
  • 网络Dual time;double time;The Double Hour;La doppia ora;DUAL CONCEPT OF TIME
  1. 本文提出了一种抑制干扰脉冲的开环双重时间常数自动压控衰减法(Dτ-VCA)。

    In this paper , an automatic voltage-controlled attenuation method suppressing interference pulse with double time constant , is presented .

  2. 虽然在大制作影片《魔境仙踪》和《与梦露的一周》都非常成功,但Michelle还是要回到独立电影产业中去,她正着手重拍2009年的意大利惊悚片片《双重时间》。

    Though she 's had success with major films like Oz and My Week With Marilyn , Michelle will soon be getting back to her independent-movie roots as she begins filming a remake of the 2009 Italian film The Double Hour .

  3. 双重时间步方法在非定常流场模拟中的应用

    Prediction of 3-D unsteady flow using implicit dual time step approach

  4. 双重时间框架&吴尔芙似乎对此有偏爱。

    Dual timeframe & Woolf seems fond of this .

  5. 本文利用包含双重时间尺度的渐近法分析陀螺仪的章动运动。

    The nutational motion of the gyroscope is discussed by an asymptotic methodcontaining two time scales .

  6. 利用数值模拟手段对压气机内部非定常流场进行了初步研究,在数值模拟中引进了双重时间步方法。

    The application of the implicit dual time step approach to the prediction of three dimensional unsteady flow through the stage of compressor is presented , and the effects of mesh density and real time step on the simulated results are investigated .

  7. 如果你有一个家庭,移动可以是一个双重压力的时间。

    If you have a family , moving can be a doubly stressful time .

  8. 其文化教育存在着目标的双重性、教学时间的有限性、课程教学内容的精炼性和教学组织模式多样性等基本规律,必须根据实际情况制定与普通学校相区别的九年义务教育标准。

    The culture education include many basic laws , such as double characteristics in aim , the limitation in teaching time 、 succinct in the subject teaching content and varieties in teaching organization patterns . So we must work out the criterion of Nine-year Compulsory education differing from normal schools .