
  • 网络southern poverty law center;SPLC;Southern Poverty Law Centre
  1. 据南方贫困法律中心和反诽谤联盟(Anti-DefamationLeague)透露,各种仇恨组织有时会利用这些乐队和他们的唱片公司筹集资金、招募成员。

    Hate groups sometimes use some of the bands and their record labels for fund-raising and recruiting , according to the law center and the Anti-Defamation League .

  2. 南方贫困法律中心(SouthernPovertyLawCenter)一直在监测此类组织,早就已经把现年40岁的佩奇列入了数百人的黑名单,原因是他与白人至上运动有关,还担任推崇白人优越主义的乐队EndApathy的领队。

    Mr. Page , 40 , had long been among the hundreds of names on the radar of organizations monitored by the Southern Poverty Law Center because of his ties to the white supremacist movement and his role as the leader of a white-power band called End Apathy .

  3. 南方贫困法律中心的资深研究员马克·波托克(MarkPotok)表示,该中心十年前就开始注意佩奇,因为他与一些摇滚乐队关系密切,而这些乐队创作的歌词远远超出了大众的容忍范围。

    Mark Potok , a senior fellow at the Southern Poverty Law Center , said Mr. Page had come to the center 's attention a decade ago because of his affiliation with rock bands known for lyrics that push far past the boundaries of tolerance .

  4. 马克·波多克与南方贫困法律中心认为,Hammerskins是一个令人厌恶的集团。

    Mark Potok is with the Southern Poverty Law Center , which considers Hammerskins to be a hate group .