
  1. 权力与反抗:一个自由主义知识分子的精神突围&论王小波其文其人

    Power and Revolt : the Spiritual Breakthrough of A Liberalism Intellectual

  2. 王小波的精神结构及其小说的结构艺术

    WANG Xiao-bo ′ s Spiritual Structure and his Novels ′ Structual Art

  3. 本论文系王小波研究之研究。

    The present paper is Wang Xiaobo studies the research .

  4. 这与中国的历史背景和王小波的自身经历有关。

    This is connected with Chinese history and Wang Xiaobo 's experice .

  5. 知识分子话语的有趣表达&论王小波杂文随笔

    " Interesting " expression of Intellectual discourse & discuss WANG Xiao-bo 's essay

  6. 中国当代文学中的反乌托邦寓言的创作始于王小波。

    The writing of contemporary dystopian allegory in China started from Wang Xiaobo .

  7. 主体建构与困境救赎&王小波及其文学世界

    Subject Construction and Redemption of Plight & Wang Xiaobo and His Literature World

  8. 中国作家王小波的西方资源

    The Western Resources of the Chinese Writer Wang Xiao-bo

  9. 精神突围与自我拯救&论王小波及其小说

    Spiritual Encirclement Breaking and Self Deliverance ── On Wang Xiaobo and His Novels

  10. 用一生写出的有趣文字&试论王小波小说语言的艺术

    The Language Art of Wang Xiao-bo 's Novels

  11. 王小波的小说本文有着独特的、鲜明的喜剧性;

    Wang xiao-bo 's novels have a kind of special and brilliance comedic style .

  12. 王小波《时代三部曲》的叙事特色

    Narrative Features of WANG Xiao-bo 's Ages Trilogy

  13. 黄金时代的重写与敞开&王小波的写作与现代新理性的重建

    On The Golden Age by Wang Xiaobo

  14. 王小波正是以精英知识分子的身份在他的文学文本中展开了现代性诉求。

    Wang Xiaobo , as a elitist intellectual , struggled for modernity in his texts .

  15. 跳出手掌心:王小波小说艺术的渊源与创化

    Off the Beaten Track : The Origin and Its Innovation of Wang Xiaobo 's Novelistic Art

  16. 幽默与诗意是王小波小说最鲜明独特的风格。

    Humor and poetry are the most outstanding and unique styles in Wang Xiaobo 's novels .

  17. 众声喧哗中的三重遮蔽&从郁达夫、王小波笔下的孽恋和虐恋谈起

    A Talk on the Evil and Tyrannical Love in the Works of Yu Da-fu and Wang Xiao-bo

  18. 王小波是中国当代文学最美的收获之一。

    Wang Xiaobo is one of the most outstanding masters in the history of Chinese contemporary literature .

  19. 王小波是20世纪末中国精神领域的一个奇迹。

    WANG Xiao bo is a wonder in Chinese spiritual field at the end of the 20th century .

  20. 中西荒诞戏剧承传论王小波作品中的二元对立关系的分解

    On the Dissemination of Chinese and Western Absurd Drama Dissemination of Binary Oppositions in WANG Xiao Bo 's Fictions

  21. 王小波,当代著名作家,生前鲜为人知,死后却声名远扬。

    Wang Xiaobo , a famous contemporary writer , unknown during his lifetime , but famous after his death .

  22. 但王小波之所以为王小波,很大程度上是由他那特立独行的想象精神决定的。

    But the author think , reasons for Wang-Xiaobo be Wang-Xiaobo , largely from his maverick imagine mental decisions .

  23. 迄今为止从未写过一封给陌生人的信,但王小波的死给了我极大的打击,因为他就是我曾经想要写信的人。

    But the death of WANG-Xiaobo is a shock to me , for he is the imagined receiver of my letter .

  24. 真实的荒诞和荒诞的真实&试论王小波小说中对权力话语生成方式的揭示及其批判

    The true absurdity and the absurd truth & A critical study of the power discourse in the novels of Wang Xiaobo

  25. 本文从政治、性、笑三个方面对王小波与米兰·昆德拉的作品进行了比较。

    The article made a comparison between Wang Xiaobo and Milan Kwindlar in three aspects of politics , sex and laughter .

  26. 王小波小说叙事艺术的新颖独创凸显出元小说的某些特征。

    In the fictions by Wang Xiaobo , the novelty and original of the narrative art show some characteristics of meta fiction .

  27. 在我们享受王小波的文本谐趣同时,也在体验着某种深刻的痛楚。

    When we enjoy the interest of the letter of Wangxiaobo 's , we will also experience a kind of profound distress .

  28. 作家王小波(1952-1997)其人其文在中国当代文坛似属异类。

    Wang Xiaobo ( 1952-1997 ), a writer & both his works and himself are unique in contemporary literary world in China .

  29. 在二十世纪末的中国小说界,王小波的喜剧性小说创作显示出十分独特的艺术魅力。

    Wang xiao-bo 's comedic novels show a kind of special fascination in the novel world at the end of the twentieth century .

  30. 穿越时空的幽会&鲁迅《故事新编》与王小波《青铜时代》比较研究

    The Tryst Through Different Time and Space & The Comparative Study of Newly-Edited Stories by Lu Xun and Bronze Age by Wang Xiaobo