- 名legal relationship of labor;jural relation of labor

The concept of the legal relationship of labor in our country has some deficiencies for lack of consideration from the angle of public law .
Analyze the Legal Relation of Labourers in the Labour Market
The Position of Branch Institutes In Labor Law Relationship
The factual labor relations go with the labor relations for a long time .
Secondly , we must recognize the commercial of workforce and establish its position of the object in labor law relations .
Because of the inequality of subjects of labor-law relations , labor law gradually demonstrates the trend of " private laws publicize " .
The thesis confines the main bodies of the dispute to the athletes in national teams and the National Sports Item Manage Center .
The jural relationship of labor is different from employment legal relationship in subjects , objects , contents and national intervention , can not be distinguished .
In the regulatory labor legal relations , the rights and obligations of the contracting parties are very clear , and there are statutory procedures therefor .
In judicial practice , how defined the status of " laborers ", how to accurately distinguish between legal relations of labor and other legal relations , there is always controversial .
In China , as a new kind of work-law relationship , the labor dispatch has developed for20years ; the right to rest of dispatched workers should be regarded by Chinese society .
Legal responsibility should be cleared that once employers make internal regulations not in accordance with the law on which basis dismissal of workers act null and assume of legal responsibility should be continued .
Discriminating various viewpoints of the object of labor juristic relationship in academic circle . It is undistributed in theory that regarding labor activity , labor conduct and labor factors as the object of labor juristic relationship .
In the legal relation of labor , when the employer and employee terminate or cancel a labor contract , the employer often pay the employee a certain amount of money for economic compensation in accordance to the law .
In the substantial problem about identification of injure accident , it 's quite important to ascertain whether there exits labor relation , we must properly distinguish legal labor relation from illegal labor relation and the labor relation from personal relation ;
Part I : The first part of the paper is from the angle of jurisprudence to define with efficiency and fair at first , then it further points out how to deal with the relation of fair and efficiency in labor legal relation .
Although laws and regulations on adjusting and regulating the labor contract legal relation have been formulated and promulgated in our country , and meanwhile some economic means and necessary administrative intervention have been taken , which has made gratifying achievements in employment work in China .
And then by analyzing the characteristic and the flow process of Labour Force , the paper recommends the way to find out the real party of the Legal Relationship of Seamen 's Employment , and analyzes the status of current Seamen 's Employment Agency .
Work made for hire is based on the regular payment of salaries arising from Labor-law relationships , and then a clear scope of works created within the work .
However , labor relationship and civil relationship , legal labor relationship and legal civil relationship are poles apart in nature .
Factual work relation is the work relation which is free from legal work relation and which needs to be specially protected .
Part II : This part analyses labor standard and collective agreement at the methods of economic analyses of law .
Under the background of contemporary efficiency , labor law should choose the collective agreement to regulate labor legal relation .
In order to enlarge the regulation range of labor law and bring labor force dispatchment relation into its regulation scope , the subjects of these two legal relations must be brought into a comparative study .
The rights of labor , also known as labor rights or labor rights . Workers ' rights as the labor law a very important proposition , its obligations and workers complement each other and together constitute the core of the labor legal relations .
It is very important to the employer and the employee , especially to the latter , that whether an actual labor activity can be affirmed into the labor relationship .
Therefore , it is necessary to balance safeguarding labour rights and equity , as well as procedure justice and efficiency . In addition , it should be make clear of distinction between labour relation and other legal relations .