
  1. 结论RAPD技术是细菌基因分型及分子流行病学研究的好方法,在调查监控医院感染流行株方面有重要的临床意义。

    CONCLUSIONS RAPD method is a useful tool in molecular epidemiology and bacterial gene typing which survey on epidemic strains of nosocomial infection .

  2. 在有适合引物的条件下,RAPD可以作为判断MRSH医院感染流行的初筛工具。

    RAPD with appropriate primer could be a good screen tool for epidemic surveillance of MRSH infection in hospitals .

  3. 一起新生儿科呼吸道医院感染流行的调查与控制

    Investigation and Control of an Epidemic of Nosocomial Respiratory Infection in Neonatal Department

  4. 以周为时限,PA医院感染爆发流行共3起;

    Taking one week as time limit , 3 instances of outbreak of PA nosocomial infection were confirmed ;

  5. ICU环境合理布局、加强病房管理和消毒、灭菌、隔离工作,是控制ICU医院感染爆发流行的有效措施。

    The rational distribution of ICU , the enforced management of the the ward and the disinfection ? sterilization and isolation are the effective countermeasures against the epidemic outbreak of the nosocomial infection .

  6. 心外科重症监护病房鲍氏不动杆菌医院感染暴发流行调查

    Fulminant Acinetobacter baumannii Nosocomial Infection in Cardiac SICU : An Epidemiological Study

  7. 呼吸重症监护病房多药耐药鲍氏不动杆菌医院感染暴发流行调查及控制对策

    Multi-drug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Nosocomial Infection Outbreak in RICU : Investigation and Control Measures

  8. 摘要:诺如病毒是导致人类急性病毒性胃肠炎的主要病原,易引起医院感染暴发流行。

    ABSTRACT : Noroviruses are the leading cause of acute viral gastroenteritis in human beings and frequently cause the outbreaks of nosocomial infections .

  9. 结果36株肺炎克雷伯菌共分得33型,肺炎克雷伯菌医院感染局部流行共1起。

    Result 36 strains of Klebsiella pneumoniae were grouped into 33 RAPD types . 1 instances of local prevalence of Klebsiella pneumoniae hospital infection were confirmed .

  10. 非结核分枝菌(NTM)引起医院感染的爆发流行呈上升趋势。

    Outbreaks of iatrogenic infection by nontuberculous mycobacteria ( NTM ) trends to rise .

  11. ICU菌血症流行病学及抗菌药物敏感性分析ICU病区医院感染病原菌流行菌株及耐药性分析

    Epidemiology and Analysis of Sensitivity for Antibiotics of Bacteremia in Intensive Care Unit Prevailing bacteria strains of hospital acquired infections in intensive care unit and their drug-resistances

  12. 非结核分支杆菌与医院感染的爆发流行和预防控制

    Outbreaks of iatrogenic infection by nontuberculous mycobacteria and its prevention and control

  13. 目的了解鲍曼不动杆菌在医院感染中的流行及药敏特征,为临床抗感染治疗提供依据。

    Objective To realize the prevalence of Acinetobacter baumannii in nosocomial infection ( NI ) and its characteristics of antimicrobial susceptibility , and provide evidence for clinical anti-infection treatment .

  14. 了解我院鲍曼不动杆菌基因型及主要流行型别,分析基因型与耐药表型的相关性,研究院内鲍曼不动杆菌菌株之间的同源性,确定医院感染是否暴发流行,探讨耐药菌的传播机制。

    To understand gene type and the main epidemiological type , to analyze correlation between gene and anti-drug phenotype , and to study homology among Acinetobacter baumannii , making sure that Hospital Infections outbreak , investigating mechanism of transmission of anti-drug strains . 4 .

  15. 结论ICU内存在PA感染爆发流行;通过交叉感染或称为外源性感染,导致医院内感染的爆发流行。控制或消灭传染源,可减少医院内感染的发生。

    Conclusion Outbreak of PA may occur in ICU .

  16. 对患有产ESBLs变形杆菌感染的患者应加强消毒隔离措施,防止医院感染的暴发和流行。

    Disinfection and isolation measures should still be enhanced towards the patients infected by ESBLs-producing Proteus to prevent nosocomial infection outbreak and prevalence .

  17. 鼠伤寒沙门氏菌医院内感染15例流行原因

    Epidemiological Study on 15 Cases of Salmonella Typhimurium Infections in Hospital

  18. 加强医院感染管理工作避免医院感染暴发流行

    Strengthen the management of hospital infections to avoid the outbreak of hospital infection

  19. 结论做好医院感染前瞻性调查工作不仅能够降低医院感染的漏报率,而且能有效地预警医院感染的暴发流行趋势。

    It can not only decrease the missing report of nosocomial infection with ( prospective )( monitoring ) method , but also effectively clue on trend of outbreak and epidemic of nosocomial infection .

  20. 因此,得出结论:儿童医院产ESBLs的发生率相当高,儿科医生应重视感染性标本的早期培养,并根据药敏结果合理使用抗生素,以便及时有效地控制ESBLs菌株在医院感染与流行。

    The prevalence of ESBLs in children hospital infection was high , so the clinical microbiology laboratory should pay heed to its detection for rational use of antibiotics and effective control of resistance .