
dān xiàn
  • single line;single track;one-way ;singleline
单线 [dān xiàn]
  • (1) [single line]∶单独的一条线

  • (2) [single track]∶铁道或电车道只有一组轨道,只供单向行驶(区别于“复线”)

  1. 从DS1820读出的信息或写入DS1820的信息,仅需要一根口线(单线接口)。

    From the DS1820 to read out the information or write to DS1820 information , I only need one line ( one-way interface ) .

  2. 特别注意:由于本机对电压的稳定要求极高,只能单线接电源,对电压不稳定的地区可能不太适用。

    Special attention : As the machine to a high-voltage requirements , then the power can only be one-way , it may not be applicable to the local of voltage instability .

  3. 他和我单线联系。

    He was my only contact .

  4. 这些数据可以用单线图表现出来

    The data can be represented graphically in a line diagram .

  5. 基于单线图的配电网GIS应用系统

    Distribution power network GIS application system based on single line figure

  6. 单线态氧~1Δg的结构与制备

    The structure and the production of singlet oxyen ~ 1 δ _g

  7. 基于M型分划丝的单线阵CCD直线度准直仪

    Single linear CCD linearity collimator based on M shape reticle

  8. 一种新颖的单线阵CCD双坐标自准直仪

    A Novel Single Linear CCD Two-dimensional Auto-collimator

  9. 高频单线圈双调谐NMR单晶探头的研制

    A single coil double tuned NMR probe for single crystal measurements at high frequencies

  10. 240kt/a粉状MAP双塔单线产品冷却与料仓分装一体化

    The integrated system of fluidized cooling and hopper bagging in 240 kt / a powdered MAP production line with double spray towers

  11. 广义岭估计在解算单线阵CCD卫星影像外方位元素中的应用

    Application of Generalized Ridge Estimate to Computing the Exterior Orientation Elements of Satellite Linear Array Scanner Imagery

  12. Swing是一个单线程UI工具包。

    Swing is a single-threaded UI toolkit .

  13. 研究了C波段单线背射螺旋的背射特性及其作为抛物面馈源的辐射特性。

    The backfire characteristics of a monofilar helix and the radiation characteristic of the paraboloidal reflector antenna with a backfire helical feed operating at C band are studied .

  14. 从单线、多导体线及元器件的布局和走线出发,给出PCB电路中布线的一些设计原则和技术规范。

    Some principles and criterions are given through analyzing mongline , multiconductor transmission line and element layout .

  15. 介绍了基于单线图的配电网GIS地理信息系统(以下简称DDM/GIS系统)的设计思想、主要功能、特点及应用开发体会。

    Introduce design method , main function , character and application development of distribution electric network GIS geography information system based on single line figure .

  16. 随着航天遥感与摄影测量技术的迅猛发展,高分辨率单线阵CCD立体影像在测绘中得到广泛的应用。

    Single-line-array CCD stereo images are widely used in surveying and mapping with the rapid development of the space remote sensing and photogrammetry technology .

  17. 残差绝对值和最小法在单线阵CCD卫星影像后方交会粗差探测中的应用

    The Application of the Adjustment Model of Minimizing the Sum of Absolute Residuals in Gross Error Detection of Linear Array Satellitic Scanner Imagery Resection

  18. 采用有限元ANSYS软件,分析了相同活塞有效长度下的单线圈与双线圈结构磁流变阻尼器的磁场分布情况。

    The magnetic distribution of the single-coil and dual-coil magnetic rheological dampers with the same effective piston length was analyzed by using the finite element ANSYS software .

  19. 用LambertBeer定律和单线态氧的量子产率来计算各层组织中单线态氧的产生。

    Calculate the produce of singlet oxygen in every tissue by the law of Lambert-Beer and quantum yields of singlet oxygen .

  20. 准高速铁路24m单线整孔箱梁制造质量控制

    Fabrication quality control of 24 m single box girder of quasi-high speed railway

  21. 针对单线阵CCD相机摄影测量的特点,改进已有的相机在轨几何标定方法,并设计仿真实验,实验结果表明该方法是可行的。

    According to the characteristics of single-line-array CCD photogrammetry , an improved on-orbit geometric calibration method is proposed . Relevant simulation experiments are designed . The results of experiment show the feasibility of this method .

  22. 【方法】分别用OCT和AC-OCT的高分辨单线扫描程序(HighResolutionCorneal)、角膜地形图程序(PachymetryMap)测量30例(30只眼)正常受试者的CCT。

    [ Methods ] The CCT of 30 eyes of 30 normal persons were measured by OCT and AC-OCT with the high resolution corneal and pachymetry map procedure , respectively .

  23. 采用单线温度传感器DS18B20。

    Temperature sensor using single DS18B20 .

  24. 开展了特殊工况下运梁、架梁的一些技术措施的研究,扩大了单机单线PC梁架设技术的实用性及使用范围。

    The research of some technological measures in the transporting and launching the beam under the special operating mode have widen the practicability and applied range of the one - line and one machine for PC beam of launching technology .

  25. 同时提高了从单线态到三线态系间窜跃(ISC)的效率,从而发出高效磷光。

    The intersystem crossing ( ISC ) efficiency from the singlet to triplet is increased , which issued a highly efficient phosphor .

  26. 为灵活运营,重要停车线应置于坦帕(tampa)至迪士尼购物区之间的单线区段上。

    To obtain operational flexibility , strategic sidings will be located on the single track section between Tampa and the Disney area .

  27. 提出利用广义岭估计和主成分估计两种解算单线阵CCD卫星影像外方位元素的方法,并且给出了计算相应参数的公式。

    Two methods , the generalized ridge estimate and the primary component estimate , are presented to compute the exterior orientation elements of linear array scanner image . The formulas of educing the parameters of these estimates are provided .

  28. 研究了标题配合物的荧光光谱和T-T瞬态吸收光谱,探讨了中心金属、取代基种类及取代位置对配合物的激发单线态和激发三线态性质的影响规律。

    The fluorescence spectra and T-T time resolved absorption spectra were , were investigated in this dissertation .

  29. 再用Newmark法与Newton&Raphson法相结合,建立了单线索道动力分析的非线性有限元法。

    Combining the incremental Newmark algorithm with the Newton-Raphson scheme , the paper sets up a nonlinear finite element method for dynamic ( or static ) on monocable circulating ropeways .

  30. 提速线3×80m单线下承连续钢桁梁的宽跨比限值为1/12.1。

    The limit value of width-to-span ratio for lateral rigidity of 3 × 80 m steel truss continuous beam is determined as 1 / 12.1 .