
  1. 我拿出历史书,开始寻找答案。

    I took out my History book and started working on the answer .

  2. 如果你想了解19世纪的俄罗斯,是读历史书更好呢,还是应该去读《战争与和平》(warandpeace)?

    If you want to understand 19th-century Russia would you do better to read a history book , or to read War and peace ?

  3. (胡佛同年在连任选举中被击败。)这次会议如今在历史书上占用的脚注主要与富兰克林罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)的莽撞有关。

    ( Hoover was voted out in the meantime . ) The footnotes the conference now occupies in the history book relate mainly to Franklin Roosevelt 's petulance .

  4. 因此《亚裔美国人的故事》和其他详实充分,内容广泛的亚裔美国人历史书有着很大相似之处,特别是高木罗纳(RonaldTakaki)1989年的著作《异岸来的陌生人》(StrangersFromaDifferentShore)。

    In that regard , " The Making of Asian America " shares strong similarities with other broad , inclusive Asian-American histories , most obviously Ronald Takaki 's " Strangers From a Different Shore , " first published in 1989 .

  5. 这可能意味着专家必须改写自然历史书了。

    It could mean experts have to rewrite natural history books .

  6. 他的那部历史书有很多处论及乔治。华盛顿。

    His book on history contain many reference to George washington .

  7. 《旧约》历史书悲剧人物论

    The Discussion of Tragic Characters in the Old Testament Historical Books

  8. 这是本很完备的美国历史书。

    The book was a full-fledged study of American history .

  9. 新一代澳大利亚人民请看看你们的历史书。

    New generation Australian please look into your history books .

  10. 但在那以后,冰岛几乎从历史书中消失了。

    But after that , Iceland almost disappears from the history books .

  11. 那是历史书,不是小说。

    It is a history book , not a novel .

  12. 基蒂正在图书馆读一本历史书。

    Kitty is reading a history book in the library .

  13. 爸爸也读了一本中国历史书。

    And Dad has read a book about Chinese history .

  14. 有英文版的中国历史书吗?

    Is there a copy of Chinese history in English ?

  15. 但是,要获得详细的资料,你应该去看历史书。

    For detailed information however you should read history books .

  16. 我让历史书上的日期、战争之类的事给烦透了。

    I 'm bored by history dates , battles and the like .

  17. 这本历史书正是我想要找的书。

    The history book is what I am looking for .

  18. 塞缪尔·佩皮斯这个名字你可能是从历史书中听说的。

    Samuel Pepys is a name you may recognize from history lessons .

  19. 该剧情节灵感来自于历史书。

    The show also took inspirations from history books for its plots .

  20. 只要世上还有历史书存在,这种荣誉就永放光芒。

    That honor will never disappear while history books last .

  21. 这本历史书在每章之后都有一个摘要。

    This history book has a summary at the end of each chapter .

  22. 现在我还不觉得是在费力地读这本历史书。

    I don 't feel like wading through this history book right now .

  23. 只有26%的人对非虚构作品感兴趣,如历史书。

    Only 26 % were interested in non-fiction , such as history books .

  24. 这不是传说,不是历史书上的记载,更不是博物馆里的文物。

    It wasn 't a history book . It wasn 't a museum .

  25. 他在写一部关于其种族所受迫害的历史书。

    He is writing a history of the persecutions endured by his race .

  26. 一本历史书,是上周从图书馆里借的。

    A history book from the library last week .

  27. 佛雷德借的艺术历史书已被图书馆催还。

    The art history book Fred borrowed has been recalled by the library .

  28. 问:脊髓灰质炎是历史书中可看到的一种疾病。

    Q : Polio is a disease you read about in history books .

  29. 你会在图书馆的历史书部分中找到那本书的。

    You will find that book in the historical section of the library .

  30. 伯尔德精彩而准确的历史书揭示了这个城市成功的秘密。

    Beard 's wonderfully concise history unpacks the secrets of the city 's success .