
  • 网络original value
  1. 评估的主要内容包括原始价值、知识经验、工作能力、工作业绩、社会适应性和发展潜力。

    The main contents of value appraisal of human resources include the original value , knowledge experience , work ability , working performance , social adaptability and development potential .

  2. 文章从各种角度找出理由,建议现行的会计制度设置累计摊销科目,以利于提供无形资产的原始价值、累计摊销以及摊余价值等详细资料,提高无形资产的核算质量。

    This paper assumes that the course of accumulative amortization should be offered in the current accounting system so as to support detailed materials such as the invisible assets ' original value , accumulative amortization and amortization value and to upgrade accounting quality .

  3. 建筑因素体现住宅的原始价值。

    Construction factors reflect the original residential building value .

  4. 现代社会商业飞速发展,在商品的原始价值都处于同质饱和的状态下,增加包装设计的可增值价值无疑能为商品增强竞争力。

    In modern society , commerce develop with high speed , the original value of commodity is in the same condition .

  5. 从岩画中可以看出古代北方民族的原始价值观念,这种价值观念有功利性、混沌性、非逻辑性的特点。

    From these paintings one can see the primitive order of values of these peoples , and the utilitarianism , chaos and illogic of their order of values .

  6. 我们被称为简约设计师,起伏的核心与其说是限制土方量的多少,还不如说是回到了高尔夫的原始价值。

    We 've been called minimalists , but the essence of the movement is not in the limited use of earthmoving , so much as a return to golf 's original values .

  7. 在报告期内发生的单项价值在100万元以上的无形资产,若该资产原始价值是以评估值作为入账依据的,还应披露评估机构名称、评估方法。

    A single intangible asset over one million yuan occurred in the report period , if it is recorded with the original value of the assets as the accounting basis , name of the evaluation organization and evaluation method shall be disclosed as well .

  8. 知情人士表示,上述资产已被大幅减记,目前价值平均为原始价值的65%。未来几年内,随着信贷市场解冻,这些资产有望升值。

    People close to the situation said the assets had been marked down heavily , to an average of 65 per cent of their original value , making it likely they would appreciate in value as credit markets thaw during the next few years .

  9. 笔者仅就馆藏流传极少的几种稀见明代志书,作些披露与研究,其原始史料价值、文献版本价值,以望对明史研究、明代方志的整理、开发与研究等有所裨益。

    The author announces his study on their values of original historical materials and document editions to benefit the study of Ming history and the publication and research of Ming local records .

  10. 相较于定调价值,姜夔的音乐符号系统看起来涉及到中国笛箫的指法,其于恢复大量宋词的原始音乐价值有限。

    Rather than denoting pitch values , Chiang 's tablature notation appears to refer to fingerings on the Chinese flute and is of limited value in restoring the original music of a larger body of songs .

  11. 一处原始热带雨林价值何在?

    What is the value of an intact rainforest ?

  12. 大量原始数据的价值在于其中可能隐藏着一些未知的知识,可以给人们提供更多的帮助。

    The massive primary data value is possibly hiding some unknown message , may provides more help to people .

  13. 无论如何,如果我们不维持让数据具有其所有意义的知识体系,积累原始数据的价值将是有限的。

    In any case , an accumulation of raw data will be of limited value unless we also sustain the systems of knowledge that give the data its full meaning .

  14. 这部小说全面展示了原始主义的价值取向,厌倦工业文明,呼唤本能和肉体,探索人类回归的途径,最集中地体现了劳伦斯的精神追求。

    The value orientation of primitivism , such as being tired of industrial civilization , calling for instinct and the human body , exploring ways for human beings to return , which is revealed in this works , centrally reflects Lawrence 's spirit pursuit .

  15. 论人类个体原始DNA保存的价值

    Discussion on the Value of the Individual Original DNA Preservation

  16. 云南少数民族原始宗教的现代价值

    The Modern Value of the Primitive Religions of the Ethnic Groups in Yunnan Province

  17. 青海蒙古族的原始崇拜及生态价值观

    Qinghai Mongolians Primitive Worship and Ecology Values

  18. 所谓商业智能其实就是以某种方式从原始数据中抽取价值的一种方式。

    Business intelligence is just a fancy way of saying that you 're extracting value from raw data in some way .

  19. 人类在征服大自然过程中,逐渐认识到了原始自然风景的价值;

    In the process of conquer & ing wild nature , human gradually real - ized the important values of primitive landscape ;

  20. 最原始的电脑,价值666.66美金,没有键盘甚至显示器,顾客还必须自己来装配。

    The primitive computer , priced at $ 666.66 , had no keyboard or display , and customers had to assemble it themselves .

  21. 数字水印技术通过特定的算法将水印信息嵌入到多媒体数据中,且不影响原始数据的使用价值,从而实现版权标识、保护等目的。

    Digital watermarking technique is embeding watermark information into multimedia datas through specific algorithm and does not affect the use value of the original data .

  22. 这种模型的特征在于有关基本参数容易测取,经过模型计算能较大幅度地提高初级原始数据的信息价值。

    It is in an advantageous position that the original parameters of modes are easy to obtain and can be largely increased in application value by such mode calculation .

  23. 汉代婚恋展现了婚姻实态与儒家理想状态,原始欲望与社会价值等冲突。

    Marriage and love Poems in the Han Dynasty is shown the conflict between ideal and reality , the conflict with real state of marriage and the Confucian ideal .