
  • 网络NANTES;Nantais;Pays de la Loire
  1. 排名第二的欧塞尔队出人意料地在主场以0比2败给了南特队。

    Second-placed Auxerre suffered a surprising 2-0 home defeat to Nantes .

  2. 现在博士学位是和校区靠近Audencia的南特大学的合作项目。

    The present doctorate is a joint venture with Nantes University whose campus is right next to that of Audencia .

  3. 我已经说服坦南特夫人她该退休了。

    I 've persuaded Mrs Tennant that it 's time she retired

  4. 克里斯一屁股坐在坦南特夫人刚刚腾出的椅子上。

    Chris slumped down in the chair Mrs Tennant had just vacated .

  5. 新改建的南特Audentia大学MBA项目是一个紧跟时代潮流,国际化的大学项目。从1984年开始招生。

    The newly revamped Audencia MBA is an updated , international version of a programme first offered in1984 .

  6. 深圳南特商学院2017年将推出工商管理硕士(MBA)、工商管理博士(DBA)及管理学硕士3项课程,计划3年内招收500名学生。

    Launching three programmes in 2017 - an MBA , a DBA and a masters - SABS aims to attract 500 students in three years .

  7. 赣南特地区河水溶解态稀土元素页岩标准化配分模式并不平坦,重稀土元素相对轻微富集,并表现出Ce负异常和Eu正异常。

    The shale-normalized river water-dissolved REE distribution patterns of the Ganjiang River in the southern Jiangxi Province are not flat and the HREEs are relatively slightly enriched , showing obvious Ce negative anomaly and Eu positive anomaly .

  8. 与皇室建立关联,即刻为这家公司带来了公众信赖感,资深公关人士、WasabiPublicity的联合创办人米歇尔•坦南特表示。

    Having a link to the royal family establishes instant credibility for the firm , said veteran publicist Michelle Tennant , who is also co-founder of Wasabi publicity .

  9. 法国南特商学院(AudenciaNantesBusinessSchool)院长让•沙鲁安(JeanCharroin)说,招聘官眼下想要招的,是对世界市场的理解更加深刻、能在多个国家工作的毕业生。

    Recruiters are looking for graduates with an increasingly sophisticated attitude to world markets and the ability to work in a number of countries , says Jean Charroin , director of French business school Audencia Nantes .

  10. 最新开办的是去年9月底揭牌的深圳南特商学院(SABS),由法国南特高等商学院(AudenciaNantesBusinessSchool)与位于华南广东省的深圳大学合办。

    The latest to open , at the end of September , is Shenzhen Audencia Business School ( SABS ) , a joint venture between Audencia business school , based in Nantes , and Shenzhen University in southern China 's Guangdong province .

  11. 来自法国的路易·克莱帕尔(LouisKlépal)是东京庆应义塾大学(KeioUniversity)和法国南特中央理工大学(écoleCentraledeNantes)一个双学位项目的工程系毕业生,他在为一家日本工程公司工作一年后跳槽。

    Louis Kl é pal , a French engineering graduate of a double-degree program at Keio University in Tokyo , and the é cole Centrale de Nantes in France , made the jump one year after working for a Japanese engineering company .

  12. 南特大学传播学讲师与研究者奥利维尔·恩茨希尔德(OlivierErtzscheid)在网上传播一份安妮日记,以示抗议,本月,他收到了安妮日记法国出版社的警告信。

    Olivier Ertzscheid , a lecturer in communications and researcher at the University of Nantes , received a warning letter this month from a French publisher of the diary after he started circulating a copy online in protest .

  13. 利用滇四型金南特43A转育而成的金新A、PARCCP-72A香米不育系与恢复系(材料)进行测交,对杂交香稻组合香味遗传分析及优势应用。

    By wide testcrosses between sterile lines of Japonic Indica aroma rice and its restorer , hybrid aroma rice combinations with strong heterosis were bred and the aroma was analyzed genetically .

  14. 在1000m、1500m、2000m、2500m等高线上,从北到南特有种数目依次递增,但北段1500m和2000m等高线出现特有种增高例外。

    From north to south , the amount of endemic species increases at 1 000 m , 1 500 m , 2 000 m and 2 500 m contours , but the north section at 1 500 m and 2 000 m has exceptionally high endemic species amount .

  15. 儒勒·凡尔纳出生在法国港口城市南特,并在那里长大。

    Jules Verne was born and raised in the port of Nantes .

  16. 南特港一本万利的奴隶贸易几乎完全停止。

    Nantes had its profitable slave trade reduced to nothing .

  17. 法国南特市新法院综合体简介

    Synopsis of the Court Complex in Nantes in France

  18. 波瓦第尔法国中西部一城市,位于南特的东南偏东。

    A city of west-central France east-southeast of Nantes .

  19. 有人说你是简·达文南特儿子的父亲。

    Someone said that you were the father of Jane Davenant 's son .

  20. 南特高等商业学院管理学硕士学位是法国一流的研究生管理学课程之一。

    The Audencia Master in Management is one of France 's flagship graduate management courses .

  21. 法国南特市城市历史文化保护与城市设计

    The Protection of City Heritage and Urban Design in the City of Nantes , France

  22. 南特也是法国卢瓦省的行政和金融中心。

    Nantes is the administrative & financial capital of the " Pays de Loire " province .

  23. 凭借其优秀的生活质量,南特被公认为是法国最适宜居住的城市。

    Nantes ranked as the best city in France for the excellent quality of life it offers .

  24. 海盗还袭击鲁昂、南特、图卢兹和波尔多并包围巴黎。

    The Vikings also attacked Rouen , Nantes , Toulouse and Bordeaux , and laid siege to Paris .

  25. 胜利油田桩74南特低渗油藏注水井压裂数值模拟研究

    Numerical simulation of fracturing in water injection well for South Zhuang 74 low permeability reservoir in Shengli oilfield

  26. 南特以及他的周边地区,拥有着重要的经济,工业,和第三产业活动。

    Nantes , together with the surrounding area , has important commercial , industrial , and service activities .

  27. 文摘:简要介绍了法国南特轻轨车辆的设计思路、结构特点和模块化设计。

    Abstract : Described briefly are the design thought , structure features and modular design of the light rail train in Nantes of France .

  28. 狂人国基金会在法国西部南特市运营一家历史主题公园,每年接待约200万名游客。

    The Puy du Fou foundation runs a historical theme park near Nantes in western France that attracts about two million visitors a year .

  29. 《南特法令》被撤销1685年的11月18日,法兰西路易十四国王了宣告保护法国新教的《南特法令》无效。

    Edict of Nantes is revoked November 181685 , Louis XIV of France revokes the Edict of Nantes , which has protected French Protestants .

  30. 在选拔过程中,南特商学院故意组建了一个非常国际化的小组,每组来自同一国家(法国除外)的学生最多3名。

    Audencia deliberately builds a very international group during its selection process , with a maximum of three students from any one country except France .