
One-sided dissolution right should apply only to non-fixed term labour contracts ;
On the Value of Labor Right to Unilateral Rescission of Labor Contract
Challenging the Right to Unilaterally Rescind a Labor Contract
Behavior and the right way of relief .
It has caused a paradox of law theory and problems of substantive law because of its disproportional authorization , application of one-sided right of cancellation to all labor contracts and onefold rigid stipulation mode of warning days in Article 31 of Labor Law .
The nature of one-sided dissolution in the labor contract ;
Law authorizes one party right to termination , and the party can exercise the right to termination unilateral to escape contract under law-made circumstances .
The article " Notice in writing ahead of 30 days " is nothing but a procedure labours have to carry out and not a term the one-sided unconditioned warning right of cancellation must meet .
Restitution is the important content of restitution liability , which is formed due to the exercise of the right to terminate based on party 's indication after termination of contract .