
  1. 求助CONVERSE匡威帆布鞋我该买多大的码?

    Seeks help CONVERSE the Kuang prestige canvas shoe I to buy the big code ?

  2. 此外,匡威还对国际贸易委员会(InternationalTradeCommission)单独提出了投诉。

    Converse also filed a separate complaint with the International Trade Commission .

  3. 他不穿名牌服装,喜欢牛仔服和匡威(Converse)帆布运动鞋。

    He doesn 't wear designer clothing , preferring jeans and Converse sneakers .

  4. 耐克(Nike)旗下的匡威(Converse)表示,对于竞争对手明显山寨其经典款运动鞋的行为,他们已经忍无可忍。

    Converse says it is fed up with rival shoe companies selling what the Nike-owned company calls clear copycats of its iconic Chuck Taylor sneakers .

  5. 年轻消费者既想要时尚,又希望被人接受,因此选择匡威(Converse)和优衣库(Uniqlo)等比较传统的时尚服装品牌。

    Young consumers want both stylishness and acceptance , so they opt for more conventionally hip fashion brands like Converse and Uniqlo .

  6. 耐克的提价也体现在低端产品上。经久不衰的匡威查克•泰勒全明星(ConverseChuckTaylorAll-Star)运动鞋现在售价为50美元,高于一年前的45美元。

    Nike 's price increases are also being felt at the lower end : The venerable Converse Chuck Taylor All-Star sneaker now costs $ 50 compared with $ 45 a year ago .

  7. 在宣布起诉的新闻发布会上,匡威表示,公司从1917年开始生产本案涉及的运动鞋,该系列也被称为匡威AllStars、ChuckTaylorAllStars或Chucks。

    The shoes in question – also known as Converse All Stars , Chuck Taylor All Stars or , simply , Chucks – have been manufactured by Converse since 1917 , the company said in a press release announcing the lawsuit .

  8. 蕾哈娜全身打扮很是抢眼,上身穿着一件MiuMiu品牌的橘色棉服,下衬黑色的打底裤,脚上穿着匡威帆布鞋。她从车上下来后走了几步就进了贝西体育馆的后台区域。

    Rihanna was an eye-catcher in a Miu Miu quilted orange coat , black leggings and Converse trainers as she strolled the short distance from car to backstage area .

  9. 匡威补充道,事实上,山寨Chuck的情况在2008年便已经出现,在过去六年间,他们已经发出了超过180封与Chuck商标有关的禁止通知函。

    Converse added that cases of what it deems knockoff Chucks have really picked up since 2008 , with the company claiming that it has served more than 180 cease and desist letters related to its Chucks trademarks in the past six years .

  10. 匡威补充道,事实上,“山寨Chuck”的情况在2008年便已经出现,在过去六年间,他们已经发出了超过180封与Chuck商标有关的禁止通知函。

    Converse added that cases of what it deems " knockoff Chucks " have really picked up since 2008 , with the company claiming that it has served more than 180 cease and desist letters related to its Chucks trademarks in the past six years .

  11. 2003年,耐克公司以3.05亿美元的价格收购了匡威。

    Nike paid $ 305 million to acquire Converse in 2003 .

  12. 我喜欢把匡威看作一个一百岁的新贵。

    I like to think of Converse as a100-year-old upstart .

  13. 在被耐克接手之前,匡威的品牌战略有何不同?

    How does that differ from the brand strategy before Converse was acquired by Nike ?

  14. 那么谁买匡威运动鞋?

    So who buys Converse sneakers ?

  15. 匡威并未就鞋上的星形标识提出侵权指控。

    Converse is not claiming any infringement of the shoe 's star logo in the lawsuits .

  16. 耐克来拯救匡威时,后者的年销售额约为2.05亿美元。

    Converse had about $ 205 million in sales when Nike came in to rescue it .

  17. 多年来,大银幕上的酷小子都爱穿匡威。

    For years , Converse has been well-represented by the cool kids of the big screen .

  18. 妈妈从网上为我的侄子订购了一个上学用的匡威帆布背包,而这是我们收到的背包……

    My Mum Ordered My Nephew A Converse Rucksack For School Online And This Is What Came ...

  19. 匡威估计它在全球售出了约10亿双带有查克·泰勒商标的鞋子。

    Converse estimates it has sold about a billion shoes worldwide with its Chuck Taylor trademark features .

  20. 芒福德建议选好服装后,可以配上一双匡威的鞋子或休闲鞋。

    Mumford suggested finishing the look with staple footwear , like a pair of Converse or a loafer .

  21. 我们要做大量工作因为匡威的品牌弹性令人好奇。

    We have a lot to work with because what 's amazing about Converse is the brand elasticity .

  22. 这起事件发生在巴黎。当时,这位中年大妈穿着低腰紧身牛仔裤和匡威帆布鞋,坐在英语高中会考的教室里。

    The middle-aged woman wore low-waisted skinny jeans and Converse shoes to sit the English language baccalaureate in Paris .

  23. 广州奥美新赢取的品牌包括:珠江啤酒、匡威和太古汇等。

    This has been a response to a spate of business wins including Zhujiang Beer , Converse and Swire Properties .

  24. 但是,匡威流行程度的上升也导致了卡尔霍恩所说的仿制行为的剧增。

    But that increase in popularity has also contributed to what Mr. Calhoun says is an explosion in knockoff activity .

  25. 艾薇儿甩掉她标志性的匡威鞋、骷髅头T恤,换上了今年大为流行的高跟鱼嘴鞋,涂上了鲜红的口红和甲油。

    The singer even ditched her Converse trainers and skull and crossbones T-shirts for peep toe heels , blood red lipstick .

  26. 它想扩大自己其他的品牌,例如匡威帆布鞋以及茵宝运动衫,并同时在技术上继续进行投资。

    It wants to expand its other brands , such as Converse sneakers and Umbro sportswear , and will continue to invest in technology .

  27. 耐克凭借强大的销售协议,帮助匡威帆布鞋走进外国商店,增加了匡威在海外的销售。

    Nike has also helped Converse increase its sales overseas , using its robust distribution contracts to help funnel Converse sneakers into foreign stores .

  28. 当匡威并入耐克并且广泛引入了时装设计师和专业运动员明星时,你如何保持匡威品牌的非主流形象?

    How can you maintain the brand 's anti-Establishment image when you are owned by Nike and bring on board fashion designers and athletic superstars ?

  29. 当我还是孩子的时候,如果有人穿着彪马运动鞋而不是耐克、阿迪达斯或匡威,他们就会被嘲笑。

    When I was a kid , if someone turned up wearing Puma sneakers instead of Nike / Adidas / Converse , they were ridiculed .

  30. 耐克重振匡威的方法包括扩大特许经销区,推出更多颜色和款式,帮助将全明星鞋推向海外市场。

    Nike reinvigorated the brand by expanding the franchise , introducing more colors and styles , and helping to push All Stars into overseas markets .