
  • 网络Selling cars;car sale
  1. 他靠卖车发了财。

    He made his fortune in car sales

  2. TrueCar坚称其要求经销商签订协议来保证经销商按照约定的价格卖车。

    TrueCar insists that the contracts it makes dealers sign commit them to deliver the cars they promise at the price quoted .

  3. 我卖车是想买一辆更大的。

    I am selling the motorcycle to get a bigger one .

  4. 她希望登广告对卖车有帮助。

    She hopes an ad will help sell her car .

  5. 他宁愿放弃房屋,也不愿卖车。

    He had rather give up his house than sell his car .

  6. 你知道卖车的是怎样让我们来买车的吗?

    You know how car salesmen get us to buy a car ?

  7. 你觉得他们会去崇拜卖车的人吗?

    You think they 're going tolook up to some used car salesman ?

  8. 当然,卖车时还有其它的问题。

    Of course , there were certain other problems with selling our cars .

  9. 周日卖车是违法的。

    It is illegal to sell cars on sunday .

  10. 他卖车的钱。

    The money he gets from the cars .

  11. 我也许应该和卖车的谈谈

    Maybe I should talk to the dealer .

  12. 他以卖车维生。

    He makes his living by selling cars .

  13. 劳拉今天告诉我,她的一个朋友要卖车。

    Laura told me today that she has a friend with a car for sale .

  14. 我要两千美元才卖车,低於这个价我可不要。

    I want $ 2000 for my car and I will not settle for less .

  15. 第二,卖车的价格一般比租金高得多;

    Furthermore , the leasing prices might have already been much lower than the selling prices .

  16. 想把那辆旧车要回来可是卖车的说他已经有买家了

    Wants the old one back , but the dealer said he 's already got a buyer .

  17. 向绝大多数以自行车代步的中国人卖车的美好前景,足以让任何一家汽车制造商垂涎三尺。

    Selling cars to the bicycling masses of China is a prospect to make any carmaker salivate .

  18. 我想至少他该打算一下如何卖车吧,那可是他的职业啊。

    I figure he 's at least intending to sell cars , since that 's his job .

  19. 所以我打给了韦斯他说我可以卖车套现自用

    so I called Wes and he said I could sell the car and keep the cash .

  20. 凯丽催促我在沙砾铺的赛道上试试车,卖车的小伙子同意了。

    Kerry urged me to take it for a drive around the gravel pit , and the kid agreed .

  21. 于是他按照地址找到卖车的女士家中,她确实有一辆全新的保时捷。

    So he went to the lady 's house and sure enough , she had an almost brand new Porsche .

  22. 我在报纸上登了卖车广告,但是到目前为止尚无回音。

    I put up an advertisement in the newspaper for the sale of my car , but there have been no responses so far .

  23. 把租车卖车其它之前是需要先从租车公司把此车买下,然后再卖它,而且可能要纳营业税。

    Selling a leased car to another individual could require buying it from the leasing company , then reselling it , and possibly paying sales tax .

  24. 由于二手车市场不受新车特许经营法保护,因此这个领域对于在线卖车来说可能更有前景。

    Because the market for used cars isn 't protected by new-car franchise laws , it may provide a more promising opportunity for online vehicle sales .

  25. 现在卖车非常困难,但日本的每个品牌都是这样,不只是我们,行政人员说道。

    It 's very difficult to sell cars right now , but that 's true with every Japanese brand . Not just us , said the executive .

  26. 虽然女人开车、买车也卖车,但在汽车产业中有一个部分长久以来一直为男性独占:那就是设计。

    But while women drive , buy and sell cars , there 's one part of the car industry that has long remained almost exclusively male : design .

  27. 关于汽车能否在互联网上销售的争论已然十分激烈。汽车厂商们认为,网上卖车可以大幅降低渠道成本,光是卖一辆车的渠道成本就可减少几百、甚至几千美元。

    The debate over Internet vehicle sales rages , since automakers see it as a way to slash distribution costs by hundreds , and perhaps a few thousand dollars per vehicle .

  28. “你真的没有打算任何事嘛?”我怀疑地问到。我想至少他该打算一下如何卖车吧,那可是他的职业啊。

    " You don 't intend anything at all ?" I asked , skeptical . I figure he 's at least intending to sell cars , since that 's his job .

  29. 上海通用不但因为其种种创新之举被大家誉为上海通用模式,而且因为其营销策略的出色之举被大家称为是最会卖车的汽车厂。

    It is called not only as " Shanghai general model " owing to various innovations , but also as the motor factory best at selling cars by distinguished marketing tactics .

  30. 那车没有太多可看的,卖车的年轻人也不那么能言善辩,车价也就是我仅有的那一点点钱。

    The car was not much to look at , the young man selling it was not very convincing , and the car cost money , of which I had precious little .