
  • 网络Dual Class;dual-class share structures
  1. 虽然在数量上只有三分之一的企业采用了双重股权结构,但它们从市值来看占到约三分之二。

    Although only a third of companies by number fall into the dual class category , they account for about two-thirds of the available market capitalisation .

  2. 曼联希望年底前完成这次IPO,双重股权结构可以让格拉泽家族保持对曼联的控制权。

    That dual-share structure would allow the Glazer family to retain control of the football club after the IPO .

  3. 强烈的抗议使纽交所禁止了双重股权结构,直至上世纪80年代来自纳斯达克(Nasdaq)的竞争迫使其改变立场。

    The outcry led the NYSE to ban dual-class shares until the 1980s , when competition from Nasdaq pushed it to revise its position .

  4. 即便是实行谷歌及其他硅谷公司在IPO中所采取的模糊的双重股权结构(内部股东的投票权是其他股东的10倍),也无法让扎克伯格满意。

    Even the dubious dual-class equity structure used by Google and others for Silicon Valley IPOs , with insiders having 10 times the votes of others , is not enough for him .

  5. 其中一位人士表示:(此次发行)将采用一种双重股权结构,因为这对该企业来说最为明智。

    There will be a dual share structure because that makes most sense for the business .

  6. 这些调查发现,具有双重股权结构的公司表现并不如同等规模实行平等投票权的股权结构公司。

    Found that dual-class firms perform worse than comparable firms where all shares confer equal voting rights .

  7. 随着曼联拟施行双重股权结构消息的曝光,该俱乐部在格莱泽家族控制下的公司治理准则,又将引发新的讨论,因为人们通常认为双重股权结构有失公平。

    The disclosure of the proposed dual share structure will trigger fresh debate about the corporate governance standards at the club under the Glazers , since two-tier shareholding structures are often regarded as inequitable .

  8. 这一数字并不包括阿里巴巴,因为它采用的不是正式的双重股权结构,它只有一种类别的股份,但它的合伙人团队(由阿里巴巴自己挑选的高管组成)有权任命董事会多数成员。

    That number does not include Alibaba , since it is not officially dual-class . Instead , it has one class of shares but its partnership , a self-selecting group of executives , has the power to nominate the majority of the board .