
  1. 建议为在座客人的健康(医生在线)干杯!

    Let me propose a toast to the health of our guests !

  2. sermo将与全球最大制药商辉瑞合作,确定制药商如何才能最好地和医生进行在线沟通,并根据他们的需求提供药品和疾病信息。

    Sermo and Pfizer will work together to establish how drugmakers can best communicate with physicians online , and provide drug and disease information to them on-demand .

  3. 我个人觉得并没有被这次的在线验光误导,不过眼科医生对在线服务持谨慎态度也并不令我感到惊讶。

    I personally did not feel misled by my online eye exam experience , but I am not surprised that eye doctors are wary about online services .