
  • 网络carstens;Agustin Carstens;Augustin Carstens
  1. 第二种偏见是,作为出身芝加哥大学(chicagouniversity)的经济学家,卡斯滕斯多少过于正统,未免与日益盛行凯恩斯主义的时代脱节。

    The second prejudice is that as a Chicago university-educated economist , Mr Carstens is somehow too orthodox , and therefore out of touch with these increasingly Keynesian times .

  2. IMF领导者应该是一位经济学家(卡斯滕斯和费西尔分别拥有芝加哥大学(UniversityofChicago)和麻省理工学院(MIT)的博士学位)还是一名律师?

    Should the IMF leadership go to an economist ( Messrs Carstens and Fischer have doctorates from the University of Chicago and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology respectively ), or a lawyer ?

  3. 美国财长蒂姆盖特纳(timgeithner)称赞拉加德和卡斯滕斯都是“非常有才华的”候选人。

    Tim Geithner , US Treasury Secretary , commended both his French counterpart and the Mexican as " very talented " candidates .

  4. 第三种偏见是,卡斯滕斯是个没有幽默感的技术官员,而imf需要一位兼具个人魅力和执行力、灵活机敏的政治家作为领导人,比如举止优雅的法国财长克里斯蒂娜拉加德(christinelagarde)。

    The third prejudice is that Mr Carstens is a humourless technocrat , when what is required at the head of the IMF is a nimble politician who can alternately charm or enforce , like the elegant French candidate and finance minister , Christine Lagarde .

  5. 卡斯滕斯绝非政治上的“菜鸟”。

    Mr Carstens is no political novice .

  6. 卡斯滕斯当然比不上新潮时尚的拉加德赏心悦目。

    Mr Carstens is certainly less pleasing to the eye than the stylish MS Lagarde .

  7. 卡斯滕斯表示,他打算举起“新兴市场的旗帜”。

    Mr Carstens has said he intends to carry " the flag of emerging markets " .

  8. 不过,卡斯滕斯迄今尚未赢得任何金砖国家的支持。

    However , Mr Carstens has so far not won open backing from any of the BRIC countries .

  9. 澳大利亚和加拿大曾支持卡斯滕斯,但他未能在新兴市场国家中赢得广泛支持。

    Australia and Canada had backed Mr Carstens , but he was unable to command broad support across emerging market countries .

  10. 一些欧洲人提出,卡斯滕斯出身以正统理论而闻名的芝加哥学派,这些资历可能不利于他。

    Some Europeans have suggested that Mr Carstens ' credentials from the Chicago school , famed for its orthodoxy , may count against him .

  11. 卡斯滕斯承认,自己面临一场艰难的战斗,但表示,支持他符合新兴市场的最大利益。

    Mr Carstens admitted that he faced an uphill battle , but argued that it was in emerging markets ' best interests to support his campaign .