
  1. 噢,原来就是你和你的黏黏球。

    Oh . it 's you and your sticky ball .

  2. 也许有一天你在镜中瞥见一个身影,并吃惊地意识到那个滑稽的小个子女人原来就是你。

    Some day , perhaps , you glimpse a figure in a mirror , and realize , in surprise , that the funny little woman is you .

  3. 我明白了,原来那就是你的主意:你打算先油漆窗户,而后油漆门。

    I see , so that 's your game ; you 're going to paint the windows before the doors .

  4. 原来这就是你昨天晚上这么早离开我的原因。

    So that 's why youieft me so eariyiast night .

  5. “原来这就是你近来愁眉苦脸的原因,对吗?”

    " That 's what makes you so pensive in these day , eh ?"

  6. 原来大丧就是你的杀父仇人。

    So it was ''crazy ''who killed your dad .

  7. 原来就是这种感觉啊你是指?

    So this is what this feels like ? - " This " being ?