
yuán sè
  • primary colours;primary;primary colors
原色 [yuán sè]
  • (1) [primary colors]

  • (2) [光]∶视觉中不同波长所引起的不同色调感觉,可以用红、绿、蓝三色按照不同比例来调配而得,这三种颜色就称为三原色

  • (3) [涂]∶指颜料的红、黄、蓝三色

原色[yuán sè]
  1. 它用的都是孩子们喜欢的亮丽原色。

    It comes in bright primary colours that kids will love .

  2. 抽提指示剂,萃取指示剂减色法原色:是指颜料的颜色。

    Subtractive primary colours : Refer to colour of pigment .

  3. 这种颜色最接近原色。

    This colour is nearest the original .

  4. 原色是红色、蓝色、黄色。

    The primary colors are red , blue and yellow .

  5. 光谱的原色是红、绿、蓝。

    The primary colors of the spectrum are red , green and blue .

  6. 如果银色和原色的扭绳花纹袜子不够保暖,还有配套的热水袋套,售价115英镑(约合人民币1017元),而这个价格也包括了橡胶水袋。

    And just in case the cable-knit socks , available in silver and ‘ natural ’ colors , are not warming enough , there are matching hot-water bottle covers , a snip at £ 115 – although that does include the rubber bottle itself .

  7. 结果显示,重建的图像为高分辨率的三维原色图像,并可沿X、Y、Z轴旋转或任意角度显示。

    The result demonstrated that the reconstructed 3-dimensional images were of primary color images with high resolution power , and could be rotated and observed from any angle in the 3D space .

  8. 按理论上来讲,CMY色料不一原色可以还原我们想给的颜色。

    According to the theory , CMY subtractive can restore the color we want .

  9. 在政治环境中谈到“原色”,一些人会联想到乔克莱因(joeklein)的一本同名著作,描写的是一位虚构的美国总统大致是以比尔克林顿(billclinton)为原型。

    Mention primary colours in the context of politics and some people will think of the book of that name by Joe Klein about a fictional US President ( loosely based on Bill Clinton ) .

  10. 三种新的颜色组合,开办CX和第一百四十,暂时羊绒金属,金属和鲜红铂金属原色。

    Three new color combinations are offered on CX and CXL , the primary colors being Cashmere Metallic , Cardinal Red Metallic and Platinum Metallic .

  11. 该方法利用MSR对水下图像进行去光照不均,然后将在去雾中取得明显效果的暗原色增强方法应用于水下图像。

    The method clears the uneven illumination of underwater images using MSR , and then enhances underwater image by dark channel which has achieved remarkable results in the haze removal .

  12. 无须急于表现,但可原色流露。

    Don 't show off , but reveal your true color .

  13. 亚麻原色水洗布生产技术管理组织措施

    Production and Technology Administrative Organizing Measures of Linen Natural Washed Fabric

  14. 他们也造成了两个相邻的混合原色等量。

    They are created by mixing equalamounts of two adjacent primary colours .

  15. 我们希望包括某些真正的原色丛林图案。

    We hope to include some very primary-color jungle prints .

  16. 用原色可以配制任何颜料颜色。

    Any color of paint can be made from the primary colors .

  17. 原色、基色、主色(红、黄、蓝)

    Primary colors of the spectrum are red , yellow and Blue .

  18. 透视型液晶头盔显示器时序双原色显示

    Primary Colors Display of Sequence for Perspective Type Liquid Crystal Helmet Display

  19. 原色系铝氧化膜层的研究

    A Study on Aluminium Anodizing Films with Original Colours

  20. 光的原色是红色、蓝色和绿色。

    The primary colors of light are red , blue , and green .

  21. 但他完全没有提及原色。

    But he made no mention of primary colors .

  22. 你选择的原色将会决定混合后的颜色。

    The primaries you choose will determine how the colours will mix together .

  23. 我把所有文字的背景色都改回原色了。

    I 've changed back the base color of the words'to the original .

  24. 丝印原色油墨颜料选择方法研究

    Research on the Selection Method of the Primitive Color Ink Pigment for Screen Printing

  25. 原色荔枝干护色工艺研究

    Study on color retention process of dried litchi

  26. 底色主要以土色基调为主,经常以明快的原色(黄蓝三色)饰品点缀其间。

    Earth tones are predominant background colors , often punctuated by vibrant primary-color accessories .

  27. 目前只推出亚麻原色一款。

    Only natural linen color is currently available .

  28. 不经过发酵的,仍保持原色的是绿茶。

    Unfermented tea is called green tea and the leaves remain all of green .

  29. 加法混色:混和加色法原色,使它与某一指定颜色相似。

    Additive colour mixing : The mixing of additive primaries to match a specific colour .

  30. 一种血吸虫病兔肝原色保存方法

    A new method for keeping original colour of the rabbit liver with schistosome egg granuloma