
yā tònɡ diǎn
  • tender point
  1. 体躯压痛点与穴位相关的临床观察

    The Clinical Discussion on the Relation Between Body Tender Point and Point

  2. 结论:①临床上人体的痛点包括激痛点和压痛点,广泛存在于骨伤科、各种软组织疼痛综合征。

    Conclusion : ① In clinical practice , there are two kinds of pain points : trigger point and tender point , which were widely distributed in orthopedics , rheumatoid and different soft tissue pain syndromes .

  3. 治疗后,两组之间比较患者压痛点疼痛阈值和耐受阈值的改善幅度方面均有统计学差异(P0.05)。

    After treatment , there was statistically significant difference ( P0.05 ) in the improvement rate of pain threshold and tolerance threshold between two groups . 4 .

  4. 有时类风湿关节炎(RA)病人在皮下压痛点处有类风湿结节形成,如图示的肘。

    Sometimes persons with rheumatoid arthritis ( RA ) have rheumatoid nodules form in subcutaneous locations at pressure points , such as the elbow shown here .

  5. 体检发现坐位作业工人关节活动受限、压痛点压痛阳性、颈部挤压试验等阳性率均高于相应对照组(P<0.01)。

    The positive rates of some physical signs , such as joint activity limit , pressure pain point , neck 's pressure test , Tinel 's test , Thomas sign in sedentary groups were higher than that of control group ( P < 0 01 ) .

  6. 两组患者治疗前后自身对比的VAS得分、压痛点的疼痛阈值及耐受阈值、颈椎六方向的活动度差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    The visual analogue scores , pain threshold and tolerance threshold , range of motion of cervical vertebra were statistically significant higher than that of before treatment in two groups ( P0.05 ) .

  7. 方法治疗组行胶原酶溶盘术前以体表标记物(用铅号码)定位于压痛点明显的椎间隙,根据X线片及荧光透视法并结合CT进一步定位;

    Methods Before collagenase injection for lumbar disc chemonucleolysis , the site with obvious tenderness was labeled with a lead marker on the surface of the intervertebral space , followed by a more accurate localization with the assistance of X-ray , chest fluoroscopy and CT .

  8. 疗程结束后分别以阳性压痛点、VAS疼痛指数、失眠量表(Ahtens)进行疗效评定。

    After treatment with positive tenderness points respectively , VAS pain index , Athen insomnia scale ( Ahtens ) curative effect evaluation .

  9. 目的观察枕颈部压痛点和痛性结节在紧张型头痛(TTH)患者中的分布,探讨枕颈肌障碍在TTH发病中的机理。

    Objective To observe the management effect of pressure pain point and painful tubercle in occiput-neck part on tension-type headache ( TTH ) .

  10. 实验性猴耳郭压痛点的研究

    Experimental referred tender spots on the pinna of monkey

  11. 躯体一定部位的压痛点与穴位相关。

    Tender points of the specific places of body are relative to point .

  12. 肘外侧软组织压痛点的临床解剖学研究

    The study on clinical anatomy of tenderness in soft tissue on the lateral of elbow

  13. 强刺激推拿压痛点治疗椎管外软组织损害性疼痛的临床观察

    Powerful stimulus and manipulation to tenderness point in treating pain caused by soft tissue injury outside vertebral canal

  14. 枕颈部压痛点、痛性结节与紧张型头痛的诊治

    Management of tension - type headache with pressure pain point and painful tubercle in occiput - neck part

  15. 结论:1、大部分颈椎病患者可在其耳廓出现相应压痛点,说明两者存在相关性。

    Shows a positive correlation between the two . Conclusions : 1 、 Auricular tenderness point correlation between cervical .

  16. 方法用周氏压痛点指导适应证;用自制器械,借助腹腔操作镜从脐右侧壁入腹,对113例阑尾炎患者实施阑尾切除手术。

    Methods We performed the operation on 113 patients with our newly-developed surgical instruments guided by Zhou 's tenderness point .

  17. 结论:下肢压痛点检查对于腰椎间盘突出症具有一定诊断学意义。

    Conclusion : Examination of tenderness points in the lower extremity is of value for the diagnosis of lumbar disc herniation .

