
  • 网络Power calculation formula;rating formula
  1. 结合实验结果应用输入功率计算公式和Charles公式,根据耗电量,可随意预测出粉碎产品的平均粒度。

    Combining the experiment 's result with the application of both equations of Electricity-Consumption and Charles , the average size of the milled output can be easily predicted in account of the input power .

  2. 浅谈搅拌设备功率计算公式对推进式搅拌器的适用范围

    Discussion on applied range of agitation facilities power formula for process agitator

  3. 对单相埋入式电极盐浴炉功率计算公式的商榷

    Discuss on Calculation Formula for Power of Monophase Embeded Electrode Salt Bath Furnace

  4. 对高速皮带抛运机功率计算公式的改进

    Improvements on Power-calculating Formula of High-speed Belt Throw Transporter

  5. 说明钢丝加热、炉体表面散热和电功率计算公式。

    To explain calculation formula of steel wire heating , furnace surface heat dispersion and electric power .

  6. 在测定前预先将功率计算公式及发动机的惯性常数输入,即能自动显示最终结果。

    We input the formula and inertia constant to the calculator , and the final results can be displayed .

  7. 在节点负荷矩基础上推导出了计算和修正节点负荷矩的等值阻抗和等值功率计算公式;

    On the basis of defining nodal load moment , the formulae to calculate and modify equivalent impedances and equivalent power of nodal load moments are given ;

  8. 本文导出了滑片转子型蒸汽马达动力装置的有效功率计算公式,在此基础上计算确定了蒸汽马达的基本尺寸,并扼要分析影响蒸汽马达基本尺寸的一些参数。

    The effective power formula of steam motors with sliding-blade rotors is derived . Thereby , the basic dimensions of steam motors are determined , with analysis of some parameters that affect these dimensions .

  9. 推荐了按不同预期寿命计算V带额定功率的计算公式,并给出计算实例。

    A new calculating formula is recommended and it 's practical examples are given .

  10. 根据单根V带额定功率的计算公式,推导出求解普通V带传动极限速度υlim和最佳速度υopt的两个方程,并提供了计算实例。

    Two equations of classical V belt drives limit velocity ( υ lim ) and optimum velocity ( υ opt ) are deduced on the ground of V belt power ratings calculating formula . Finally , the example is given .

  11. 给出了扭矩和功率的计算公式;

    The formulae of calculating torque and power have been given .

  12. 二瓦特计测量法的读数与无功功率的计算公式

    Readings of Two-wattmeter Measuring Method and Calculating Formula of Reactive Power

  13. 简述了深锥浓密机的结构及工作原理,提出了深锥浓密机刮泥功率的计算公式;

    The structure and operating principle of a deep cone thickener are described .

  14. 在研究试验的基础上,分析并建立了立式螺旋开沟机的功率消耗计算公式。

    The power consumption calculation formula of screw digger is derived based on the longtime of study and analysis .

  15. 推导了立式螺旋卸料煤泥离心机生产能力和功率消耗计算公式并用实例加以验证。

    The calculation formula for capacity and power consumption of fine coal vertical centrifuge was deduced and verified by examples .

  16. 由于脑电图信号的非平稳性,首先从理论上推导出针对脑电图信号的小波功率谱计算公式。

    Because of the instability of EEG signals , the expressions of wavelet power spectrum for EEG signals have been described in this paper .

  17. 为此,以矩形压电微悬臂梁结构作为换能单元,通过对压电层等效电流源和单相桥式整流电路的理论及相关公式的推导,得出微能量功率的计算公式。

    An energy harvesting structure based on rectangle piezoelectric microcantilever was set up and the process of energy transform from vibration to electric was generally analyzed .

  18. 另外,本文还就异步电机在非额定状态下运行时,输出功率的计算公式及如何实现效率优化等问题进行了讨论。

    Moreover , this text discuss the calculation formula of the output power when motor is working at unrated circulation and how to realize excellent efficiency .

