
  1. 网络控制印票机的自动纠正系统

    Self - correcting Bill - printing Machine System Based on Ethernet

  2. 铁路客票印票机智能化控制软件的研究

    Research on Intelligent Control Software of Railway Ticket Printer

  3. 在考虑到系统的抗干扰基础上,设计了系统的软硬件,编制了上位机监控程序,基本实现了印票机印票过程的套色偏差的自动纠正。

    On the base of considering anti-jamming of system , designs the software and hardware , workouts inspecting programs of PC , realizes self-correcting of chromatically warp in printing .

  4. 在各个印版滚筒的控制单元之间采用以太网与上位机通信,使整个系统的控制过程变得快速且功能强大,可拓展性好,易于实现远程监控,而且对印票过程中的一些故障能自动报警。

    Each control-bill of block platen uses Ethernet communicating with PC , this made control process fast , function mightiness , good-developing , be prone to realizing long-distance inspecting , giving an alarm when some failures appearing in printing .

  5. 首先,为实现票券业务流的全面电子化,构建了后台、座位图、购票和印票四个子系统,系统遵循信息隐蔽和模块独立等软件设计原则,能协调准确的完成票务处理流程。

    Firstly , to realized the ticket treatment in electronic method , a architecture which include back system , seat management system , ordering system and printing system is constructed , which follows the principle of software design and works in harmony .

  6. 所罗门还从泰坦尼克号众多的土耳其浴盆里,拿走了一张盖了印的票。当人坐在特殊设计的,装有软垫的躺椅上,土耳其浴盆可记录他的体重。

    Salomon also took away a printed ticket from the Titanic 's opulent Turkish baths , which recorded a person 's weight when seated in a specially designed upholstered lounge chair .

  7. 我们今天的句型比较有意思,来看看吧,如果有更多的人去看节目,我们需要印更多的票。

    Our sentence structure for today has a funny example . See if you can catch the structure The greater the number of people who want to go to the show the more tickets we are going to have to print .