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  1. 你想陷害的人反将你一军。

    That guy * You wanted to double-cross screwed you first .

  2. “同样,你也违背了你的承诺。”我反将一军。

    " And you 've broken promises yourself ," I reminded him back .

  3. 约十33犹太人回答说,我们不是为善事拿石头打你,乃是为你的僭妄,又为你是个人,反将自己当作神。

    Jn . 10:33 The Jews answered Him , We are not stoning You for a good work , but for blasphemy , and because You , being a man , are making Yourself God .

  4. 作为边注,注意我们使用反斜杠将xtics命令扩展成多个输入行。

    As a side note , observe that we use a backslash to extend the xtics command over more than one line of input .

  5. 美玩具反斗城将关闭87家连锁店

    Toys R Us to close 87 stores

  6. 然后进行科尔曼反变换将这些桨距角信号转换为旋转坐标系中的独立变桨距信号。

    And then these outputs are transformed back to the individual pitch signals of rotating coordinate .

  7. 物质和现在更奇特的反物质将几乎没有空间相互回避。

    Matter and the now more exotic anti-matter would have had little space to avoid each other .

  8. 反倾销将对我国石油和化学行业的有关上市公司产生不同程度的影响。

    Anti - dumping will influence differently on various companies of petroleum and chemical trades in market .

  9. 结果是,出现在用户指定的路径名中的反斜线将被忽略。

    As a result , trailing backslashes that may appear in a user-provided path name are ignored .

  10. 康德哲学的二律背反是将知性范畴引入理性所引起的矛盾,而理性具有无限的内涵;

    The " antinomy " in Kant Philosophy is the contradiction caused by the introduction of perception category to rationality .

  11. 推荐的分选工艺是一段反浮将萤石选出,然后两段磁选将铌铁金红石与赤铁矿分离。

    The recommended separating technology is 1-stage reverse floatation for the fluorite separation and 2-stage magnetic separation for ilmenorutile recovery by elimination of hematite .

  12. 在实际工程中,钢筋混凝土连续梁发生弯曲裂缝或剪切裂缝之后,支座反力将重新分配。

    The support reaction will be reallocated after the appearance of bend and shear crack of a reinforced concrete continuous beam in the practice project .

  13. 反捕将游戏扭曲成打最后一下的竞赛,玩家们完全可以将相同的时间和精力花在骚扰对方让他们各自回去泡温泉。

    Denying warps the game into a last hit-fest when players could be spending the same effort on harassing each other back to their respective fountains .

  14. 动荡的反冲力将以某种程度影响到所有的国家,并且它将使得那些权贵们在行动之前好好想想结果。

    The repercussions of the unrest will to a certain extent arise in all countries , and it will make the authorities think twice before taking action .

  15. 为了便于时域卷积,采用矢量匹配法并结合拉普拉斯反变换将该土壤阻抗的时域形式展开为有限项指数函数之和,并验证了方法的正确性。

    For the convenience of the time-domain convolution , the vector fitting method is adopted to expand the time-domain form of the ground return impedance into the sum of finite exponential functions which are easy to be treated , and tested to be valid .

  16. 回想一下,反序列化是将XML文档转换成POJO的过程。

    Recall that deserialization is the process of translating an XML document into a POJO .

  17. SOAP使用序列化器和反序列化器将软件应用程序的本机语言转换为SOAP协议,以在网络上传输请求和响应。

    SOAP uses serializers and deserializers to translate from the native language of a software application to the SOAP protocols that transfer the request and response over the network .

  18. 通过对病毒代码进行分析以及反汇编,将其放入虚拟机中运行并记录下该过程中程序调用的API序列。

    Firstly , the virus is disassembled into machine code . Then these instructions are loaded into the virtual machine . During the running process , the API calling sequences are recorded .

  19. 随着加入WTO后中国金融业的逐步开放,犯罪分子利用中国经济发展迅速而法律尚不够健全的特点,将中国作为他们洗钱的新据点,中国反洗钱工作将面临巨大的挑战。

    With the gradual opening of China 's financial industry after its accession to WTO , criminals , taking advantage of its rapid economic development and imperfect legislation , regard China as their new base for money laundering , bringing about severe challenges to China 's anti-money-laundering operations .

  20. 国外针对我国产品的反补贴措施将增加;

    Foreign countries will increase their anti-subsidy measures on our products .

  21. 如何合理高效地执行反垄断政策将是今后面临的重要问题。

    How to enforce anti monopoly policy efficiently is an important problem to face .

  22. 我国反垄断法将联合限制竞争行为以垄断协议命名,其豁免制度是反垄断法豁免制度中内容最庞杂的部分。

    Its antitrust exemption system exemption system is the most heterogeneous part of Anti-monopoly law .

  23. 现在企业直接面对国际市场,面临的反倾销形势将更为严峻。

    Now enterprises are facing international market directly so that they will confront more serious against-dumping situation .

  24. 德国反垄断机构将是首家作出正式裁定、或指导性裁定的反垄断机构。

    The German body is the first to issue a formal or indicative ruling of any kind .

  25. 在未来3年中,反统公投将成为台湾政治不可避免的主流运动。

    In the next three years , the anti-unification referendum will become the unavoidable mainstream movement of Taiwan politics .

  26. 在首次提出近15年后,中国的首部反垄断法将于本周五开始实施。

    China will this Friday implement its inaugural anti-monopoly laws , nearly 15 years after they were first proposed .

  27. 他们表示,如果发生这种不测,反基地情绪将日益升级失控,迫使日本政府作出草率决策。

    In such an eventuality , they say , anti-base sentiment could spiral out of control , forcing rash decisions .

  28. 再生制动过程为牵引的反过程,将动能转化为电能返回电网。

    Regenerative braking process is the anti-traction process , the kinetic energy was changed into electricity back to electronic network .

  29. 于是他们发明了一种反肖像,将教皇画成虚构的恶魔,而国王成了杀戮执行者。

    So they invented an anti-iconography in which popes were turned into fantastic monsters , and kings into ministers of slaughter .

  30. 一般情况下,反垄断法将垄断协议、滥用市场支配地位、经营者集中等行为作为规制的重点。

    Typically , antitrust law has regulations about monopoly agreement , abuse of a dominant market position and concentration of business operators .