
láo dònɡ tiáo jiàn
  • working condition
  1. 可提高开挖的施工效率,改善工人的劳动条件。

    This method can put up construction efficiency of excavation and improve the worker 's working condition .

  2. 它能显著地简化制壳工序、降低成本、改善劳动条件。

    The pattern can be made in a much simpler procedure with a lower cost and better working condition .

  3. 只要工人继续容忍这种恶劣的劳动条件,情况就不会有任何改变。

    Nothing will change as long as the workers continue to accept these appalling conditions .

  4. 说明A型行为人的心理较其他行为人的心理脆弱,为此在改善作业场所劳动条件的同时,特别要对A、C型行为的人提供心理治疗和健康指导。

    It is suggested that while improving working conditions , to provide RSVD with psychological treatment and health guidance , especially RSVD of Type A , C behaviour .

  5. 今年1月,苹果加入公平劳工协会(fairlaborassociation),该协会在8月表示,富士康已对劳动条件做出“必要改变”。

    In January , apple joined the Fair Labor Association , which said in August that Foxconn had made " necessary changes " to working conditions .

  6. 在回转窑上安装远红外自动控温系统的基础上,研究证明了撤消T2热电偶的可行性,并实施撤消T2热电偶,从而降低了生产成本、改善了劳动条件。

    It has been shown by the research that automatic far infrared temperature controlling system can replace thermocouple T2 , thus reducing the production cost and improving the working conditions .

  7. 计算机辅助设计(CAD)近十年来在我国建筑设计领域的应用日益普遍,越来越多的设计单位和企业采用这一技术来提高设计效率、产品质量和改善劳动条件。

    The computer-aided design ( CAD ) is common applied increasingly in architectural design domain of China recent ten years , more and more design department and enterprise use this technology to enhance the rated capacity , product quality and improve the work condition .

  8. 对富士康(Foxconn)运营进行的检查发现,自2010年发生一连串工人自杀、促使外界关注该公司劳工实践以来,这家苹果(Apple)的供应商已改善了工厂劳动条件,但工人加班时间仍超出中国《劳动法》允许的范围。

    Apple supplier Foxconn has improved factory conditions since a series of worker suicides drew attention to the company 's labour practices in 2010 , but workers still do more overtime than permitted by Chinese labour law , an audit of its operations has found .

  9. 为了解公共汽车司乘人员的劳动条件,对公共汽车司乘人员接受全身振动强度、工时、车厢内噪声强度,以及空气中CO、CO2、NO2含量和细菌含量进行了测定。

    The whole body vibration intensity and the exposure time of drivers and conductors were measured on the buses in Beijing proper . The noise , concentrations of CO , CO 2 , NO 2 and bacteria in the air of the buses were also measured .

  10. 针对空分设备的特点以及在手工焊接铝合金过程中遇到的技术难点,设计自动TIG立焊微机控制系统的目的在于提高焊接质量,改善工人劳动条件,提高劳动生产率,大大提高经济效益。

    According to the practical situation of welding for air-separate equipments and some difficults in technology , this paper introduces the computer control system for double-side automatic TIG vertical position welding , which can improve the welding quality and working condition , enhance the economic benefit .

  11. 如何在保持劳动力价格优势、保障更多就业岗位与改善劳动条件、维护劳动者权益之间取得符合中国经济发展水平的平衡,是工会应对SA8000策略的出发点。

    The starting point that the Chinese trade unions copy with SA8000 should include to keep the advantage of labor force price , safeguard more employment opportunities and improve labor conditions , and keep a balance between protection of laborers ' rights and interests and China 's economic development .

  12. 受苹果委托帮助富士康改善劳动条件的监督组织公平劳动协会(FLA)在检查评估后表示,富士康未能遵守中国《劳动法》有关每月累计加班时间不得超过36小时的规定。

    Foxconn is not in compliance with Chinese law allowing only 36 hours of overtime a month , according to an inspection by the Fair Labor Association , a monitoring group brought in by Apple to help the company improve working conditions .

  13. 受苹果委托帮助富士康改善劳动条件的监督组织“公平劳动协会”(FLA)在检查评估后表示,富士康未能遵守中国《劳动法》有关每月累计加班时间不得超过36小时的规定。

    Foxconn is " not in compliance " with Chinese law allowing only 36 hours of overtime a month , according to an inspection by the Fair Labor Association , a monitoring group brought in by Apple to help the company improve working conditions .

  14. 三要改善劳动条件,创建安全的工作环境;

    Third , improving labor conditions and creating safe working environment ;

  15. 我们把注意力集中于改善他们的劳动条件。

    We directed our attention to improving their working conditions .

  16. 提出改善劳动条件和增加工资的要求

    Push forward demands for better working conditions and higher wages

  17. 他们正在为改善劳动条件举行谈判。

    They are negotiating for an improvement in working conditions .

  18. 没有人关心她们的劳动条件!

    No one is concerned about their working conditions !

  19. 中国的劳动条件恶劣是出了名的。

    Labour conditions in China can be notoriously lousy .

  20. 该工艺无黄烟污染,改善了劳动条件,降低了生产成本,贮运方便。

    The process is low in cost and greatly improves the labour conditions .

  21. 这对于提高焊接质量及改善劳动条件具有积极的意义。

    This system has an active significance to improve brazing standards and working conditions .

  22. 他们正在为争取较好的劳动条件而斗争。

    They are fighting for better working conditions .

  23. 液压模锻锤是一种节能、高效、劳动条件较好的锻造设备。

    The hydraulic hammers are energy-saving and efficient die-forging machines with better working conditions .

  24. 这些大大改善了他们的劳动条件。

    These greatly improved their working conditions .

  25. 合理的劳动条件(措施)

    Reasonable labour conditions ( measures )

  26. 有助于改善劳动条件的措施

    Measures tending to improve working conditions

  27. 为人们改善劳动条件提供了一种精确的检测手段和方法。

    The utility model provides an accurate detecting means and method for improving people 's labor conditions .

  28. 与粉状硬化剂相比较,能大大改善劳动条件和劳动强度。

    Compared with powder hardeners , it can greatly improve the working conditions and lower labour intensity .

  29. 其次,罢工是以维持改善劳动条件或获得其它经济利益为直接间接目的。

    Second , the direct goal of strike is the improvement of working conditions and other economic benefits .

  30. §1970年职业卫生和安全法,要求雇主提供安全和卫生的劳动条件。

    The Occupational Health and Safety Act of 1970 requires employers to provide safe and healthy working conditions .