  18. 在第三腰椎横突尖部能够摸到明显的压痛点,而且能扪及条索和结节状物。

    In the third lumbar vertebra transverse tip touches the obvious pain points , and can of del Monte and strips and nodular .

  19. 目的:通过探讨纤维肌痛综合征患者的压痛点与中医穴位的相关性,进行中医穴位的临床研究。

    Objective To study clinically on acupoints by probing the correlativity between Goldenberg s tender points in the patient of fibromyalgia syndrome and acupoints .

  20. 诊断:纤维肌痛综合征的诊断依据是患者具有广泛疼痛的病史,指压检查中18个部位中有11个阳性压痛点;

    Diagnosis : Fibromyalgia syndrome is diagnosed according to the history of pain , and there are 11 positive tenderness spots out of 18 spots .

  21. 方法在与颈椎活动受限相关的肌肉韧带上寻找压痛点,并按常规行压痛点封闭。

    Methods Along the limitation of cervical vertebra activity related muscles and ligaments , the pain spots were searched , determined , and blocked conventionally .

  22. 目的:观察膝关节退行性骨关节炎患者常见膝部压痛点的分布规律及临床特征,为临床诊治提供依据。

    OBJECTIVE : Distribution and clinical features of tenderness points of knee were studied on the degenerative osteoarthritis , in order to provide evidences for treatment and diagnosis .

  23. 结论:整骨理筋疗法能解除肌痉挛和肌挛缩,消除压痛点、改善患者疼痛和不适的自觉症状,效果确切。

    CONCLUSION : The zhenggu lijin treatment can eliminate the tenderness of muscular spasm and muscle contracture , and improve the subjective symptom such as pain and discomfort effectively .

  24. 结论颈椎病患者于颈肩背部有1~6个压痛点,封闭这些压痛点对颈椎病有良好效果。

    Conclusion There exist 1 to 6 pain spots in neck , shoulder and back in patients with cervical syndrome , and good effects can be benefited from their blockings .

  25. 结论对于诊断明确、压痛点局限于右下腹部的急性阑尾炎采用低位小切口三针缝合术有良好的治疗效果。

    Conclusion If the acute appendicitis with the pressure point is limited in right lower abdomen and the dignosis is definite , the treatment of low incision and three - spicule suture has better therapeutic effect .

  26. 同时腰椎间盘突出症也会以某种方式造成腰部以下的肌肉、肌腱或筋膜等组织发生供血、代谢的失常,从而出现压痛点。

    Complications of LDH include interruptions of normal metabolic cycle and blood flows to muscles , tendon and fascia in the lower back and below the waist , and may form tender points on the skin surface .

  27. 针对目前针灸学界对于阿是穴概念模糊的问题,对阿是穴的起源及释义进行了文献上的考证,提出阿是穴不等同于压痛点及不定穴,天应穴;

    In the light of obscure conception of Ashi points in the circle of acupuncture and moxibustion at present , this article tries to clarify the origin and definition of Ashi points by textual research of literatures .

  28. 对于肋软骨部疼痛或不明原因胸痛患者在检查局部压痛点的同时,应常规检查胸椎背伸肌群软组织附着处有无压痛点。

    Dorsal vertebra back extensor group soft tissue harm on clinical more common , but causes the chest pain partner to tire of the oil , the mouth has the fish fishy smell symptom to be extremely rare .

  29. 目的明确腋神经及其邻近结构的解剖学关系,明确颈椎病肩胛部扳机点的位置,探讨软组织压痛点与腋神经之间的关系。

    Objective To define the anatomical relation of axillary nerves and their relative construction further , confirm the definite position of the trigger points in the scapular region and research the relation between tender points of soft tissue and peripheral nerve .

  30. 方法采用腕踝针针患侧上肢5、6区,配合肩关节主动和被动运动,而后用温针灸肩关节周围的明显压痛点(即阿是穴);

    Methods Areas 5 and 6 on the affected arm were needled by wrist-ankle acupuncture with active and passive movement of the shoulder joint and then a marked tenderness point around the shoulder joint ( namely Ashi point ) was given warming acupuncture through moxibustion .