
  • 网络North China University
  1. 北京华北大学美术科及中央戏剧学院舞台美术系本科毕业。

    Beijing North China University of Fine Arts Division and the Central Academy of Drama Department of Fine Arts Stage bachelor 's degree .

  2. 1949年8月华北大学工学院迁人北京。

    In August 1949 , the Engineering College of North-China University moved to Beijing .

  3. 1949年4月华北大学迁入北平。

    In April 1949 , Huabei University moved to Beiping ( Beijing at that time ) .

  4. 1951年11月18日华北大学工学院改名为北京工业学院。

    On November 181951 , Engineering College of North-China University was renamed Beijing Institute ofTechnology ( BIT ) .

  5. 1948年10月晋察冀边区工业专门学校与北方大学工学院合并,成立华北大学工学院。

    In October 1948 , the Engineering College of North-China University was founded on the basis of the merging of Jin-Cha-Ji Remote Area Industrial College and the Engineering College of Northern University .

  6. 1950年10月3日,以华北大学为基础的中国人民大学正式成立,成为新中国创办的第一所新型大学。

    The University was formally established with the foundation of Huabei University on October 31950 , which made it the first university city to be established by the newly founded People 's Republic of China .

  7. 华北电力大学校部校园网设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of North China Electric Power University Campus Network

  8. 华北电力大学:新形象新思路新目标

    New Image , New Approach New Target A brief account of the North China Electric Power University

  9. 来自长春的华北师范大学附属中学的一名16岁学生如是说。

    Said Wang , 16 , from the High School Affiliated to Northeast Normal University in Changchun .

  10. 通过对虚拟局域网技术的研究,设计实现了华北电力大学校部校园网的虚拟局域网。从应用的角度较全面地论述了虚拟局域网技术及其在华北电力大学校部校园网中的应用。

    The campus network of the North China Electric Power University is designed and implemented by using VLAN technology .

  11. 最后,在华北电力大学图书馆工程的施工过程中进行了实验应用。

    Finally , proceeded the experiment application in north China the construction process of the electric power university library engineering .

  12. 算法应用于华北电力大学校园网的综合智能网络管理系统中,取得较好的成效。

    The algorithm is applied to integration intelligent network management system of North China Electric Power University and procured better efficiency .

  13. 基于以写促学法,本研究对华北电力大学非英语专业大一两个班进行了一学年的以写促学法实验。

    Based on Write-to-Learn Approach , the experiment was carried out on non-English-major freshmen at North China Electric Power University for one academic year .

  14. 1948年8月华北联合大学和北方大学合并,成立华北大学,校址设在河北省正定县城。

    In August 1948 , Huabei University was founded on the basis of the merging of Huabei University of Association and North University in Zhengding county , Hebei Province .

  15. 试验是基于华北电力大学试验室小电晕笼、特高压交流试验基地上的大电晕笼、单回和双回试验线段上展开的。

    The tests carried on the small corona cage in North China Electric Power University , the large corona cage in UHV AC test base , single-circuit test line and double-circuit test line .

  16. 来自华北电力大学的“莱特兄弟华电号”,凭借稳定的发挥,在观众的欢呼声中一直飞了25米,一举拿下了冠军。

    Relying on stable exertion , Brother Wright Huadian from NCEPU ( North China Electric Power University ) had been flying for25 m in the crowd cheer , and won the championship accordingly .

  17. 1939年7月陕北公学、延安鲁迅艺术学院、延安工人学校、安吴堡战时青年训练班四校联合成立华北联合大学。

    In July 1939 , Huabei University of Association was founded in Yan'an on the basis of the merging of Shanbei Public School , Yan'an Luxun Art College , Yan'an Worker 's School and Anwubao wartime youth training squad .

  18. 华北电力大学与北京农学院共建方案研究高校图书馆搬迁工作的探讨&以北华航天工业学院图书馆的搬迁为例

    Joint Construction Scheme between North China Electric Power University and Beijing University of Agricultural ; Probe into the Relocation of University Library & Taking the Relocation of the Library of North China Institute of Aerospace Engineering as an Example

  19. 先后创办陕北公学、华北联合大学、华北联合大学等革命时期著名学府,培养了大批革命干部和其他各类人才,为中国革命的胜利做出了贡献。

    Has founded North Shanxi College , North China Union University , North China Joint University and other prestigious universities during the revolution , cultivated a large number of revolutionary cadres and other categories of personnel , and contributed to the victory of the revolution in China .

  20. 本文采用定量和定性研究相结合的方法,对173名华北电力大学的大二非英语专业的学生进行了问卷调查,并对其中的部分学生进行了访谈。

    Quantitative research together with qualitative research is adopted in this thesis . The 173 participants involved in this study are non-English majors from North China Electric Power University . All of the subjects are required to finish a questionnaire and then 20 students take part in an interview .

  21. 位于河南省郑州市的华北水利水电大学决定国庆假期放假4天,寒假放假时间提前7天。

    North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power in Zhengzhou , Henan province , has halved the holiday to four days . It will start winter vacation a week earlier than scheduled instead .