double-attack in backhand drive and on relating advantages or disadvantages .

  15. 本课程主要训练球拍的握法、击球、步法、正手击球、反手击球、发球,以及单打和双打的技能。

    This course practices the skill on grip , strokes , footwork , forehand drive , backhand drive , serve , and playing single and doubles .

  16. 网球运动的发球、正手击球和反手击球是网球运动中最基本的击球方式,既是初学者的入门技术,又是多数运动员用以得分取胜的主要手段。

    Tennis serve , forehand and backhand is a tennis ball the most fundamental way , both the beginner entry level of technology is also used to score the majority of athletes , the primary means of winning .

  17. 在反手击球、截击、其它技术方面不成显著性差异。3在红土、硬地网球比赛中,发球、接发球、正手击球、反手击球的稳定性红土场地明显大于硬地场地。

    In the backhand , volley , other technologies are not a significant difference . 3 on clay and hard court tennis game , serve , return of serve , forehand , backhand shot stability in the larger than clay site venue hard .

  18. 尝试教学与传统接受教学在大学网球反手抽击球教学中的差异

    A Research of the Difference between Trial Teaching and Traditional Teaching during Teaching Tennis Backhand

  19. 研究结果表明:亲子同练的教学方法对于提高正反手抽击球技术规范度和正手击球效果有一定帮助。

    Research results show that : a kiss a child with the practice of teaching model to improve the forehand technical specification of help . 3 .

  20. 实验组采用亲子同练的方法在专业教练的指导下进行正反拍技术学习;对照组采用传统的教练和孩子一对一的方法进行正反手抽击球技术的学习;实验严格控制其他的变量一致。

    The experimental group used a kiss a child with the training mode under the guidance of professional coaches to learn ; the control group used the traditional coach and a child on a model and preliminary study of shoot ; experimental strict control of other conditions .

  21. 如果我反手肩上击球,球常常出界。

    It often goes out if I use the backhand-overhead-stroke .

  22. 国内体育院校及各种高等院校开展网球课程的时间大约为十几年,网球底线正反手(双手反手)击球技术是网球技术中的核心和基本技术,是提高网球整体技术水平的必备基石。

    The tennis movement curriculum has developed about ten years in our domestic sports colleges and universities .

  23. 必须换为反手握拍,才能保证反手击球的质量。

    They have to change backhand grip , that is possible .