
dòng liàng
  • momentum;impetus;quantity of motion
动量 [dòng liàng]
  • [quantity of motion;momentum] 表示运动物体运动特性的一种物理量,它的方向和物体运动的方向相同。它的大小等于运动物体的质量和速度的乘积

动量[dòng liàng]
  1. 物体下落增进动量。

    A falling object gains momentum as it falls .

  2. 旋转的陀螺正在失去动量。

    The spinning top was losing momentum .

  3. 非旋转的运动可能伴随着有角动量。

    Angular momentum can accompany nonrotational motion .

  4. 但也有其他的动量。

    But there are other kinds of momentum as well .

  5. 一旦巨大的石头开始滚动,它就会产生动量,这是由它的质量和速度决定的。

    Once you have started the boulder rolling , it develops momentum , which is defined by its mass and velocity .

  6. 在物理学中,运动物体有两个与理解能量系统动力学相关的特征:惯性和动量。

    In physics , moving objects have two characteristics relevant to understanding the dynamics of energy systems : inertia and momentum .

  7. 毕竟,我们说不仅物体或人有动量,整个系统都有动量。

    After all , we don 't speak only of objects or people as having momentum ; we speak of entire systems having momentum .

  8. 无论是运动队还是总统竞选,每个人都喜欢拥有巨大的动量,因为这让他们难以停止或改变方向。

    Whether it 's a sports team or a presidential campaign , everybody relishes having the big momentum , because it makes them harder to stop or change direction .

  9. 所以一个重的物体(比如一个高速运动的足球运动员)有很大的动量,这意味着一旦他运动起来,就很难改变他的运动状态。

    So a heavy object , like a football player moving at a high speed , has a lot of momentum — that is , once he is moving , it is hard to change his state of motion .

  10. 当你听到人们谈论如何快速将一种能源转化为另一种能源的时候,无论是从煤炭到核能,还是从汽油动力汽车到电动汽车,抑或是从白炽灯到荧光灯,了解能源系统的惯性和动量可以帮助你决定他们的计划是否可行。

    When you hear people speaking of making a rapid transition toward any type of energy , whether it is a switch from coal to nuclear power , or a switch from gasoline-powered cars to electric cars , or even a switch from an incandescent to a fluorescent light , understanding energy system inertia and momentum can help you decide whether their plans are feasible .

  11. 不幸的是,对他们(通常是纳税人)来说,我们的能源系统有点像航空母舰:价格高得惊人,需要花很长时间建造,巨大的惯性意味着需要大量的能源才能启动,一旦启动,它们就有很大的动量。

    Unfortunately for them ( and often the taxpayers ) , our energy systems are a bit like an aircraft carrier : they are unbelievably expensive , they are built to last for a very long time , they have a huge amount of inertia ( meaning it takes a lot of energy to set them moving ) , and they have a lot of momentum once they are set in motion .

  12. P-~(13)C弹性散射动量空间库仑作用的处理

    Treatment of Coulomb interaction in momentum space for p & ( 13 ) ~ c elastic scattering

  13. 神经网络动量-自适应学习率BP算法与BP算法的性能比较及其应用

    Momentum-Adaptive-Learning-Rate BP Algorithm Compared With the Standard BP Algorithm and Its Application

  14. 其中的BP算法用变学习速率和附加动量因子方法进行了改进。

    The BP algorithm is modified by variable learning rate and momentum .

  15. 神经网络采用带有动量项和自适应学习率的反向传播算法(BP)进行训练。

    The system adopts back-propagation learning algorithm with momentum .

  16. 静Vortex场中的二维角动量

    Two-Dimensional Angular Momentum in the Field of a Static Vortex

  17. 结合本系统的实际情况,研究了神经网络算法,尤其对具有动量项的BP算法进行了详细的说明。

    Researches neural network algorithm combined with this project , especially the BP algorithm with momentum item .

  18. 利用误差的加权平均p范数作为代价函数,提出了动量LMP算法Ⅱ。

    Based on weighted average least p-norm , another momentum LMP algorithm is proposed .

  19. 铁球的动量耦合系数的典型数值为5.0dyne/W。

    A typical value of the momentum coupling efficiency of 5.0 dyne / W for iron beads is obtained .

  20. 动量空间中能质子-~(12)C弹性散射截面和自旋量的研究

    A study of the cross sections and the spin observables for proton - ~ ( 12 ) C elastic scattering in momentum space in the intermediate energy region

  21. 利用这个表达式重新构造动量方程,引入各向异性k方程和ε方程,建立了新的湍流数学模型一各向异性k-ε模型。

    By using of these expressions and introducing anisotropic κ equation and ε equation , an anisotropic κ - ε model has been established .

  22. 分析表明,既加有动量因子又能动态调整学习速率的BP网络具有较好的预测效果,能够满足工程实践需要。

    Analysis showed that the BP network with momentum factor and dynamic learning rate had better prediction and it could satisfy the engineering need .

  23. 利用有关实验资料,基于附加动量的BP算法,对垂直管道内锰结核的摩阻损失进行了模拟。

    Utilizing relevant experiment materials , studied the friction loss of manganese nodules on the basis of additional BP algorithm of the artificial neural network .

  24. 算法研究&对各种网络模型算法作出比较后,采用一种基于传统BP算法的改进算法,即在计算过程中引入动量项a项以利用上一步学习结果,加快了传统BP算法的学习速度。

    It can utilize the learning result of previous step during the training process , which can accelerate the training process of traditional BP algorithm .

  25. 研究了采用反作用飞轮为执行机构的整星零动量卫星绕X轴大角度偏置飞行模式的姿态解耦控制问题。

    This paper designs an attitude decoupling control law for small satellite in large-angle biased flight mode about roll axis of zero-momentum system via reaction wheels .

  26. 一维Morse势动量算符矩阵元的通项公式

    The general formula of momentum matrix of one-dimensional morse potential

  27. 角变量ψ和角动量Lz的不确定关系

    The uncertainty relation of angular variable and angular momentum

  28. 研究了BP网络模型和BP算法,并对BP算法进行了加入动量项和自适应调节步长的改进。

    BP network model and BP algorithm are also researched and BP algorithm is improved by adding the momentum item and self-adapting the length of train step .

  29. Kerr黑洞的角动量

    Angular Momentum of Kerr Black Hole

  30. 针对偏置动量轮系统,基于经典控制论设计了俯仰通道的PID控制律和滚动&偏航通道的非最小相位控制律。

    To bias momentum flywheel system , based on classic control theory , a PID control law for pitching and non-least phase control law for rolling-yawing are developed .