
  1. 1948年8月华北联合大学和北方大学合并,成立华北大学,校址设在河北省正定县城。

    In August 1948 , Huabei University was founded on the basis of the merging of Huabei University of Association and North University in Zhengding county , Hebei Province .

  2. 1939年7月陕北公学、延安鲁迅艺术学院、延安工人学校、安吴堡战时青年训练班四校联合成立华北联合大学。

    In July 1939 , Huabei University of Association was founded in Yan'an on the basis of the merging of Shanbei Public School , Yan'an Luxun Art College , Yan'an Worker 's School and Anwubao wartime youth training squad .

  3. 先后创办陕北公学、华北联合大学、华北联合大学等革命时期著名学府,培养了大批革命干部和其他各类人才,为中国革命的胜利做出了贡献。

    Has founded North Shanxi College , North China Union University , North China Joint University and other prestigious universities during the revolution , cultivated a large number of revolutionary cadres and other categories of personnel , and contributed to the victory of the revolution in China .