
  • 网络French;canadian french
  1. 第3章是对加拿大法语沉浸式教育的阐述。

    Chapter 3 is devoted to Canadian French immersion education .

  2. 加拿大法语的词汇规范

    The Norm of words on Canadian French

  3. 有85%的加拿大法语居民居住在法语省份魁北克省。

    85 % of Francophones live in French province of Quebec .

  4. 例如,使用法语断字符来处理加拿大法语文本。

    For example , the French word breaker is used to handle text that is French canadian .

  5. 加拿大法语中的英语化现象

    Anglicism in Canadian French

  6. 法国以及加拿大法语区的传统主义者也同样担心英语词汇会影响到它们的母语。

    Traditionalists in France and French-speaking Canada also worry about the influx of English words into their native tongue .

  7. 除了多伦多,我们还有魁北克省的蒙特利尔市,这是参观加拿大法语区的最好去处。

    Besides that we have Montreal in the province of Quebec . It 's a good place to see the French-speaking side of Canada .

  8. 1965年,加拿大法语沉浸教育开始于魁北克省,随后沉浸式教育传播到了其他9个省。

    The first French immersion class started in St. Lambert Quebec in 1965 and the programs subsequently spread to each of the other nine provinces .

  9. 19世纪下半叶至20世纪初,大量工人从四面八方涌入曼彻斯特,其中包括许多从加拿大法语区南下的法裔加拿大人。

    Half of the19th century to early20th century , the influx of large numbers of workers from all over Manchester , including many from Canada 's French-speaking south of the French Canadians .

  10. 她通过对加拿大法语学习者长达七年浸入式学习的调查发现,语言输入并不是外语学习的唯一成功因素,语言输出对外语学习同等关键和重要。

    In her research based on Canadian learners learning L2 in immersion classes , Swain concluded that comprehensible input is not the sole factor for successful L2 learning , arguing that output serves an indispensable learning purpose .

  11. 加拿大的法语与法国本土的法语不相同。

    Canadian French is different from the language of metropolitan france .

  12. Swain(1985)对加拿大的法语沉浸式教学进行了调查。

    Swain ( 1985 ) investigated French immersion program in Canada .

  13. 法国、比利时、瑞士、加拿大讲法语。

    French is spoken in France , Belgium , Switzerland and Canada .

  14. 答案就在加拿大的法语区。

    The answer is the French-speaking part of Canada .

  15. 路易斯安那州的卡津人是加拿大境内法语区的阿卡迪亚人的后裔。

    The Cajuns in Louisiana are descendants of the French-speaking Acadians of Canada .

  16. 他可以轻易地把自己的核心支持者,也就是加拿大的法语群体放在优先的位置。

    he could easily have put his core constituency , that is Canada 's French community , first .

  17. 我们认为他生活在渥太华河对岸的加蒂诺镇,那里隶属于加拿大的法语省份魁北克省。

    We believe he lives across the river from Ottawa in a town called Gatineau , which is part of the Quebec province , the French-speaking province in Canada .

  18. 或许有250m-350m人用或者能用英语作为第二语言。特别是在前殖民地国家;或是英国人为主的国家,像30m的美国新移民;或者是加拿大的6m讲法语的魁北克人。

    Maybe 250m-350m do or can use it as a second language ; in ex-colonial countries , notably , or in English-majority ones , like 30m recent immigrants to the United States , or Canada 's 6m francophone Quebeckers .

  19. 加拿大人来自加拿大,他们说法语和英语。

    Canadians come from Canada * They speak English and French .

  20. 加拿大是英语和法语双语国家。

    Canada is a bilingual country with English and French as its official languages .

  21. 他们在加拿大讲英语和法语。

    They speak English and French in Canada .