
  • 网络compression refrigeration;compression-type refrigeration
  1. 单级蒸气压缩式制冷系统的仿真与实验研究

    Simulation and Experiment on Single Stage Vapor Compression Refrigeration System

  2. 剖析压缩式制冷装置能耗

    An Analysis of the Energy Consumption for Compression Refrigeration System

  3. 应用于展示柜的CO2蒸气压缩式制冷系统循环的分析

    Analysis of display cabinets with CO_2 vapor compression cycle refrigeration system

  4. 采用蒸汽压缩式制冷方法制作了BGO探测器真空保温系统,并探讨了温度对BGO探测器能量分辨率的影响。

    The vacuum and heat preserving apparatus of BGO detector using steam compressing are introduced , and temperature effect on energy resolution of BGO detector are discussed .

  5. 这些过程与蒸气压缩式制冷完全相同。

    This process and steam compression type refrigeration completely the same .

  6. 燃气机驱动的压缩式制冷机组的运行特性研究

    Performance of gas engine driven compression - type refrigerating machine

  7. 蒸气压缩式制冷装置仿真的基本理论和热点问题

    Basic Theory and Key Problems on the Simulation of Vapor-compression Refrigeration Plants

  8. 空气压缩式制冷在燃气轮机气垫船上的应用

    Application of Air Compressed Refrigeration in the Gas Turbine Hovercraft

  9. 建立了蒸气压缩式制冷系统的(火用)分析模型。

    A model about energy analysis for vapor compression cycle is put forward .

  10. 蒸气压缩式制冷原理实验

    Experiment on the theory related to vapor compression refrigeration

  11. 比较了蒸气压缩式制冷及溴化锂吸收式制冷两种方式。

    Comparison on the functions of lithium bromide refrigerators and steam compression refrigerating machine ;

  12. 蒸气压缩式制冷系统中能量回收旋叶膨胀机的几何理论研究

    Theoretical Research on Rotary Vane Expander for Energy Recovery in Vapor Compression Refrigeration System

  13. 蒸汽压缩式制冷机的制冷系数实验测试及其探讨

    Experimental test and Further Analysis of the Refrigerant Coefficient of Steam Condense Refrigerant Machine

  14. 蒸气压缩式制冷机性能测试虚拟实验台的建立

    Establishment of vapor compression refrigeration virtual experimental platform

  15. 水蒸汽压缩式制冷机性能研究

    Research on Performance of Water Vapor Compression Refrigerator

  16. 水多级压缩式制冷循环理论研究

    Study of water multi-stage compression refrigeration cycle

  17. 针对蒸气压缩式制冷装置仿真的基本理论进行了总结。

    An overview was made to the basic theory on the system simulation of vapor-compression refrigeration plants .

  18. 多级压缩式制冷循环

    Multi-stage compression refrigeration cycle

  19. 本文主要介绍了洁净空调机的系统结构布置和制冷原理,空调机采用紧凑整体式结构,压缩式制冷原理。

    It primarily introduced the system construction and cold principle of the clean air conditioner in this paper .

  20. 提出了变频蒸气压缩式制冷系统在稳态和非稳态下的两种数值模拟模型。

    Two numerical models was presented to simulate the transient and steady state behavior of a vapor compression refrigeration system .

  21. 较传统的压缩式制冷方式,它具有无污染,无噪声且制冷与制热状态可逆的特点。

    Compared with the traditional refrigeration modes , it has no pollution , no noise , cooling and heating state reversible characteristics .

  22. 活塞式制冷压缩机是容积式压缩机的一种,是蒸气压缩式制冷循环中最基本的部件之一。

    The reciprocating refrigeration compressor is a kind of positive-displacement compressor , one of the most essential parts of the compression cycle .

  23. 磁制冷技术是一项新型绿色制冷技术,与传统的空气压缩式制冷技术相比较,其具有无环境污染、效率高和装置结构紧凑等优点。

    Magnetic refrigeration technology is a new green refrigeration technology . It has advantages , such as , high efficiency , compact conformation and no environmental pollution .

  24. 该循环与现在冰箱中所采用的蒸气压缩式制冷循环相比较,在条件相同的情况下具有较高的性能系数。

    Comparing this cycle with the evaporation compression refrigerating cycle , the new cycle has more high coefficient of performance ( COP ) under the same condition .

  25. 由于水压缩式制冷循环具有较高的排气温度,因而在中高温热泵领域,以水为工质是具有竞争力。

    In the medium and high temperature heat pump area , the water as a working substance is the most competitive due to the higher discharge temperature of the system .

  26. 将矿井降温技术分为非人工制冷降温技术、人工制冷水降温技术、人工制冰降温技术和空气压缩式制冷技术4种类型。

    Drop-temperature techniques ( DTT ) in underground mines are classified into four types , namely , DTTs of non-artificial refrigeration , artificial cooled water , artificial ice and compression air .

  27. 能源问题是由于传统的压缩式制冷空调消耗大量的电能,引起电能的紧张局势;

    The traditional compression refrigeration systems consume plenty of electrical energy , which has caused the tension of supply and demand of electricity , and that is the issue about energy .

  28. 根据实验得到的燃气机的万有特性曲线和压缩机厂家提供的变转速活塞式压缩机性能测试数据,对采用燃气机驱动的压缩式制冷机组的整体运行特性进行了研究。

    Based on the performance data of gas engine obtained from the experiment and performance curve provided by the manufacturer , researches operating characteristics of the gas engine driven refrigerating compressor unit .

  29. 论文先分析了蒸气压缩式制冷循环的原理,分析了制冷机的工作特性,从理论上得出了冷水机组常见故障的表现特征。

    Firstly , the dissertation analyzes the principle of refrigeration circulation of steam compression , analyzes the performance characteristic of refrigerator and gets the fault characteristics of chilly water set in theory .

  30. 吸附制冷所具有的环境友好和节能等特性使其成为传统的压缩式制冷有前途的替代技术之一,并受到世界各国科技人员的关注。

    Adsorption refrigeration is advantageous for environmental friendliness and energy conservation , so it is a promising alternative to traditional vapor compression refrigeration , and concerned by many scientists in the world .