
qù yì zhì
  • disinhibition
  1. 研究一结果表明:1.中国版大学生感觉寻求问卷由两个因素构成:兴奋与冒险寻求(TAS)和去抑制(Dis)。

    The results of our first section showed that : 1 . Sensation Seeking Scale for Chinese undergraduate was composed by two factors : Thrill and adventure seeking ( TAS ) and Disinhibition ( Dis ) .

  2. 第一部分的研究结果表明:(1)中国版儿童青少年感觉寻求问卷包含两个因子,即兴奋与冒险寻求(TAS)和去抑制(Dis)因子。

    The results of the first section showed that : ( 1 ) there are two factors in the Chinese Adolescent version sensation seeking scale and they are Thrill and Adventure Seeking ( TAS ) factor and Disinhibition ( Dis ) factor .

  3. 反义RNA技术是用反义RNA链去抑制靶基因的活性,从而达到对目的基因调控的一项分子生物学技术。

    Antisense RNA molecules deactivates target gene by binding to the sense strand .

  4. GA信号传导通常处于抑制状态,GA信号通过去抑制作用激活该传导途径而促进GA刺激植物生长和发育。

    The basal state of GA signaling is likely to be repressive and the GA signal seems to activate the pathway by de_repression to allow GA_ stimulated growth and development .

  5. 伏隔核中的GABA含量显著下降,GLU/GABA值显著升高,表明吗啡精神依赖时伏隔核处于去抑制状态。

    The nucleus accumbens were in disinhibited condition in morphine CPP rats for the content of GABA decreased significantly and the ratio of GLU / GABA increased significantly .

  6. 去抑制模型解释了这种去抑制作用内在的产生机制。

    The disinhibition model explains the intrinsic mechanism of the disinhibition .

  7. 因此,需要设计相应的机制去抑制它。

    Thus , a special mechanism is needed to suppress it .

  8. 我多次试着去抑制我悲伤的心情。

    Time and time again I tried to hold back my sad feeling .

  9. 因此,如何去抑制杂波回波信号是雷达信号处理的一个重要问题。

    Therefore , suppressing the clutter echoes is an important task in Radar signal processing .

  10. 我们必须尝试去抑制通货膨胀。

    We must try to curb inflation .

  11. 该政府好像没怎么下气力去抑制生活费用的增长。

    The government seems to be making little effort to keep the cost of living down .

  12. 大鼠前扣带皮层内去抑制的初步探索:痛情绪调控的可能机制

    A Preliminary Study on Disinhibition in Rat Anterior Cingulate Cortex : One Possible Mechanism of Pain Emotion

  13. 我试图去抑制这样的感觉,我不敢在本和柯蒂斯面前表现出来。

    I try to fight these feelings . I don 't show them to Bennie and Curtis .

  14. 这种疼痛通路中去抑制传递物的丧失可能发生。

    It is highly possible that with the loss of this transmitter " disinhibition " of pain pathways may occur .

  15. 提出利用非线性增益的偏振相关集总放大方案去抑制脉冲偏振成分的分裂&融合碰撞行为和由随机双折射引起的线性色散波。

    Polarization-dependent lumped amplification with nonlinear gain is suggested to use for suppressing the splitting-mergence soliton interactions and linear dispersive waves induced by random birefringence .

  16. 皮层下神经元的去抑制整合野参与传递视觉图像中的低空间频率信息,并与色觉恒定性机制有关。

    The disinhibitory IF of subcortical neurons contributes to transmission of low spatial frequency information of visual images and tO the maintenance of color constancy .

  17. 他说:“网络具有‘去抑制效应’”,人们在网上倾向于夸大自己的优点,掩饰自己的缺点。

    " There 's definitely a disinhibition affect online ," he said , with people more likely to exaggerate their good points while hiding anything negative .

  18. 癌免疫抑制机制的研究&健康人血浆对肝癌等患者细胞免疫的去抑制作用

    Investigation of the mechanism of the immunosuppression in cancer : the relief of serum inhibitory action in cancer patiens by the plasma of normal healthy person

  19. 有研究者认为认知的去抑制是创造力的关键,而另一些研究者则认为正是认知的抑制过滤了无关的信息,产生了创造力。

    Some Researchers think cognitive disinhibition is the key of creativity , and some ones maintain that cognitive inhibition filters useless information so as to produce creativity .

  20. 你无法说出什么时候市场估值过高,你也无法抗衡市场力量我们再也没有试图去抑制股价了。

    You can 't tell when a market is overvalued , and you can 't fight market forces * we never tried to rein in stock prices again .

  21. 在这个过程中研究还发现个体情感动员易衍生出话题扩散现象和引发网民的去抑制行为。

    In this process , the study also finds that the individual emotional mobilization easily derived the phenomenon of topic diffusion and lead to immoral acts of Internet users .

  22. 网络技术的人际性、后现代性、去抑制性以及容器人效应,是网络中虚拟自我能够存在的技术条件。

    The interpersonal nature , post-modernity , and disinhibition of network technology , as well as the vessel effect are the technical conditions of the virtual self in network .

  23. 除非现在采取行动去抑制全球变暖,否则气候变化将加剧中东动荡,引发因争夺水源和食物引起的战争,从而造成无法预料的移民浪潮。

    Climate change will deepen Middle East tensions , trigger wars over water and food and lead to unprecedented migration unless action is taken now to curb global warming .

  24. 在高考应激中,兴奋与冒险寻求与焦虑和抑郁呈显著负相关,去抑制与抑郁呈显著正相关。

    In college entrance examination stress process , score on thrill and adventure seeking was correlated with anxiety , scores on thrill and adventure seeking and disinhibition were correlated with depression .

  25. 最后,加入鲁棒控制项和跟踪误差估计反馈控制项分别去抑制集中不确定的影响和减小观测误差。

    Finally , a robust control term and a tracking error estimation feedback control term are designed to suppress the influence of the lumped un-certainties and reduce the observation error , respectively .

  26. 电力需求侧管理是在合理有效用电的基础上减少电量消耗和降低电力需求,着重在减少终端用电的浪费而不是以降低能源服务水平去抑制电力需求。

    DSM refers to the reduction the energy consumption and demand based on rational energy consumption , meanwhile it emphasizes on the reduction of end-user energy waste instead of the reduction of energy service .

  27. 去抑制感觉寻求因子和亲子关系与心理健康水平相关显著:去抑制与心理健康呈显著正相关,亲子关系与心理健康呈显著负相关,去抑制与亲子关系呈显著负相关。

    There are significant relationship between variances of disinhibition sensation seeking , parent-child relation and mental health : disinhibition was positively related with mental health , parent-child relation was negatively related with mental health and disinhibition .

  28. 通过仿真研究与实验室应用,验证用所构造的复小波变换抑制白噪声和周期窄带干扰的能力,并用软硬联合去噪法抑制GIS中PD信号干扰。

    The simulation results and practical application prove the complex wavelet transformation can excellently suppress the white noise and narrow band interference . Four simulative PD signals are used to verify the accuracy of the complex wavelet transformation .

  29. 烟碱样乙酰胆碱受体(nAChR)的表达调控受神经电活动影响,电刺激引起肌细胞膜去极化可抑制nAChR的表达。

    It is well documented that electricity regulates the expression of nicotine acetylcholine receptor ( nAChR ) . Electricity induced depolarization inhibits the expression of nAChR , in which calcium , protein kinase C and myogenin play major roles .

  30. 80ng/ml的去整合素显著抑制晶状体上皮细胞的移行。

    The migration of HLECs was blocked efficiently with 80ng / ml of disintegrin .