
qiān zì jié
  • kilobyte
千字节[qiān zì jié]
  1. Maximummessagelength:QCapture程序可以放置在发送队列中的消息的最大长度(千字节)。

    Maximum message length : The maximum size ( in kilobytes ) of a message that the Q Capture program can put on the send queue .

  2. Kbread:报告在测量时间间隔中从物理卷读取的总数据量(单位为千字节)。

    Kb_read : Reports back the total data ( kilobytes ) from your measured interval that is read from the physical volumes .

  3. 如果该值为1000或更高,Informix将其解译为一定数量的千字节。

    If the value is1000 or higher , Informix interprets the value as a specific number of kilobytes .

  4. Kbps:报告已传输的数据量(单位为千字节)。

    Kbps : Reports back the amount of data transferred in kilobytes .

  5. 文件大小–数码相片的大小以千字节(KB),兆字节(MB)或千兆字节计数(GB)。

    FILE SIZE – the size of an image in digital photography , measured in kilobytes ( KB ), megabytes ( MB ), or gigabytes ( GB ) .

  6. 文件大小-必须小于等于240千字节。

    FILE SIZE-Must be less than or equal to240 kilobytes .

  7. 设置/返回队列日志大小的最大值(以千字节为单位)。

    Sets / returns the maximum size ( in kilobytes ) of the queue journal .

  8. 日志文件大小必须是介于8和1000000千字节之间的值。

    The log file size must be a value between 8 and 1,000,000 Kbytes inclusive .

  9. 填充速度表示为每秒字节或每秒千字节。

    This Fill Rate is described either in terms of Bytes per second or kilobytes per second .

  10. 本装置能以140千字节/秒的写带速率连续写40兆字节数据。

    The apparatus can record 40 megabytes of data continuously at a recording rate of 140 kilobytes per second .

  11. 使用查看文件夹大小,您可以查看文件和文件夹大小的字节,千字节,兆字节和千兆字节。

    Using View Folder Size you can view file and folder sizes in bytes , kilobytes , megabytes and gigabytes .

  12. 平均实例吞吐量是所有完成的请求数(以千字节为单位)除以参与客户数。

    Average instance throughput is the total size of all completed requests in kilobytes divided by the number of participating guests .

  13. 默认情况下,使用的单位为千字节,但您可以使用选项-b替换为字节,使用-k替换为千字节,使用-m替换为兆字节,或使用-g替换为千兆字节。

    By default the display is in kilobytes , but you can override this using-b for bytes , - k for kilobytes , - m for megabytes , or-g for gigabytes .

  14. 指定了打印机会接受的最大作业(作为字节流),单位是千字节。取值为0时,表示未设置限制。

    Specifies the largest Job ( as a byte stream ) that the Printer will accept in units of Kbytes . A value of zero indicates that no limit has been set .