
yuán wěi
  • the whole story;all the details;how a thing happened from beginning to end;happened from beginning to end
原委 [yuán wěi]
  • (1) [happened from beginning to end]∶事情的始末

  • 你且说个原委,教我得知。--《蜃楼志全传》

  • (2) [the whole story]∶与一情况有关的事实的整个陈述,整个阐明一个情况或事情的背景知识

原委[yuán wěi]
  1. 细想其中原委,应该由于健康状况的信息不对称,使加费对寿险需求并无多大的影响。

    Thinking about this the whole story should be due to the asymmetric health information , so that the fee increase will not have much demand for insurance .

  2. 为了弄清事实,以正视听,经本小编四处打探,终于探得原委。

    In order to clarify the facts , straight through the Xiaobian asking around , and finally discover the whole story .

  3. 逃跑前,她留下一张便条解释原委。

    Before she ran away , she left a note explaining her actions

  4. 我倒吸了一口气,接着把事情的原委都讲给她听。

    I gulped , and then proceeded to tell her the whole story

  5. 告诉事情的原委。

    Tell me the whole story .

  6. 不要不明原委,就妄加评论。

    Don 't make presumptuous comments out of ignorance . Don 't make improper comments before you know the whole story .

  7. 你还是把事情的原委跟他说开了,免得他猜疑。

    You 'd better explain clearly to him how all this came about , so as not to leave him in doubt .

  8. 在泪眼中,父亲道出了原委,“如果再找不到AB型血,我妈妈很可能活不过今晚”。

    My father told him the whole story with tearful eyes ," If we cannot find AB-blood , my mother would not survive tonight " .

  9. 信者自有皈依的原因,不信者自有不信的原委。

    Both the believers and the unbelievers have their own reasons .

  10. 封建主义&概念错位的原委及应对

    Feudalism - All the Details of Misplaced Conceptions and Repartee

  11. 为了查明原委,我前往西雅图。

    I had to find out , so I went to Seattle .

  12. 但是最后他供出了其中原委。

    But in the end he admitted what had happened .

  13. 接着大家一致要求汤姆说出原委。

    Then there was a unanimous call for an explanation .

  14. 有一点是肯定的:作者不会道出原委。

    One thing 's for sure : The writer 's not talking .

  15. 有良知的记者应确实根据事实发生的原委写新闻。

    A conscientious reporter should write any news story literally as it happened .

  16. 当训练官问起事情发生的原委时,每个人给出的答案都是矛盾的。

    When the drill sergeant asked what had happened everybody gave discrepant answers .

  17. 在艾琳的追问下,玛丽才说出了事情原委。

    Irene examined minutely until Mary told her what had happened these years .

  18. 她避免从有效的你原委。

    She refrains from telling you the whole story .

  19. 由于好奇心的驱使,律师问圣彼得其中原委。

    Unable to restrain his curiosity , the lawyer asks St.Peter about it .

  20. 论老舍小说中新女性形象缺失的原委

    On the Absence of the New Image of Women in Lao She 's Novels

  21. 别蒙我了,我知道事情的原委!

    Don 't cheat me again . I know the top and bottom ofthe matter .

  22. 记者最终还原了整个事件的原委。

    Journalists eventually pieced the story together .

  23. 他意识到我们已了解真相,便把事情的原委和盘托出。

    When he realize we know the truth , the whole story come pouring out .

  24. 既有对事件原委的叙述,又有精辟超人的评论。

    Not only did it include a detailed account , but also the incisive comments .

  25. 法庭已获悉该司机未及时刹车之原委。

    The court heard how the driver had failed to apply his brakes in time .

  26. 你现在已经明白了这件事的全部原委,但我当时却全然不知。

    You are posted in what had preceded all this , but I was not .

  27. 在我们搞清楚事情原委之前…

    Until we can figure it out ...

  28. 听完他的解释以后,我才知道事情的原委。这样翻译可以吗?

    Only after I had heard his explanation did I understand what is was all about .

  29. 尽管大家都努力瞒着我我知道事情的原委

    And despite everyone 's best efforts to shield me from it , I know the truth .

  30. 只有少数国家或世界的经济领导人了解这场灾难发生的原委。

    Few of the economic leaders of the nation or the world really understood why this calamity occurred .