
  • 网络Movable floating charge
  1. 不可轻率规定动产浮动抵押;

    Floating mortgage of movables should not be stipulated recklessly ;

  2. 本文以动产浮动抵押为研究对象。

    In this essay , Movable Property Floating Charge is considered as the main research subject .

  3. 在世界性经济不景气的背景下,人们越来越关注动产浮动抵押。

    In the depression of the world economy Movable Property Floating Charge is more and more interested by people .

  4. 结合动产浮动抵押的特性,我们在实行程序上可以采用私力救济。

    According to the character of floating charge over chattels , we can take the private remedy on the implementation .

  5. 虽然传统上的浮动抵押是动产浮动抵押的源流,但是把国外的法律制度传入时,按照各国家的国情有些不同。

    Although Floating Charge is the origin of Movable Property Floating Charge , but in foreign legal system imported according to the situation of each nation the transformation occurs .

  6. 然后从理论和实务操作两个层面上,举例说明动产浮动抵押在企业融资、银行信贷业务、公司债发行以及项目融资等领域中广泛应用的可行性。

    And then from two levels of theory and practice , shows by example the feasibility of its extensive applications in multiple fields of corporate finance , bank credit , issuing bonds , as well as project finances .

  7. 在本文,参考在日本法上的法律理论或者判例理论分析动产浮动抵押的现有和将有的问题后,提出了一些完善动产浮动抵押的建议。

    In this essay , in reference to legal theory and judicial precedent of Japanese Law , Author analyze the problems in the present and the future which there are in Movable Property Floating Charge , after that suggest the methods of improving Movable Property Floating Charge .

  8. 对动产浮动抵押权的实行,本文采广义的概念,即当法定或约定的事由发生,浮动抵押固定化为固定抵押,抵押权人就固定化后确定的抵押财产优先受偿的行为。

    About the concept of the implementation of floating charge , we take a broad concept . That is when some statutory or agreed reasons come , the floating charge will crystallize and become fixed charge . Then the charger has priority for repayment of secured property .

  9. 那时候,应该认识日本法上的流动动产让与担保和动产浮动抵押之间的差异。

    Then Author should recognize the difference between floating chattel mortgage which is developed in leading cases of Japan Law and Movable Property Floating Charge .

  10. 这就是标的物的流动性。日本法上的流动动产让与担保和动产浮动抵押的标的物在标的物的结晶前一直处于流出流入的浮动状态。

    Before crystallizing , the subject matter of floating chattel mortgage in Japan Law and Movable Property Floating Charge is in the floating condition as like inflow and outflow .

  11. 就是说,日本法上的流动动产让与担保在判例理论上形成和发展,动产浮动抵押由法律制定的。

    That is to say , floating chattel mortgage in Japanese Law developed in leading cases of Justice in Japan , however Movable Property Floating Charge is legislated .