
wèi shēnɡ bǎo jiàn
  • health care/protection
  1. 选民在会上提出了对卫生保健状况的担忧。

    In the meeting , voters raised concerns about health care .

  2. 与40年前相比,卫生保健的水平得到了极大提高。

    Standards in health care have improved enormously compared to 40 years ago .

  3. 卫生保健方面的开销比1998年增长了一半。

    Spending on health is half as much again as it was in 1998 .

  4. 为了改善初级卫生保健工作,政府已承诺在未来6年内拨款1.7亿英镑。

    The government has now pledged £ 170m over the next six years for improving primary care .

  5. 结论在口腔卫生保健方面,进食后漱口是ECC的保护因素。

    Conclusion Mouth-rinsing after meal is a protective factor against early childhood caries .

  6. BenJones和AmyJing报道为处理“最后一笔未减少的巨大卫生保健费用”所作的努力。

    Ben Jones and Amy Jing report on efforts to tackle " the last great unreduced health-care cost " .

  7. 此外,OMG也增强了这些规范来支持特定行业,比如卫生保健业、制造业、电信业和其他的行业。

    In addition , OMG has enhanced these specifications to support specific industries such as healthcare , manufacturing , telecommunications , and others .

  8. 我们还将描述为保险、卫生保健和产品生命周期管理(PLM)行业提供的仪表板设计。

    We 'll also describe the dashboard design we provided for the Insurance , Healthcare and Product Lifecycle Management ( PLM ) industries .

  9. 研究、综述、摘要、总结、系统:循证卫生保健决策的5S信息服务演进

    Of Studies , Syntheses , Synopses , Summaries , and Systems : the 5S Evolution of Information Services for Evidence-Based Health Care Decisions

  10. Gore还表示,应作更多工作,针对卫生保健工作者开展血液安全和针头安全教育,并与耻辱和无知做斗争。

    More should be done to educate health-care workers about blood and needle safety and to fight the stigma and ignorance , Gore says .

  11. 通过一系列标准化的卫生保健指标的计算与比较,估计了流动儿童与常住儿童在卫生保健方面存在的差距,并借助logistic多元回归模型,分析差距产生的主要原因。

    Through a series of standardized indices of children health care , this article estimates the difference between floating children and local children and analyzes the determinants of the difference using a Logistic Multivariate Regression modeling .

  12. 结论在地域广阔,人口居住分散,经济条件相对滞后的农村地区,把结核病控制工作纳入初级卫生保健,开展不住院监督短程化疗,严格执行DOTS策略,是当前结核病控制最有效的方法。

    Conclusion At present , strictly conducted DOTS strategy , especially fully supervised ambulatory chemotherapy is the best way for control tuberculosis at the population decentralized , relatively poor and extensive rural areas .

  13. 但是Bang说,穷国必须也把其他因素纳入到这个公式中,包括疾病负担和优先事项、可行性、成本、当地文化和卫生保健的普及程度。

    But poor countries must also incorporate other factors into the equation , says Bang , including disease burden and priority , feasibility , cost , local culture and the availability of healthcare .

  14. ICD的设计对卫生保健产生直接影响,因为它影响公共卫生规划、预防、理赔和治疗。

    The design of the ICD has a direct impact on health care , as it influences public health programmes , prevention , reimbursement and treatment .

  15. 目的:探讨非特殊军事训练伤对男兵EQ的影响,为心理卫生保健提供依据。

    Objective : To study the effect of non special military training related injury on men soldiers , EQ , so as to provide a base for health care in psychohygiene .

  16. 多年来,CNS所做的工作体现了护理工作在卫生保健事业中的独特作用和价值,丰富了护理学知识体系,对护理学科的发展做出了贡献。

    Their work had displayed the unique functions and values of nursing to the health care system , enriched the body of knowledge of nursing , which were beneficial to the development of the nursing profession .

  17. 〔目的〕揭示我国当前出境旅行者腹泻(TD)的流行特征、规律及其对经济造成损失的情况,科学地指导我国国际旅行卫生保健工作。

    Objective To probe the current epidemiological characters and rules of diarrhea ( TD ) among Chinese outbound travelers , and estimate its economic loss for providing scientific guidance on international travel health care .

  18. 系统将请求转发到卫生保健提供者待批(即调用makeReservationWeb服务)(3.4)并最终向患者确认预约。

    The system forwards the request to the healthcare provider for approval ( that is , invokes the makeReservation Web service )( 3.4 ) and finally confirms the reservation to the patient .

  19. 整合前期的文献分析和现场调查结果,基于JBI循证卫生保健模式,平台建设小组反复讨论,构建循证护理网络信息资源平台。

    Based on the previous results and JBI model of evidence-based healthcare , the platform instruction team developed the Chinese Evidence-based Nursing Network Information Resources Platform through repeated discussions .

  20. 全世界数亿病人每年都会受到卫生保健相关感染(HCAI)的影响。

    Each year , hundreds of millions of patients all around the world are affected by health care-associated infections ( HCAI ) .

  21. 国外对有关CNS角色作用的评价体系已进行了深入研究,并已形成了不同的评价模式,建立了有关CNS行为评价的数据库,充分证明了CNS在卫生保健工作中的重要作用。

    The assessment system of the roles of clinical nursing specialists ( CNS ) in abroad had been investigated deeply . It has formed various modes . And database about CNS behavior assessment has been established , which showed the importance of CNS in health care work .

  22. 方法采用自制调查表和纽芬兰主观幸福度量表(MUNSH)对老年大学卫生保健班学员进行调查。

    Methods Using self-designed questionnaire and memorial university of newfoundland scale of happiness ( MUNSH ) to investigate subjective well-being and effect factors the elderly college students in the elderly college .

  23. 高龄人群口腔卫生保健情况调查

    Investigation of the knowledge about oral health care of the elderly

  24. 试论有中国特色的农村初级卫生保健体系

    Primary health cares system with Chinese characteristics of the rural areas

  25. 家庭病床服务是社区卫生保健服务的重要内容之一。

    Family-bed service is an important part of community sanitary service .

  26. 卫生保健活动可以保护和恢复健康并拯救生命。

    Health-care activities , protect and restore health and save lives .

  27. 社区家庭卫生保健合同服务的持续发展探讨

    Approaches on Sustaining Development of Family Health Care Contract in Community

  28. 我们提供不属于任何医疗机构服务范围的卫生保健服务。

    We provide health care outside any kind of institutional setting .

  29. 医院在卫生保健系统中起着重要的作用。

    Hospitals play an important role in the health care system .

  30. 实际上,使用天然卫生保健品有很多让人信服的理由。

    There are actually many convincing reasons to use natural products .