- 名original insurance;earlier insurance

Reinsurance has shorter history than the original insurance .
Reinsurance , like the original insurance , is regulated in different degrees by every country .
Reinsurance is built on the foundation of primary insurance contract .
The Research on Legal System of Original Agricultural Insurance Organization for Commercial Purpose
Point out the concern that repeats safe , primary insurance , reinsurance please ?
The reinsurer agrees to accept a portion of the gross line of the direct writer .
Concept : primary insurance is the insurance that shows underwriter and policy-holder are reached at first .
Firstly , the main terms of the re-insurance contract is different from the original insurance contracts .
The reinsurance contract is either not independent on the original insurance independent of the origin insurance contract .
If the policy lapses after the grace period , the insured may reinstate the contract under certain conditions .
Reinsurance contract is original underwriter and reinsurance person the partnership contract that with partaking danger is common goal .
As well as original insurance of policy-oriented agricultural organization and cooperation organization , they constitute the original micro-insurance system .
Agricultural insurance corporate bodies as a unique insurance organization , exists in the agricultural insurance market for two forms .
The insurance fraud not only exists in the primary insurance trading market , but also exists in the reinsurance trading market .
Reinsurance works for the benefit of consumers , since the financial strength of the reinsurer is added to the primary insurer .
There are different from the application in the principle of utmost good faith , the re-insurer undertakes the obligation of infinite inform .
The original premium income received by the insurance companies refers to the premium income from original insurance contracts confirmed by the insurance companies .
But the classical models are usually based on the efficient reinsurance assumption , that is , they consider that reinsurance disperses risk surely .
The purpose of the original agricultural insurance organization for commercial purpose is profit , which determines it is essentially different from the latter two .
Article 4 The original insurance contracts issued by insurers shall be subject to the Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 25 - Original Insurance Contracts .
The insured or the beneficiary of the direct insurance shall not claim for the indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits from the reinsurer .
The view of this paper recommends the original insurance contract adopts the deferred ratio method , which have a better benefit for the development of insurance company .
The ceding insurance company shall not decline or delay fulfilling its obligation of the direct insurance on the basis that the reinsurer fails to fulfill the reinsurance obligation .
To establish the perfect policy agricultural original insurance organizations , the first step is to make a clear concept of the organizations , and legal status and the system function .
This should belong to primary insurance concept : reinsurance is to point to an underwriter to perhaps be sure the part of primary accept insurance to make over another underwriter entirely .
When requested by the reinsurer , the ceding insurance company shall inform the reinsurer of the ceding insurance company 's retained liability and all relevant information with respect to the direct insurance .
If a large claim resulted in a primary insurer looking for reimbursement from an insolvent reinsurer , the primary insurer would have to bear the additional loss , not the original insured .
Original agricultural insurance organization for commercial purpose is corporation or other economical organizations , which are established by law , in order to profit , mainly run or minor in original agricultural business .
Financial reinsurance has a prominent role when primary insurers could pass on part of the risk to re-insurers , recognizing related expenses as transaction costs under re-insurance , which effectively spread the risk .
With the perspective of risk transferring , this thesis focuses on discussing the reinsurance optimization model under mean-variance principle , utility theory and sharpe 's ratio , their meanings , basic ideas and conditions applicable .