
  1. 面涂料具有较好的厚涂性,单次刷涂的干厚度达到1.1mm,具有较好的抗金属液冲刷和侵蚀特点。

    The surface coating has a thick coating character of 1.1 mm with a good anti erosion character on liquid metal .

  2. 测定单轴承无刷同步发电机铁耗、机械耗和杂散耗

    Measuring of basic iron losses of ventilation losses and stray losses of single brushless alternator

  3. 据澎湃新闻报道:国内优步用户叫车时遭遇刷单行为,这些刷单司机被称为“幽灵司机”。

    Chinese customers of ride-hailing app Uber have been getting their ride requests answered by scammers who have come to be known as " ghost drivers , " The Paper reported Sunday .