
  • 网络Medical fees;medical charge
  1. DADS模式在医疗收费管理中的应用

    Application of the DADS Mode in the Medical Charge Management

  2. 推进医疗收费公开制度树立卫生行业良好形象

    Promote open system for medical charge and set up good shape for health profession

  3. 许多医疗收费超过了较贫困家庭的财力。

    Many medical charges are beyond the means of poorer families .

  4. 加强医院物价管理规范医疗收费行为

    Strengthen the hospital price supervision and standardize medical service charge behavior

  5. 严格医疗收费管理塑造医院良好形象

    Strict Management of Medical Treatment Charge , Build Good Image of Hospital

  6. 住院患者医疗收费存在问题的调查分析与对策

    Investigation and resolution of mistakes in in-patients ' fee

  7. 口腔科医疗收费要坚持以病人为本

    Stomatology Medical Charge Must Stress on Patients First

  8. 政府将推出措施改善医疗收费制度。

    China to improve funding system for hospitals .

  9. 我国医疗收费价格政策的演变与发展趋势

    The evolution and developing trend of the price policy of the medical charge in our country

  10. 介绍一种网络性药房收费和医疗收费计算机管理系统软件

    A Software of Computer Network Operating System for Managing Collection of Fees of Pharmacy and Medical Service

  11. 新医改形势下加强医疗收费管理初探

    The Primary Exploration on the Enhancement of Medical Charge Management under the New Situation of Medical Reform

  12. 论医疗收费中的伦理道德

    Ethics on medical charges

  13. 结论可通过规划卫生资源、调整医疗收费、推广成本核算等方式加以改善。

    Conclusion The compensation can be improved through health resources distributing , medical service charges adjusting and cost accounting .

  14. 该基准确保了必要的护理人力,并且在每年度的医疗收费标准改定中不断得到完善而日趋合理。

    It could guarantee the necessary nurse staffing and be perfected continuously with annual adjustment in the medical payment standard .

  15. 如果没有像卡罗尔这样的志愿者们的帮助,医院要么提收更高医疗收费要么关门。

    Without the help provided by volunteers like Carol , the hospital would have to either charge higher fees or close .

  16. 他们希望解决风暴频仍、洪水肆虐、交通拥堵以及教育和医疗收费过高等问题。

    They want answers to storm surges , flooding , traffic jams , overpriced education and healthcare , and so on .

  17. 目的进一步加强住院病人收费的日常管理工作,规范医疗收费行为,防止出现多收、错收或漏收、少收病人费用现象。

    Objective To enhance the management of routine expenses charging of in-patients and to standardize medical price in order to prevent mistaken charging .

  18. 建议有关卫生主管部门积极推进乡村卫生机构建设,控制医疗收费。

    It was suggested that the concerned management sectors should advance the organization construction of rural health and control medical charges as well .

  19. 针对医院收费难的问题,提出了一种基于IC卡技术来进行医疗收费。

    In allusion to the problem of difficulty in charging by hand , this paper presents a hospital charging system based on IC card Technique .

  20. 医院一直严格执行国家卫生部颁发的医疗收费标准,严格执行国家卫生部颁发的疾病诊疗规范标准。

    The hospital has been strictly implements national ministry of medical treatment charge standard , strictly implements national ministry of disease diagnosis and treatment standards .

  21. 结果:深圳市和全国医疗收费标准中的护理收费存在着明显的不合理,漏收费严重。

    Results : There was obviously something unreasonable in those two Standards and nursing charge which should have been paid by patients was not paid .

  22. 本文通过对现行的医疗收费模式的比较、分析,认为按病种收费模式是我国医疗收费的发展方向。

    Based on the current model of health care charges , analysis , charging that the disease is under the direction of development should be taken .

  23. 军队医院的医疗收费事关经营方向,事关执行国家物价政策法规的态度,事关患者利益和医院的声誉。

    Fees for medical care in military hospitals have something with management tactics , attitude of enforcing national price policy and decrees , patients interest and hospital reputation .

  24. 方法:采用比较的方法,先对现行医疗收费方式的弊端进行阐述,再对目前可行的几种单病种收费方式优点与不足进行比较。

    Method : Describe disadvantages of current payment system in medical market , compare advantages and disadvantages between a few kinds of payment systems of " single-diagnosed disease " .

  25. 建议有关卫生主管部门增加农村卫生资源总量,提高乡村卫生机构诊疗水平,严格控制医疗收费的不合理增长。

    The health competency department concerned should increase the gross amount of rural hygeian resources , improve the diagnosis and treatment level of rural medical institutions , and strictly control unreasonable increases in medical charge .

  26. 科学合理定价,从源头上拧掉药品价格的水分,清理整顿医药市场,强化监督,调整医疗收费价格,才能真正使药品价格维持在一个规范合理的水平。

    Only by fixing drug prices in a scientifically rational way , eliminating exaggerated costs , clearing and rectifying the medical and drug market , strengthening supervision , and adjusting medical expenses can drug prices be truly maintained at a standardized and appropriate level .

  27. 方法:根据1998年《深圳市医疗收费标准》中的一级护理服务标准,应用项目阶梯成本分摊法对10项基础护理服务进行测算,对比现行的一级护理收费标准。

    Methods : According to the requirements of Grade One Nursing in Standards of Shenzhen Medical Charge ( published in 1998 ), accounting the theoretical costs of the ten basic nursing services by Item Ladder Cost Apportionment formula , comparing the theoretical cost with the current charge .

  28. C高;县级医疗机构收费过高。

    The medical charge of county-level hospital is too high .

  29. 目的:探讨急诊ICU一级护理病人10项基础护理单项成本核算,为合理调整医疗护理收费项目提供可靠依据,推进医院护理成本核算的科学化管理。

    Objective : To do monomial cost accounting for ten basic nursing items of emergency ICU Grade One Nursing . To provide evidence for adjusting nursing fees properly to promote the scientific management of nursing cost accounting .

  30. 浅析我国医疗服务收费标准的合理性

    Discussion on the rationality of medical service charge criteria in China