
  • 网络Crutches
  1. 他拄着双拐蹒跚而行,来到国王的面前。

    With the help of two crutches , he tottered into the King 's presence .

  2. 术后48h进行髋关节功能康复操锻炼,拄双拐3~6个月。

    After 48 h , the patients went to do the exercise for rehabilitation of hit joint and lived with aid of double crutches for 3-6 months .

  3. 定义了聚合物相对分子质量阈值[MP]这个聚合物结构特征常数,并发现实验用聚合物的相对分子质量必须超过该类聚合物的[MP],其γlgc曲线才可能呈现双拐点特点。

    The threshold molecular weight of polymer is defined as a polymer structure dependent invariant .

  4. 实验结果表明,SDS与PVP以及与相对分子质量较大的PEG的混合体系的γ-lgc曲线具有双拐点的特点,为拟双平台型曲线。

    The experimental results showed that there occured double turning points or pseudo double plateau regions in the γ - lgc curves of SDS-PVP and most systems of SDS-PEG with greater molecular weights .

  5. 他出了事故以后就架着双拐走路。

    After his accident he walked with a pair of crutches .

  6. 双拐曲轴内高压成形过程的有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis of Crankshaft Forming by High Inner Pressure

  7. 他没有拄双拐,笨拙地、小心翼翼地在木屋外面走了一圈。

    He walked awkwardly and gingerly around outside his hut without the crutches .

  8. 空心双拐曲轴内高压成形数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of hydroforming hollow crankshaft components

  9. 结果:病人均持双拐或手杖出院。

    Result : Patients thus treated were recorded to leave hospital with the help of a walking stick or crutches .

  10. 他小的时候患过小儿麻痹症,所以他需要靠双拐走路。

    He was stricken with polio as a child , and so he walks with the aid of two crutches .

  11. 昨天晚上,一个男人拄着笨重的双拐艰难的来到我们饭店,就为吃一顿这里的甜食。

    Last night , a man struggled to get here on a cumbersome pair of crutches just to eat our dessert .

  12. 但展览上的第一张照片是一张放大照,19岁的海明威相貌英俊,面庞光洁,拄着双拐。

    But the first photo the viewer sees is a big blowup of a handsome , clean-shaven , 19-year-old standing on crutches .

  13. 先将体重落于支撑腿,病人随即将拐杖前移一步,然后,在双拐支撑体重时病人顺势向前摆动,越过拐杖。

    With weight on supported legs , the client places crutches one stride in front and then swings to or through them while they support his weight .

  14. 他从来没有停止微笑和大笑,即使在挣扎着系上衬衣扣子的时候,即使在拄着双拐穿过房间去给妈妈一个吻的时候,他都微笑着。

    He never stopped smiling and laughing , even while struggling to button his shirt , even while using two canes to get himself across the room to give my mom a kiss .

  15. 结果:比较四组住院时间、扶双拐下地活动时间、出院时功能评估、远期并发症、髋臼磨损和再手术率,无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    Results The results show that the time of hospitalization , ambulation time , complication , acetabular erosion and secondary surgery rate were no difference among the four groups ( P > 0.05 ) .