
  • 网络orientation
  1. 办学定位:高校发展战略规划的核心

    Manage orientation : the core of developmental strategic program of university

  2. 对地方高校工业设计专业办学定位的再思考

    Rethinking of the Orientation of Industrial Design Specialty in Local College

  3. 浅谈高校人才流失的预防策略地方普通高等学校办学定位探讨

    Local Universities and Colleges ' Precautionary Measures Against Outflow of Talent

  4. 从办学定位审视高等艺术职业学院的教育模式

    On Educational Model of Vocational Colleges of Art from Schooling Posittion

  5. 办学定位是指办学目标的确定和相对稳定。

    Administrative position means decision and stabilization of the administrative goal .

  6. 坚持科学发展观搞好地方高校办学定位

    The Institutional Orientation of Local Universities Based on the Scientific Development Outlook

  7. 关于独立学院办学定位及人才培养模式的思考

    Considering on School Running Orientation Training Model of Students of Independent Institutes

  8. 对目前我国高校办学定位若干问题的思考

    Thought about the Issue of Colleges and Universities Education Orientation in Our Country

  9. 关于新建本科师范院校学科建设的思考新建本科院校的办学定位

    A Reflection on the Subject Construction in Newly-established Teachers Colleges of Four-year Schooling

  10. 试论教学型大学办学定位的依据及其特征

    On the Base and Feature of the Orientation of Running Teaching Modal Universities

  11. 体育学院英语专业办学定位与课程设置探讨

    Inquiry into Orientation of Starting English Major in Institutes of P.E.and Its Courses Offered

  12. 可以说,办学定位决定着学校的发展。

    It can be said that manage orientation decides the development of a university .

  13. 医学高职学院办学定位与专业学科建设的探索

    Case-based exploration on orientation and specialty and subject construction of higher medical vocational college

  14. 高等特殊教育师范院校的办学定位

    Orientation of Higher College of Special Education

  15. 新办院校办学定位的思考

    Reflections of School-Running Orientation of New-Established Schools

  16. 关于我国继续教育办学定位和办学思路的战略性思考

    School-running orientation and thought about continuing education

  17. 河南省普通本科院校体育师资现状分析及发展策略新建本科院校的办学定位

    Analyses on Present Situation and Developing Strategy of P.E. Teachers of Common Universities in Henan Province

  18. 结合学校办学定位,促进地方高师院校专业协调发展

    To Promote the Specialty Balancing Development of Local Normal University in Combination with University Developing Orientation

  19. 这种特殊的办学定位和人才培养目标也对技术本科院校教师的专业发展提出了特殊的要求。

    So this distinctive school orientation and personnel training objectives put forward special requirements for their teachers .

  20. 这种困境的存在,与这些学校的办学定位不准、专业特色不鲜明等是有关系的。

    Which is closely related to the incorrect positioning of running school and unclear features of specialty .

  21. 论大学办学定位与发展战略

    Orientation and Strategy for University

  22. 教学型学校和应用型人才培养是我校的办学定位和学生的培养模式。

    In our college , the teaching-style school and applied student training model should be the main choice .

  23. 我国继续教育事业成就巨大,但也存在着办学定位和办学思路上的问题。

    The paper expounds on orientation of running a school , its innovation and ways of making innovations .

  24. 通过对杭州职业技术学院办学定位的分析,提出了高职院校办学定位的若干建设性建议。

    Through analysis market orientation of Hangzhou Vocational and Technical College , the author put out some constructive suggestions .

  25. 这一问题突出表现在办学定位、教育内容、以及学校发展路径的选择等各个方面。

    This problem shows especially on the orientations , the contents of education and the paths of school development .

  26. 重点论述了地方大学的自我认同,地方大学必须在办学定位、办学理念方面重新审视自己的价值所在。

    The explication focuses on self-identification of local universities and on re-evaluation of positioning and school-running concept of local universities .

  27. 普通地方高校的办学定位与办学特色我国地方高等学校特色项目建设研究

    School-running Orientation and Features of Ordinary Local Higher Learning Institutions ; Research on Constructing Characteristics Items of Local Colleges and Universities

  28. 新形势下民办高校办学定位的若干思考找准高职办学定位探索警官教育机制

    Reflections on Orientation for Running Private Schools in the New Situation ; Investigate Police Officers Education Mech anism Seek Vocational College Guiding Position

  29. 因此,广西地方高校应转变观念,增强区域意识,办学定位要以面向东盟服务广西区域经济社会发展为主旨;

    Guangxi local universities should change their mind to strengthen regional awareness , take serving regional economic development as the keystone of running school ;

  30. 扩展科研评价的内涵,立足采纳切合高校自身办学定位的科研评价内容和方式;

    Connotation of scientific evaluation must be expanded and contents and ways of scientific research evaluation suitable to the university itself must be adopted .