
  • Northerner;Northmen;Norsemen
  • Northman
北方人 [běi fāng rén]
  • (1) [Northman]∶北部地区(如中国、北欧或加拿大北部)的本地人或居民

  • (2) [Northerner]∶北方的本地人或居民;尤指美国北方各州的本地人或居民

  1. 听你口音简直成了个北方人了,孩子。

    Listen to your accent simply become a northerner , and the child .

  2. 那北方人说:“我已经准备了足够的旅费。”

    The Northerner said : " I have prepared enough travel expenses . "

  3. 这些偏见在北方人中尤为常见。

    These prejudices are particularly prevalent among people living in the North .

  4. 我喜欢北方人的豪爽和直率。

    I like the openness and directness of northerners .

  5. 该报告消除了北方人比南方人膳食脂肪含量高的谬论。

    The report dispels the myth that Northerners have a fattier diet than people in the south .

  6. 我是北方人。

    I come from the north .

  7. 在中国,许多北方人都有储存食物的习惯,特别是在漫长的冬天。

    Many northern Chinese have the habit of storing food , especially for the long winter .

  8. 最近,中国南方人和北方人之间的另一个差异成为热点:人们在市场上购物的方式。

    Recently , another difference between southern Chinese and northern Chinese became a hot one : the way people shop at markets .

  9. 目的比较中国北方人对食管癌及肺癌的易感性与p53基因第72密码子多态性的关系。

    Objective To investigate the association of p53 codon 72 polymorphism with susceptibility to esophageal cancer and lung cancer in the northern Chinese population .

  10. 中国北方人PAH基因外显子6,12的突变研究

    Studies on Mutation in Exon 6 and 12 of PAH Gene in Northern Chinese

  11. 目的:检测中国北方人中苯丙酮尿症(PKU)患者苯丙氨酸羟化酶(PAH)基因外显子6,12中的突变。

    Objective : This study was to detect the mutation in exon 6 and 12 of PHA gene in Northern Chinese .

  12. 目的:研究UCP2基因启动子区-866G/A的多态性与中国北方人肥胖的关系。

    Objective To investigate the relationship of UCP2-866G / A polymorphism with obesity in northern chinses .

  13. 麻省理工学院(MassachusettsInstituteofTechnology)及其他三所高校近期研究显示,受雾霾天气的影响,中国北方人的平均预期寿命会减少五年多。使用煤炭供暖和发电在一定程度上造成了雾霾天气。

    Northern China 's smog fed by in part by the burning of coal for heat and electricity has been shown to shorten average life expectancy by more than five years , according to a recent study by Massachusetts Institute of Technology and three other universities .

  14. 目的研究中国北方人对肺癌的易感性与cyClinD1基因第870位核苷酸A/G(A870G)多态性的关系。

    Objective To investigate the association of Cyclin D1 ( A870G ) single nucleotide polymorphism ( SNP ) with susceptibility to lung cancer in northern Chinese population .

  15. 目的:研究中国北方人非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的易感性和放疗敏感性与TP53基因多态性的关系。

    Objective To study the association of polymorphism in TP53 gene with the susceptibility and radiation sensitivity of non-small-cell-lung cancer ( NSCLC ) of the population in the North of China .

  16. 英国人说英语时最明显的口音差别之一可以在念bath这个单词上表现出来,一般北方人会按发at时发a的音,南方人发的音就像是发are时的音。

    One of the most obvious differences in accents in Britain is shown by the pronunciation of the word bath . Broadly speaking people in the north pronounce the a as if they were saying at , and people in the south pronounce it as if they were saying are .

  17. 结论cyClinD1(A870G)A/A基因型是中国北方人患肺腺癌的危险因素,而肺鳞癌的易感性与cyClinD1(A870G)多态性无关。

    Conclusion In northern Chinese population , the Cyclin D1 ( A870G ) A / A genotype is a risk factor for lung adenocarcinoma . There is no significant association between squamous cell carcinoma and Cyclin D1 ( A870G ) polymorphism .

  18. 对18例BH4缺乏症患者及其家系进行基因分析,发现6种基因突变,其中259C→T和286G→A为中国北方人的常见突变。

    Six single base mutations were detected in 18 unrelated northern Chinese BH4 deficiency families , and the mutations at nucleotides 259C → T and 286G → A were common mutations .

  19. 研究结果表明:(1)PAX4基因的外显子中未见有与中国北方人2型糖尿病相关的多态位点,提示该基因可能不是中国北方人的2型糖尿病易感基因;

    The conclusions were as follows : ( 1 ) No polymorphism associated with T2DM was found on PAX4 gene , which suggested it wasn 't susceptibility gene of T2DM .

  20. 14名TUCO成员访问了北京、广州、深圳、香港等城市,了解到中国的饮食习惯因区域不同而千差万别,为中国南方和北方人提供不同的菜单选择非常重要。

    Fourteen TUCO members visited Beijing , Guangzhou , Shenzhen and Hong Kong and learned that Chinese food varies by region , and that offering menu choices from both the north and south of China was crucial .

  21. 北方人对酸菜的情感毫无造作。

    The northern people have an unaffected love for pickled cabbage .

  22. 水稻是北方人赖以生活的重要部分。

    Rice was an important part of Northern people 's existence .

  23. 我必须承认,北方人说话我很难理解。

    I must admit I have a little trouble understanding Northerners .

  24. 英格兰南方人和北方人语言上的差别

    The difference in speech between southern England and northern England

  25. 现代北方人生活方式与冬季体育运动

    The Morden Style of the Northerners and the Winter Sports

  26. 我们学校的大多数人是北方人。

    Most of the students in our school are northerners .

  27. 南方人靠水稻生存而北方人靠小麦生存。

    The southerners live on rice while the northerners live on wheat .

  28. 美国北方人就是更注重时间的准确性。

    Its just that North Americans pay more attention to exact times .

  29. 中国北方人苯丙氨酸羟化酶基因外显子7内新突变的鉴定

    Novel Mutations Identified in Exon 7 of Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Gene in Chinese

  30. 从他的口音判断,他是北方人。

    Judging from his accent , he must be from the North .