  19. 背景噪声模型研究了星光、天光等光源的传输,给出了背景噪声的平均接收光功率的计算公式。

    In background noise model , the trans-port of starlight optical sources are studied , the formulas of mean received optical power of background noises are derived .

  20. 提出了在上山坡道上的转向阻力矩、牵引力和功率的计算公式,并以水平地面的实测功率进行了验证。

    The formulae for calculating the uphill steering torque resistance , haulage force and power are presented and the results are checked by the measured power on horizontal surface .

  21. 本文结合盾构机施工各工况参数的数学模型,给出了泥浆泵配套功率的计算公式,即交流电机选型标准。

    The article combined with mathematical models of some construction condition parameters provided the power formula of mud pump package , that is , the selection criteria of AC motor .

  22. 光脉冲传输模型研究了信号光脉冲的角度扩散和路径透过率,给出了信号光脉冲的平均接收光功率的计算公式。

    In optical pulse transport model , the angular spreading of light beam and path transmission are studied , the formulas of mean received optical power of signal pulse are derived .

  23. 本文探讨了挤压轮所受的坯料变形阻力矩及摩擦阻力矩的计算方法,从而推导出连续挤压包覆机传动功率的计算公式。

    This paper is to probe the calculation method of billet deformation and friction resistance moment exerted on extrusion wheel , and deduces the formulae of calculating drive power of continuous extrusion cladding machine .

  24. 探讨了用连续挤压包覆法生产铝包钢线过程中芯线张力与速度的计算方法,推导出生产线中牵引绞盘功率的计算公式。

    Abstract Research the calculation method on wire tensile and its velocity in producing Al-cladding wire by means of continuous extrusion cladding , and deduce the formulate of calculating the power of drawn wheel in Al-cladding wire production line .

  25. 基于声辐射模态和声场分布模态,推导了计算任意形状振动表面辐射声功率的计算公式,丰富了声辐射问题中的模态分析内容。

    Based on the acoustic radi-ation modes and the acoustic field distribution modes , the formula for determining the acoustic power radiated from any vibrating surface is derived . The modal analysis in the acoustic radiation problems is enriched .

  26. 以实测为根据,对圆盘式金属热锯机锯片在受径向载荷和轴向载荷作用时的轴向变形进行了分析,找出了热锯机夹锯功率的计算公式。

    Based on measured data , analysis is given of the axial deformation in the chip of disk hot metal sawing machine when under both radial load and axial load . Formulae are shown for calculating the frictional power of the machine .

  27. 通过研究倾斜隔仓板磨机中研磨体在瀑工作状态下的质量变化,得到了相应条件下磨机所需功率的计算公式,为确定磨机总传动功率提共了必要的依据。

    Through analyzing the mass change of grinding media under a working state in a inclined diaphragm mill , the formula for calculating the mill power required is obtained under a correspondence condition , which lays a foundation for defining total transmission power .

  28. 本文阐述一种新型钢带滑片式无级变速器的构造和工作原理,导出了所能传递功率的计算公式,并对影响其传动能力的主要因素进行了分析。

    In this paper , the construction and the working principle of a new steel belt-slide block variator are discussed . The formula of its power transmission capacity has been derived , and the main factors which influences the power transmission capacity are analysed .

  29. 利用能量守恒定律,分析了干法单螺杆膨化机机筒中的能量变化,提出了一种主轴电机功率的计算公式,并用另两种膨化机验证了该公式的准确性和可用性。

    Making use of the law of conservation of energy , the variation of energy in the sleeve of dry-single screw extruder was analyzed and a kind of calculating formula about power of the main shaft was put forward and the feasibility was verified by other two kinds of extruders .

  30. 介绍了环锤式破碎机的基本结构和工作原理,通过动力学分析,导出了该机型电机功率的计算公式,并通过试验进行了论证,为该机型电机功率的确定提供了理论依据。

    Introduced the basic structure and the work principle of wreath hammer crusher , passing the dynamics analysis , leading the calculation formula of the model electric motor power , and passed to experiment to carry on argument , provided the theories basis for the model electric motor power assurance .